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DAST: Dynamic Application Security Testing Guide 2024

DAST: Dynamic Application Security Testing Guide 2024
Nimrod Kramer
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Learn about Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) in 2024, including benefits, process, common issues, tools, and future trends. Discover how DAST helps secure web applications and APIs against external threats.

Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) is a crucial security method that checks running applications for vulnerabilities by simulating real-world attacks. Here's what you need to know:

  • DAST acts like a hacker to find weak spots in live applications
  • It's essential for securing web apps and APIs against external threats
  • DAST can be integrated into DevOps workflows for continuous security testing

Key benefits of DAST:

  • Identifies real-world vulnerabilities
  • Tests applications from an attacker's perspective
  • Helps meet compliance requirements (e.g., PCI DSS, HIPAA)

DAST process:

  1. Plan testing scope
  2. Map application entry points
  3. Simulate attacks to find vulnerabilities
  4. Verify and prioritize identified issues
  5. Generate reports for remediation

Common issues DAST detects:

Vulnerability Description
SQL Injection Manipulates database queries
XSS Injects malicious scripts into web pages
CSRF Tricks users into unwanted actions
Authentication Flaws Compromises user account security
IDOR Allows unauthorized data access

While powerful, DAST has limitations:

  • May miss certain internal vulnerabilities
  • Can be time-consuming for large applications
  • Requires careful configuration to avoid false positives

To maximize effectiveness, combine DAST with other testing methods like SAST and manual penetration testing.

DAST Basics

Main Ideas Behind Dynamic Testing

DAST checks running apps for security problems. It works like a hacker, trying to find weak spots from the outside. This method helps find real issues that attackers could use.

DAST vs. Other Security Tests

Here's how DAST compares to other tests:

Test Type What It Does When It's Used
DAST Tests running apps from outside During development and after launch
SAST Checks source code Early in development
IAST Tests from inside the app During development
RASP Protects apps while they run After launch

DAST stands out because it acts like a real attacker, making it key for app security.

Parts of a DAST System

A DAST system has three main parts:

  1. Scanner: Sends fake attacks to the app
  2. Analyzer: Checks how the app responds to attacks
  3. Reporter: Makes a list of found problems and how to fix them

These parts work together to find and report security issues in running apps.

How DAST Works

Planning Your DAST

Before starting DAST, make a plan:

  1. Pick which parts of your app to test
  2. Decide how often to test
  3. Choose what kinds of tests to run

Common tests include:

  • Checking logins
  • Making sure data input is safe
  • Seeing how the app handles errors

Finding and Mapping

DAST starts by looking at all the ways someone could get into your app. This includes:

  • Forms
  • APIs
  • Web addresses (URLs)

The DAST tool uses this info to test for weak spots.

Looking for Weak Spots

Next, the DAST tool tries to break into your app. It does this by:

  1. Sending bad data to your app
  2. Trying common hacking tricks
  3. Watching how your app responds

Testing Weak Spots

If the tool finds a possible problem, it checks to make sure it's real. Here's how:

  1. Sends many requests to the app
  2. Changes the data it sends each time
  3. Looks at how the app answers
  4. Figures out how big the problem is

Writing Up Results

After testing, you get a report. This report:

  1. Lists all the problems found
  2. Tells you how serious each problem is
  3. Gives tips on how to fix the issues

Your team can use this report to make your app safer.

Step What Happens Why It's Important
Plan Choose what to test Focuses your efforts
Find Map out app entry points Shows where hackers might get in
Look Try to break in Finds possible weak spots
Test Check if problems are real Confirms actual issues
Report List findings and fixes Helps team improve security

What DAST Can Find

DAST checks running web apps for security problems. It acts like a real attacker to find weak spots. Here's what DAST can spot:

Common Web App Weak Spots

DAST finds these common issues:

Issue What It Is Why It's Bad
SQL injection Sending bad data to mess with databases Can steal or change data
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Putting bad code in web pages Can steal user info or change sites
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Tricking users into doing things they didn't mean to Can change user data without them knowing
Broken authentication Problems with logins and user sessions Lets attackers pretend to be other users
Insecure Direct Object References (IDOR) Accessing things users shouldn't be able to Lets attackers see or change private data

API-Specific Issues

DAST also checks APIs for:

  • API keys that aren't hidden well
  • Ways to overload the API with too many requests
  • Data that isn't protected when sent over the internet

New Threats in 2024

DAST now looks for new problems like:

  • Attacks on cloud systems
  • Tricks using AI to hide from security
  • Problems with Internet of Things (IoT) devices

