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Diversity in Open Source: Best Practices Guide 2024

Diversity in Open Source: Best Practices Guide 2024
Nimrod Kramer
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Guide on diversity in open source projects, including strategies, types of diversity, obstacles, and ways to improve. Learn how to create a welcoming and inclusive community for all.

Open source projects thrive when they include people from all backgrounds. This guide covers:

  • What diversity means in open source
  • Why it's important
  • Current challenges
  • Best practices to improve diversity

Key strategies for boosting diversity in open source:

  1. Write clear, welcoming documentation
  2. Enforce codes of conduct
  3. Offer mentoring programs
  4. Provide travel and learning funds
  5. Promote diverse leadership
  6. Track diversity metrics
  7. Use inclusive language
  8. Make events accessible
  9. Address hidden biases
  10. Design for accessibility
Aspect Current State Goal for 2030
Main contributors Mostly white males from Western countries Diverse mix of genders, races, and nationalities
Efforts to improve Outreach, mentoring, diversity events Comprehensive programs integrated into all projects
Progress Slow but ongoing 20%+ increase in underrepresented groups
AI/ML Potential for bias Fair and inclusive AI systems
Community Working on inclusion Fully inclusive open source ecosystem

By following these practices, open source projects can create more welcoming, innovative, and impactful communities for all.

Types of diversity in open source

Different aspects of diversity

Open source projects benefit from various types of diversity:

Aspect Description
Cultural People from different backgrounds bring new ideas
Racial and ethnic Helps make software that works for everyone
Gender Mix of men and women improves understanding of user needs
Age Different age groups add varied experience levels
Disability Includes people with disabilities to make software accessible
Socioeconomic Ensures software is useful for people from all backgrounds

Overlapping identities in open source

People in open source often have multiple identities that affect their work:

Identity Challenge
Women in tech May face bias
Minority groups Might feel left out
People with disabilities Can struggle with access
LGBTQ+ individuals May experience unfair treatment

How diverse teams improve projects

Teams with different backgrounds make projects better:

  • They solve problems in new ways
  • They come up with more ideas
  • They make software that works for more people
  • They create a friendlier community

Obstacles to diversity in open source

Groups with low representation

Some groups face challenges in open source projects:

Group Challenges
Women Bias and stereotyping
Minority groups Feeling left out
People with disabilities Accessibility issues
LGBTQ+ individuals Unfair treatment

These issues make it hard for these groups to join and add to open source projects.

Difficulties for newcomers

New people often struggle with:

  • Hard-to-read instructions
  • No one to guide them
  • Feeling scared to join

To help, projects can:

  • Write clear guides
  • Set up mentoring
  • Make everyone feel welcome

Hidden biases and stereotypes

Hidden biases can cause problems:

Problem Effect
Leaving people out Fewer people join
Less variety Same ideas over and over
Bad choices Not seeing all options

Projects can fix this by making rules that welcome everyone.

Language and culture differences

Different languages and cultures can make it hard to work together:

  • People might not understand each other
  • Misunderstandings can happen
  • Some people might feel left out

To help, projects can:

  • Offer translation help
  • Teach about different cultures
  • Use ways to talk that include everyone

Ways to improve diversity

Making documentation for everyone

To help more people join open source projects, it's important to make easy-to-read guides. Here's how:

Action Benefit
Write clear instructions Anyone can understand
Use simple words Easier for non-experts
Give examples for all levels Helps beginners and experts
Keep guides up-to-date Ensures accuracy

These steps can bring in more people, even those new to open source.

Using and enforcing behavior rules

Rules for how people act, like codes of conduct, make projects friendlier. They help by:

  • Setting clear rules for behavior
  • Stopping mean actions
  • Making sure people talk nicely
  • Building a good community

When projects use these rules, everyone feels safe and valued.

Setting up mentoring programs

Helping new people learn can bring in more diverse contributors. Mentoring programs:

  • Give help from experienced people
  • Build skills and confidence
  • Help people meet others
  • Make people feel like they belong

These programs can keep diverse contributors interested and involved.

