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Crowdsourcing Ideas from Developer Communities: Guide

Crowdsourcing Ideas from Developer Communities: Guide
Nimrod Kramer
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Learn how to crowdsource ideas from developer communities with this comprehensive guide. Discover key benefits, steps to succeed, and tips for successful crowdsourcing.

Here's a quick guide to crowdsourcing ideas from developer communities:

  1. Plan your project
  2. Choose the right platform
  3. Write a clear call for ideas
  4. Engage developers
  5. Manage submissions
  6. Select the best ideas
  7. Implement chosen ideas
  8. Keep the community active

Key benefits of crowdsourcing:

Benefit Description
More ideas Get input from diverse backgrounds
Faster solutions Many minds work quicker
Fresh perspectives Gain new insights
Community building Foster collaboration

To succeed:

  • Be clear about your goals and process
  • Communicate regularly with participants
  • Offer incentives and recognition
  • Provide necessary tools and support
  • Be open to feedback and iteration

By following these steps, you can tap into the collective wisdom of developer communities to solve problems and drive innovation.

2. Getting Ready to Crowdsource

Before you start asking for ideas, it's important to prepare. This means figuring out what you need, setting goals, and deciding on limits. These steps will help make your project clear and useful.

2.1 Figure Out What You Need

Think about what problem you want to solve or what new idea you're looking for. Write it down in simple terms. This will help you explain it to others when you ask for their thoughts.

2.2 Set Clear Goals

Decide what you want to achieve. Think about how you'll know if your project is successful. Here's a simple way to organize your goals:

Goal Type Description Example
Main Goal The big thing you want to do Find a new way to speed up our software
Smaller Goals Steps to reach the main goal Get 100 ideas, test top 5 ideas
How to Measure Ways to check if you're successful Count number of ideas, track speed improvements

2.3 Set Project Limits

Choose what your project will and won't do. This helps keep things on track. Consider:

  • How long the project will last
  • What resources you have (money, people, tools)
  • What kind of ideas you're looking for

3. Picking the Right Platform

Choosing a good platform is key when asking developers for ideas. The platform you pick will affect how many people join in and share their thoughts.

3.1 Common Developer Platforms

Developers use many different platforms to talk and share ideas. Some popular ones are:

Platform Type Main Use
GitHub Code hosting Sharing and working on code
Stack Overflow Q&A forum Asking and answering coding questions
Reddit Discussion forum Talking about various topics
Wazoku Crowd Idea sharing Submitting and discussing new ideas
Openideo Idea sharing Focusing on social impact projects

3.2 What to Look for in a Platform

When picking a platform, think about these things:

  • Users: Does it have many active developers who fit your project?
  • Tools: Does it have what you need, like ways to submit ideas and vote?
  • Easy to use: Can developers easily join in and share their thoughts?

3.3 Platform Comparison

Here's how some platforms compare:

Platform Users Main Tools Good Points Not So Good Points
GitHub Many Code hosting, teamwork tools Great for open-source, big community Not great for non-code projects
Stack Overflow Many Q&A, knowledge sharing Good for fixing problems, big community Not made for sharing new ideas
Wazoku Crowd Some Idea sharing, teamwork tools Works for many types of projects, easy to use Fewer users than GitHub or Stack Overflow
Openideo Some Idea sharing, teamwork tools Good for helping society, easy to use Fewer users than GitHub or Stack Overflow

Pick the platform that fits your project best. Think about what you need and what each platform offers.

4. Writing a Good Call for Ideas

How to ask developers for ideas in a clear way.

4.1 State the Problem Clearly

Tips for explaining the challenge so it's easy to understand:

  • Be specific: Tell exactly what the problem is, not just general ideas.
  • Give background: Share why the problem matters and what's been tried before.
  • Set goals: Say what you want to achieve by fixing the problem.

4.2 Set Submission Rules

What people need to know about sending in their ideas:

Rule Type What to Include
Format How to send ideas (writing, video, etc.)
Deadlines When to start and finish sending ideas
Judging How ideas will be picked

4.3 Create Evaluation Criteria

How to decide which ideas are best:

1. Pick main factors: Choose what's most important (like if it will work, how much it helps, if it's new).

2. Plan the judging: Say who will look at ideas and how they'll choose.

3. Give feedback: Tell people what was good about their ideas and what could be better, even if you don't pick them.

Criteria Description
Will it work? Can the idea be done with what we have?
How much does it help? Will it make a big difference?
Is it new? Have we seen this idea before?

5. Getting Developers Involved

To get good ideas from developers, you need to get them interested and help them join in. Here's how to do that:

5.1 Tell People About Your Project

Let developers know about your project using:

Where to Share How to Share
Social media Post on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook
Online forums Share in groups about your topic
Developer sites Tell people on GitHub, Stack Overflow, Reddit
Emails Send news to people who might care
Blogs Write about your project on popular sites

Make your project sound fun by using videos, pictures, and stories that show why it's good.

5.2 Make People Want to Join

Give reasons for developers to help:

What to Offer Why It Helps
Prizes Makes people try harder
Chances to meet others Helps people make friends and learn
Special tools Gives people useful things
Help from experts Lets people learn from the best
Being part of a team Makes people feel good

Show who's doing well with a list of top helpers.

5.3 Give Help and Tools

Make it easy for people to join in:

What to Provide Why It's Important
Clear rules Helps people know what to do
Useful stuff Gives people what they need to work
Someone to ask Answers questions when people need help
A place to share ideas Makes it easy to give and track ideas
Updates Keeps people interested

6. Handling Ideas

When you get many ideas from developers, you need to organize them, help people talk about them, and make sure no one's work is stolen. Here's how to do that:

6.1 Sort and Group Ideas

To handle ideas well, put them in groups that make sense. You can do this by:

Method What It Means
Put in categories Group ideas by what they're about
Add tags Put keywords on ideas to find them easily
Rank them Put the best ideas at the top

Sorting ideas helps you see what's important and what ideas are alike.

