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Cloud Native Basics for Developers

Cloud Native Basics for Developers
Nimrod Kramer
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Explore the basics, benefits, core concepts, architectural patterns, key technologies, and future trends of cloud native development for developers. Learn how to get started and key best practices.

Cloud native development is transforming how we create, deploy, and manage applications in the cloud era, making software more adaptable, efficient, and reliable. Here's a quick overview to get you started:

  • Cloud Native Basics: It's about building apps that fully leverage cloud technologies, breaking them down into microservices, and using containers for easy deployment.
  • Key Benefits: Scalability, resiliency, productivity, and cost savings.
  • Core Concepts: Include microservices, containers and orchestration, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), and Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD).
  • Architectural Patterns: Focus on designing for scalability, ensuring high availability and fault tolerance, and embedding security from the start.
  • Key Technologies: Kubernetes for orchestration, Docker for containerization, Istio for service mesh, Prometheus for monitoring, and Helm for Kubernetes app management.
  • Getting Started: Set up your environment with Kubernetes, Docker, and necessary CLI tools. Design your application using microservices and containerization. Implement CI/CD pipelines for automation. Ensure monitoring and logging.
  • The Future of Cloud Native: Trends include serverless computing, edge computing, and the integration of AI and machine learning.

In essence, cloud native development involves leveraging modern technologies and practices to build applications that are more resilient, scalable, and quickly adaptable to changing needs. It's about using the cloud not just for hosting but as an integral part of your application's architecture.

Benefits of Cloud Native

Choosing cloud native development comes with a bunch of perks:

  • Scalability - Apps can easily grow or shrink to handle more or fewer users.
  • Resiliency - If one part has a problem, the others keep working fine.
  • Productivity - Using automation, containers, and cloud services means things get done faster.
  • Cost savings - You only pay for what you use, which can save a lot of money.

In short, cloud native makes it easier to get software out there quickly, with the ability to adapt, keep things running smoothly, and use resources wisely.

Core Concepts

Cloud native architectures use some important ideas and tools to help apps work better and change faster on the cloud. These main points help build modern software that's really good at using cloud features.


Microservices split up big, all-in-one apps into smaller, separate parts that talk to each other using APIs. Each part does its own thing and can be worked on, tested, put out there, and made bigger or smaller on its own.

Why microservices are great:

  • Easier to make bigger - You can add more of the same service to handle more work.
  • Quicker updates - Smaller bits of code mean you can make changes faster.
  • If one part breaks, the rest keep going - Problems don't spread.
  • Use what works best - You can pick different tools for each service.

Microservices help make apps that can be updated quickly and work well even if parts fail.

Containers & Orchestration

Containers let you bundle an app with everything it needs so it can run the same way everywhere. Tools like Kubernetes help manage these containers, taking care of setting them up, connecting them, making them bigger or smaller, and keeping them going.

What containers and orchestration do:

  • Work anywhere - Apps in containers can run on any setup.
  • Move fast - Containers start and stop quickly, which is great for frequent updates.
  • Use space well - They're more efficient than older methods, like virtual machines.
  • Keep going - If something goes wrong, these tools help fix it without much fuss.

Containers and tools like Kubernetes are key for making apps that can easily move and change without trouble.

Infrastructure as Code

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) means setting up and managing your tech setup using code instead of doing it manually. This makes things like:

  • Doing it again easily - You can set up your infrastructure fresh from code that's been saved and checked.
  • Checking changes first - You can test updates before you make them real.
  • Quick setup - You can get your infrastructure ready faster with automatic tools.

IaC turns cloud resources into something you can easily control and change as part of your regular app updates.

Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery

CI/CD pipelines automatically handle the building, testing, and releasing of your software. This means:

  • Less risk - Automatic tests mean fewer mistakes.
  • Faster releases - It takes less time to go from writing code to using it.
  • Safe mistakes - If updates cause problems, you can undo them quickly.