DAST Tools in 2024

In 2024, several DAST tools help find weak spots in web apps. Here are some top tools:

Tool Key Features
Intruder - Checks for common app weak spots
- Manages attack surface
Acunetix - Finds over 7,000 weak spots
- Checks hard-to-scan areas
Rapid7 InsightAppSec - Tests apps like a hacker would
- Helps big companies fix app problems
Qualys WAS - Scans apps from the cloud
- Finds issues in running apps and APIs

Free vs. Paid DAST Tools

When picking DAST tools, you can choose free or paid options:

Free Tools Paid Tools
- Good for small tests
- Basic features
- Example: OWASP ZAP
- Better for big companies
- More features
- Better help when you need it

New DAST Tech in 2024

DAST tools are getting better. Here's what's new:

New Tech What It Does
AI-powered DAST Uses smart tech to find tricky problems
Cloud-native DAST Works well with cloud apps
DevOps DAST Fits into how teams build and update apps

These new tools help find and fix app weak spots faster and better.

Using DAST in Software Development

Adding DAST to CI/CD

Putting DAST into your software development process helps find weak spots early. Here's how to do it:

1. Add DAST to your CI/CD pipeline

  • Test every code change for security issues
  • Find and fix problems early
  • Use DAST tool APIs to run tests automatically

2. Why it's good

  • Catches issues sooner
  • Saves time and money on fixes

Always-On vs. On-Demand DAST

There are two ways to use DAST:

Type How it works Good for
Always-On Scans all the time Full testing
On-Demand Scans when you ask Flexibility

Always-On DAST checks more but uses more resources. On-Demand DAST is easier to control.

Keeping Security Without Slowing Down

People worry DAST might slow down work. Here's how to keep things fast:

  1. Make testing automatic
  2. Use APIs to start scans
  3. Link DAST tools to your CI/CD setup
  4. Fix the worst problems first

This way, you can find and fix issues quickly without holding up your work.

Tips for Fast DAST Why it helps
Automate testing Saves time
Use APIs Easy to start scans
Connect to CI/CD Tests happen with code changes
Focus on big issues Fix important things first

Tips for Better DAST Use

Creating a Good Testing Plan

To make DAST work well, you need a good plan. Here's how to make one:

Step What to Do
Pick what to test Choose which parts of your app to check
Choose tools Pick the right DAST tools for your needs
Set goals Decide what problems you want to find
Handle false alarms Plan how to deal with wrong findings

Handling Found Issues

When DAST finds problems, here's what to do:

  1. Make a list of the issues
  2. Rank them by how bad they are
  3. Fix the worst ones first
  4. Tell developers how to fix each problem

Use this table to help rank issues:

How Bad It Is What It Means
Very High Could cause big problems, fix now
High Needs fixing soon
Medium Fix when you can
Low Not urgent, but should be fixed

Security and Dev Team Teamwork

Getting security and dev teams to work together is key. Here's how:

What to Do Why It Helps
Use DAST in development Finds problems early
Share DAST results Helps devs understand security issues
Meet regularly Keeps everyone on the same page
Train together Builds shared knowledge

DAST Drawbacks and Limits

While DAST helps find weak spots in apps, it's not perfect. Here are some things to watch out for:

Dealing with False Alarms

DAST tools sometimes say there's a problem when there isn't one. This can waste time and make people frustrated.

To fix this:

  • Set up the DAST tool correctly
  • Learn how your app works
  • Check results carefully

What DAST Might Miss

DAST can't find all problems. It might not catch issues with:

Area Examples
User input Things that need specific data
Complex workflows Multi-step processes
Behind-the-scenes stuff Login systems, data protection

To catch more issues:

  • Use other testing tools too
  • Have people check the app as well

How DAST Can Slow Things Down

DAST takes time and can make app building slower. This happens because DAST needs to:

  • Scan the whole app
  • Check for many different problems
  • Run lots of tests

To keep things moving:

Tip How it helps
Add DAST to your build process Tests happen automatically
Use fast DAST tools Scans finish quicker
Test the most important parts first Find big problems early

DAST and Other Security Tests


DAST is one of several ways to test app security. Let's look at how it compares to other methods:

Method What it does Good points Not so good points
DAST Tests running apps like a hacker Finds real-world problems Takes time, might miss some issues
SAST Checks code before it runs Spots issues early Might miss runtime problems
IAST Mixes DAST and SAST Gives quick feedback Uses lots of computer power
RASP Protects apps while they run Stops attacks as they happen Can slow apps down

Picking the Right Test

To choose the best test, think about:

  • What kind of app you have
  • Where you are in making the app
  • How much time and money you can spend

DAST works well for websites and APIs. SAST is better for phone apps and built-in systems. IAST helps when you need fast feedback. RASP is good for stopping attacks right away.