6.2 Ask for Feedback

Getting people to talk about ideas makes them better. Try these:

  • Make a place where people can comment on ideas
  • Have online meetings to talk about ideas
  • Give rewards to people who help make ideas better

When people talk about ideas, they work together and come up with better plans.

6.3 Protect People's Work

It's important to make sure no one steals ideas. Do these things:

  • Write clear rules about who owns the ideas
  • Use special agreements to keep secrets safe
  • Set up ways to stop people from taking ideas

When you protect people's work, they feel safe sharing their ideas, and your company stays out of trouble.


7. Picking the Best Ideas

7.1 Make a Fair Way to Choose

To pick the best ideas fairly:

  • Use clear rules to judge ideas
  • Give each idea a score
  • Have different people look at the ideas
  • Tell everyone how you'll choose

7.2 Ask Important People to Help Decide

Get help from:

Who to Ask Why They Help
Experts Know a lot about the topic
Business people Understand what sells
Developers Can say if ideas work

Think about working together to make the final idea.

7.3 Tell Everyone What You Picked

After choosing:

  • Say why you picked some ideas
  • Explain how you judged the ideas
  • Thank people who helped
  • Keep talking to everyone about what's next

8. Putting Ideas into Action

8.1 Make an Action Plan

After picking the best ideas, it's important to plan how to make them happen. This plan should show:

  • What needs to be done
  • When it should be done
  • What's needed to do it

To make a good plan:

  • Break big jobs into smaller ones
  • Give jobs to team members
  • Set dates for when things should be done
  • Think about what might go wrong and how to fix it
  • Choose ways to check if the plan is working

8.2 Give Out Jobs and Tools

Once you have a plan, make sure you have what you need and give people the right jobs:

What to Do Why It's Important
Find the right people Make sure you have the skills you need
Give enough money Have what you need to do the job
Tell people what to do Everyone knows their job
Set up ways to talk People can share how things are going

8.3 Check How It's Going

Keep an eye on how the ideas are working out:

  • See if you're following the plan
  • Look at numbers to see if it's working
  • Talk to people about how it's going
  • Learn from what works and what doesn't

9. Keeping the Community Active

After putting ideas into action, it's important to keep developers interested. This part talks about how to do that.

9.1 Give Updates Often

Tell people how their ideas are being used:

How to Update What to Share
Blog posts Success stories
Newsletters Progress reports
Social media Changes to the project

Sharing updates helps people feel part of the project.

9.2 Say Thanks and Give Rewards

Show people you're glad they helped:

Ways to Thank Examples
Public recognition Mention helpers in updates
Badges Give digital awards
Prizes Offer small gifts or money

When you thank people, they feel good about helping.

9.3 Ask for More Help Later

Keep people interested in helping again:

Activity Purpose
Online talks Share what people learned
Meet-ups Let helpers talk to each other
Coding events Work on new projects together

These activities help people feel like they're part of a team and want to keep helping.

10. Tips for Successful Crowdsourcing

10.1 Be Clear About the Process

Tell people what's happening at every step:

What to Do Why It Matters
Explain the problem clearly People know what you need
Set clear goals Everyone understands what to aim for
Give regular updates People stay interested and trust you

10.2 Keep Talking with Participants

Stay in touch with the people helping you:

How to Communicate What It Does
Make a way for people to give feedback Shows you care about their thoughts
Answer questions quickly Keeps people from getting confused
Give a place for people to share ideas Helps people work together

10.3 Watch Out for Common Mistakes

Be careful of these problems:

Mistake How to Avoid It
Not setting clear rules Write down what you want clearly
Not sharing enough information Tell people what's going on often
Not thanking people enough Show you're happy with their help

Remember to:

  • Thank the person with the best idea
  • Be honest about what you're doing
  • Be ready to change your plans if needed

11. Wrap-up

11.1 Key Steps Review

This guide covered how to get ideas from developer groups. Here's a quick look at the main steps:

Step What to Do
1 Say what you need and set goals
2 Pick the right place to ask for help
3 Write a good message asking for ideas
4 Get developers interested and help them join in
5 Look at ideas and give feedback
6 Choose the best ideas and use them
7 Keep talking to the people who helped

By doing these things, you can use many developers' ideas to make your work better.

11.2 Good Things for the Future

Getting ideas from developers isn't just for one time. It's something you keep doing. If you build a good group of developers:

Benefit How It Helps
New ideas People work together to think of new things
More help You can ask many smart people for help
Save money It can cost less to make things
Better products Things you make work better for users
Good name People think well of your company


How to engage a developer community?

To get developers involved, follow these steps:

  1. Join active developer groups
  2. Talk to developers as equals
  3. Ask for and use their input
  4. Find key people who can spread the word
  5. Keep talking with developers all the time

How to build a strong developer community?

To make a good developer community, focus on these areas:

Step What to Do
1. Set goals Decide why you want a community
2. Make a plan Figure out how to run the community
3. Pick a platform Choose where the community will meet online
4. Find members Get developers to join
5. Share good content Give helpful info to the community
6. Keep people talking Get members to join in and help others

How do you crowd source an idea?

To get ideas from many people:

  1. Plan it out: Think about what you want before you start
  2. Give rewards: Offer prizes to get more people to join in
  3. Use social media: Tell lots of people about your project online
  4. Pay attention: Listen to the ideas you get and use them to make your project better

These tips will help you work well with developer groups, make good connections, and get new ideas from many people.

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