CI/CD lets teams update apps quickly and safely, keeping things running smoothly and efficiently.

Architectural Patterns

Cloud native applications aim to be really good at using the cloud to their advantage. Here's how to make apps that are strong and can handle a lot without breaking.

Designing for Scalability

To make the most of the cloud's ability to handle more or less work as needed, apps should be made with growth in mind:

  • Stateless services - Don't keep important info inside services. Use outside places to store data instead. This makes it easy to add or remove services as needed.

  • Horizontal scaling - Add more instances of a service when you need more power, rather than making a single server bigger.

  • Load balancing - Spread out requests across many instances and automatically adjust based on how busy they are.

  • Caching - Keep data ready in memory to lower the pressure on databases.

  • Queueing - Use queues to manage sudden increases in work.

  • Sharding - Split data across different places to manage the load better.

With these strategies, apps can grow or shrink efficiently based on demand.

High Availability & Fault Tolerance

To make sure apps are always available, even when things go wrong, include backups and self-fixing features:

  • Health checks - Keep an eye on how well services are doing, and restart the ones that aren't working right.

  • Circuit breakers - Stop problems from spreading by cutting off services that aren't working well.

  • Replication - Have extra copies of services and data ready in case something fails.

  • Failover - If some parts fail, automatically switch to working ones.

  • Chaos engineering - Deliberately cause problems to test how well your system recovers.

  • Backups - Keep extra copies of really important data just in case.

By preparing for problems, cloud native apps can keep running smoothly even when things go wrong.


Security needs to be part of the app from the start:

  • Least privilege access - Services should only be able to get to the resources they really need to do their job.

  • Encryption - Keep data safe by encoding it, both when it's being sent and when it's not being used.

  • Automated security patching - Use the latest security fixes quickly to keep everything safe.

  • Threat detection - Watch for strange behavior or signs that someone's trying to break in.

  • Identity and access management - Make sure only the right people can get to certain data or parts of the app, and keep track of who's doing what.

  • Security testing - Check for security problems automatically as part of your regular app updates.

By taking security seriously at every step, you can make your app safe without slowing down how fast you can make changes.

Key Technologies

Kubernetes is like the big boss of handling apps that are broken down into smaller, manageable pieces, known as containers. It's a tool that helps these pieces work well together, whether they're running in your own computer room or across different cloud services. Here's what it does:

  • Automatically sets up and adjusts the size of these containers as needed
  • Helps containers find and talk to each other
  • Manages storage for these containers
  • Can update or undo changes without downtime
  • Fixes problems automatically
  • Connects containers in a smart network

Docker makes it super easy for developers to create, share, and run any app, anywhere. It's like packing your app and all the stuff it needs into a box that can be opened anywhere, be it your laptop or a big cloud system. Here's the rundown:

  • Puts your app and all its needs into a container
  • Makes sure the container works the same everywhere
  • Keeps track of different versions
  • Helps share and manage parts of the app
  • Automates the process of building this box

Istio connects and protects the different parts of your app, making sure they can talk to each other safely and efficiently. It's like having a traffic controller for your app's internal communications, without needing to change your app. It offers:

  • Easy connections between app parts
  • Secure communication
  • Tools to watch over and understand traffic
  • Simple setup

Prometheus keeps an eye on your app and lets you know if something's not right. It's especially good for apps broken down into microservices and running in containers. Here’s what it brings to the table:

  • Collects detailed info about your app
  • Lets you create custom views to monitor your app
  • Uses a smart way to ask questions about your data
  • Keeps running even if some parts fail
  • Works well with Kubernetes, Docker, and cloud setups

Helm is like the toolbox for managing Kubernetes apps. It packages everything your app needs into a neat bundle and helps you install, update, or share these bundles. Think of it as an app store for your Kubernetes apps. Here's the deal:

  • Packages your Kubernetes resources
  • Lets you customize and manage these packages
  • Keeps track of different versions
  • Makes installing and updating apps in Kubernetes a breeze
  • Share and reuse these packages with your team

Getting Started

Setting up the Environment

To dive into building cloud native apps, you'll need a few tools ready:

  • Kubernetes - This helps organize and manage your app's containers. You can try it out on your computer with Minikube or Kind.