Using Tests Together

Using more than one test can help find more problems. Here's how:

Combination How it helps
SAST + DAST Finds code issues early and checks for real attacks
IAST + RASP Gives quick feedback and stops attacks as they happen

New DAST Methods for 2024


AI is making DAST better in 2024. Here's how:

AI Feature What It Does
Smart testing Picks important parts to test first
Faster scans Gets results quicker
Better accuracy Finds more real problems
Learns from past Improves over time
Handles complex apps Works with tricky setups

AI helps DAST tools test apps more fully and find issues that might be missed otherwise.

Auto-Creating Test Attacks

DAST now makes its own test attacks. This new method:

  • Uses AI to make tests that look like real attacks
  • Finds weak spots regular tests might miss
  • Saves time by making tests on its own

This helps teams test their apps better without spending too much time making tests by hand.

Testing Cloud Apps

As more apps move to the cloud, DAST has new ways to test them:

Cloud Testing Feature Why It's Useful
Special cloud tools Find problems specific to cloud apps
Checks for data leaks Makes sure private info stays safe
Tests app connections Ensures parts of the app work together

These new methods help keep cloud apps safe from hackers and data loss.

DAST and Following Rules

How DAST Helps Meet Standards

DAST helps companies follow security rules by:

  • Finding weak spots in apps
  • Testing the whole app
  • Checking apps while they run

This makes it easier to follow rules like PCI DSS and HIPAA. DAST can:

  • Test apps often
  • Cost less than manual testing
  • Make reports for rule-checking
Regulation How DAST Helps
PCI DSS Scans for card data safety
HIPAA Checks health info protection
GDPR Tests data privacy measures

DAST in Different Industries

DAST works for many types of businesses:

Industry What DAST Does
Banks Keeps money info safe
Hospitals Protects patient records
Online Shops Stops hackers from stealing info

Keeping Records for Checks

DAST tools make reports that show:

  • What problems they found
  • Where the problems are
  • How bad each problem is

These reports help when someone checks if you're following the rules. They show:

  • You test your apps often
  • You know about any safety gaps
  • You're ready for rule checks

What's Next for DAST

DAST After 2024

DAST will keep getting better after 2024. Here's what to expect:

  • AI will help DAST test apps on its own
  • DAST will find more problems in apps, especially in APIs
  • More people will be able to use DAST tools

DAST with New Tech

AI and machine learning will make DAST better:

Improvement How It Helps
Better accuracy Finds more real problems
Fewer mistakes Less time wasted on false alarms
More coverage Checks more parts of the app
Automatic tasks Saves time for testers

AI can also help suggest how to fix problems it finds.

DAST vs. Future Threats

As tech changes, new problems will come up. DAST needs to keep up:

  • Test AI-made code
  • Find tricky problems in how apps work
  • Stay ahead of new ways hackers might attack

By using AI, DAST can:

  1. Spot new kinds of attacks
  2. Test apps faster
  3. Keep apps safe from future threats


Main Points to Remember

This guide has covered the key aspects of Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST):

Topic What We Learned
Definition DAST checks running apps for security issues
How it works Acts like a hacker to find weak spots
Benefits Finds real-world problems in apps
Limits Can miss some issues, takes time
Use in development Helps catch problems early
Tools Both free and paid options available
New tech AI is making DAST better and faster

Why DAST is Key for Security

DAST plays a big role in keeping apps safe:

  • Finds weak spots hackers could use
  • Tests apps while they're running
  • Works with many types of apps
  • Helps meet security rules

By using DAST, companies can:

  • Lower the risk of attacks
  • Keep important data safe
  • Find and fix problems before hackers do

DAST is a key part of keeping apps secure in today's world of online threats.


What are the pros and cons of DAST?

DAST has both good and bad points. Here's a quick look:

Pros Cons
Tests like a real hacker Might miss some hidden problems
Finds actual issues in running apps Takes a while to finish
Works on many app types Can slow down the app being tested
Helps follow security rules Only checks what's visible from outside

What is SAST and DAST testing?

SAST and DAST are two ways to check app safety:

Checks code as it's written Tests running apps
Gives quick feedback to coders Acts like an outside attacker
Finds issues early in development Finds problems users might see
Looks at the app's "insides" Doesn't see the app's code

Both SAST and DAST are needed to fully check app safety. SAST helps catch problems early, while DAST finds issues that show up when the app is running.

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