  • Docker - This tool packages your app so it can run the same way everywhere. Docker Desktop is a good place to start.

  • CLI Tools - These are command line tools like kubectl for Kubernetes and the docker CLI for managing containers.

  • Code Editor - Use an editor like VS Code for writing your code. It has helpful add-ons for Docker and Kubernetes.

Check out guides specific to your platform to install and set these up. Getting these basics ready is the first step.

Designing the Application

When thinking about your new app, plan to split it into small, independent parts called microservices. Here are some tips:

  • Split by domain - Break your app into smaller pieces that focus on specific tasks.
  • Size appropriately - Make sure each service is small enough to handle on its own but has a clear job.
  • Develop APIs first - Decide how these services will talk to each other early on.
  • Stateless over stateful - Try not to store information in the services. Use external storage to make scaling easier.
  • Loose coupling - Keep services independent to avoid complications.

Think about how these services will be put into containers and managed by something like Kubernetes. Make good choices about how you'll build, deploy, and run everything.

CI/CD Pipeline

Set up a system to automatically build, test, and deploy your code:

  • Source code management - Use tools like GitHub to keep track of your code.

  • Build automation - Automatically prepare your code and package it into containers when changes are made.

  • Testing layers - Make sure to test your code in different ways before it goes live.

  • Environment management - Have different settings for development, testing, and the real deal.

  • Deployment automation - Get your app out there automatically.

  • Infrastructure as Code - Use code to set up and manage your tech setup easily.

  • Monitoring - Keep an eye on how your app is doing.

Tools like Jenkins, CircleCI, and GitLab CI/CD can help make this process smoother.

Monitoring & Logging

Make sure you can see what's happening in your app by:

  • Metrics collection - Use Prometheus to understand how your app is performing.

  • Logging - Keep track of what's happening in your app with tools like Elasticsearch.

  • Tracing - Use Jaeger to follow requests through your services.

  • Visualization - Use Grafana to make sense of your metrics and logs.

  • Alerting - Set up alerts with Alertmanager for when things aren't going right.

This helps you stay on top of how your app is doing and quickly fix any issues.

Best Practices

Here are some key tips for building cloud native apps:


  • Make it easy to add more power to your app without big changes.
  • Use techniques like load balancing to manage traffic.
  • Use caching and databases wisely to handle more users.


  • Check on your services to keep things running smoothly.
  • Use smart strategies to prevent and manage failures.
  • Keep backups and plan for emergencies.


  • Control who can do what in your app.
  • Keep your data safe with encryption.
  • Stay on top of security updates.

Operational Excellence

  • Use code to manage your tech environment.
  • Roll out changes carefully and keep testing.
  • Make sure you can quickly fix or undo changes if needed.

Following these tips will help your app run well and keep your users happy.

The Future of Cloud Native

Cloud native technologies are quickly changing to better fit the needs of modern software making. As more companies start using cloud native ways, we're seeing some big trends.

Serverless & FaaS

Going serverless with Functions-as-a-Service (FaaS) is getting more popular because it's efficient and can handle a lot of work. Here's what's important:

  • FaaS, like AWS Lambda, lets developers run code without worrying about the servers. This cuts down on how much you spend on keeping things running.
  • FaaS can automatically adjust to handle more or less work depending on what's needed, without having to guess how much capacity you'll need.
  • Serverless setups, like those that work off queues, fit really well with the cloud native approach of breaking things into smaller, spread-out pieces.
  • There are still some hurdles with keeping an eye on and fixing serverless apps, but the tools are getting better.

As cloud services keep getting better, more people are likely to start using serverless.

Edge Computing

Doing computing work closer to where people are has its perks:

  • It makes things faster by dealing with requests closer to the people using the service. This is great for apps that need to be really quick.
  • It doesn't use as much internet bandwidth because not everything has to go back to a main data center.
  • It can keep working even if the internet goes down, making it more reliable.

With the growth of 5G, edge computing will make apps feel more instant. Cloud services are already starting to offer edge computing.

AI and Machine Learning

AI and machine learning are making apps smarter and easier to use:

  • Machine learning lets apps understand and do things like process natural language, see like humans do, suggest things, make predictions, and more.
  • AutoML lets people create smart models without needing to be experts.
  • MLOps uses DevOps ideas to make machine learning better and more efficient.
  • Serverless is great for scaling up the part of machine learning that applies what the model has learned.

As machine learning tools and services get better, adding smart features to apps will get easier, making them more useful.


Cloud native is changing how we make, put out, and look after modern apps. By using ideas like breaking big apps into smaller services, using containers, making sure these services can talk to each other safely, and automating the process of putting out new app versions, developers can make apps that are ready for the cloud.

Key points to remember:

  • Cloud native turns big, single apps into smaller services that can be updated faster.
  • Containers and tools like Kubernetes help move and manage these parts easily.
  • A service mesh keeps the communication between services safe and watched over.
  • Automating the build, test, and release process with CI/CD pipelines makes getting new features out faster and more reliable.
  • Using code to set up and manage your tech stuff makes things simpler.
  • The whole cloud native setup includes new ways of building, processes, and tools that help match tech needs with business goals.

Going cloud native means you can change things quickly, save money, have a more stable setup, and bring new ideas to life faster. As things like serverless computing, edge computing, and AI/ML keep getting better, there's a big chance for developers to make really advanced apps.

To sum it up, going cloud native helps teams keep up with business changes. By following these methods, you can make your work more productive, resilient, and creative.

What does a cloud-native developer do?

A cloud-native developer makes apps that work really well in the cloud. This means they use certain tools and methods to make apps that can handle changes easily, work on different platforms, and fix themselves if something goes wrong. Here's what they usually do:

  • Create apps made of small, independent parts called microservices
  • Use containers to make sure these parts can handle lots of users and still work well
  • Use code to automatically set up and manage the cloud environment
  • Set up automatic systems for testing and updating the app
  • Keep an eye on how the app and its environment are performing
  • Make sure the app can keep running, even if some parts fail

In short, they build apps that are ready for anything the cloud can throw at them.

How do I get started with cloud-native?

To start with cloud-native development, follow these steps:

  • Understand the basics, like what containers, Kubernetes, microservices, and Infrastructure as Code (IaC) are
  • Get your computer ready with tools like Docker, Kubernetes (using Minikube), Terraform, and Ansible
  • Try making simple apps that use these cloud-native ideas
  • Learn about cloud-native frameworks that can help you build apps
  • Look at examples from cloud services to see how they do things
  • Practice putting apps on cloud services with Kubernetes
  • Learn to use tools like Prometheus and Grafana to check on your app

Start with easy projects and gradually try more complex ones. Work on both making and managing your apps.

What are the four key principles of cloud-native development?

The main ideas behind cloud-native development are:

  • Make parts of your app that don't need to remember information and can work independently
  • Use containers to make your app work the same in any environment
  • Let the cloud automatically handle your app's needs and adjust resources as needed
  • Think about automatic testing and updates when building your app

These ideas help make apps that can easily adapt and grow with the cloud.

What are the four key technologies underpinning cloud-native development?

The big technologies for cloud-native development are:

  • Containers: They package your app so it can run the same anywhere
  • Orchestrators like Kubernetes: They help manage your containers, making sure they're running as they should
  • Microservices: This approach breaks big apps into smaller, separate pieces
  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC): This lets you use code to manage your cloud setup

These technologies help developers make apps that are flexible, can grow, and are easy to update.

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