Offering money for travel and learning

Giving money to help with travel and learning can:

Benefit Impact
More diverse people at events Brings new ideas
Help those who can't afford it Makes events more inclusive
Give chances to learn Helps people grow
Build a stronger community Makes people feel welcome

This support can bring in different kinds of contributors.

Encouraging diverse project leaders

Having different kinds of leaders can improve projects. To do this, projects can:

  • Look for leaders from different backgrounds
  • Train new leaders
  • Make everyone feel welcome
  • Thank diverse leaders for their work

With different leaders, projects can have a more welcoming and lively community.

Checking diversity progress

Key numbers to track

To see if diversity efforts are working, it's important to keep track of some key numbers. These numbers help show where things can get better and if the work to increase diversity is helping. Here are some important numbers to watch:

Number to Track What It Means
Contributions from different groups How many people from various backgrounds are helping
Mix of organizations How many different groups or companies are involved
Who's doing the work The backgrounds of people making contributions
How contributors feel If people enjoy working on the project and want to stay

By looking at these numbers, projects can see how they're doing with diversity and make smart choices to improve.

Tools for gathering data

Getting information about diversity can be hard, but there are tools that can help:

Tool How It Helps
Online surveys Ask people about their background and how they feel
GitHub numbers See how many people are working and what they're doing
Special software Use programs made to track diversity

These tools help projects get good information about their diversity efforts.

Setting diversity goals

Setting clear goals helps measure progress and reach diversity targets. Good goals should be:

  • Clear
  • Easy to measure
  • Possible to achieve
  • Related to the project
  • Have a set time to complete

Here are some examples of diversity goals:

Goal Target
More contributions from underrepresented groups Increase by 20% in 6 months
Diverse leadership team At least 30% from underrepresented groups in 1 year
Better experience for underrepresented contributors Improve by 15% in 3 months

Talking to everyone

Words that include everyone

Using words that make everyone feel welcome is key in open source projects. This helps create a sense of belonging for all contributors and users. Here's how to do it:

Do Don't
Use "everyone" or "all contributors" Avoid "guys" or "developers"
Choose neutral terms Skip words that might offend
Pick respectful language Don't use exclusionary terms

By using these tips, projects can make a more welcoming space for all.

Different ways to communicate

Open source projects should offer many ways to talk. This helps everyone join in, no matter their needs or likes. Here are some options:

Communication Method Use
Forums or boards For slow, back-and-forth talks
Chat rooms or apps For quick, live chats
Mailing lists For email talks
Video calls For face-to-face meetings

Having many ways to talk helps make sure everyone can join in and add to the project.

Solving disagreements

When people work together, they sometimes disagree. Here's how to handle it well:

Tip How to do it
Stay calm Don't get upset, focus on fixing the problem
Listen well Try to understand the other person's view
Talk about the issue Don't attack the person
Find common ground Look for things you both agree on

Open source events for all

Choosing different speakers

When planning open source events, pick speakers from many backgrounds:

Tip How to do it
Find new voices Don't always ask the same people
Write welcoming invitations Use words that make everyone feel invited
Help new speakers Give tips and support to first-time presenters

Picking different speakers makes events more fun and useful for everyone.

Picking easy-to-access locations

Choose places that are easy for everyone to get to:

What to check Why it matters
Wheelchair access So people using wheelchairs can join
Public transport nearby Makes it easier for people to attend
Online options Lets people join from home

Good locations help more people take part in the event.

Planning events for everyone

Make sure your event works for all kinds of people:

What to do How it helps
Set clear rules Tells people how to act nicely
Offer extra help Like childcare or sign language
Use friendly words Makes everyone feel welcome

Planning for everyone creates a nice place for all to join in.

Best Practice What it means
Choose different speakers Pick people from many backgrounds
Pick easy-to-reach places Make sure everyone can get there
Plan for all kinds of people Think about what different people need

Getting and keeping diverse contributors

Programs for underrepresented groups

To bring in and keep diverse contributors, open source projects can set up special programs. Here's what they can do:

Program Type What It Does
Mentoring Pairs new people with experienced helpers
Outreach Reaches out to schools and groups with many underrepresented people
Money help Gives funds to attend open source events
Online groups Makes places for underrepresented people to talk and get help

These programs help people feel like they belong and can join in open source work.

Making new people feel welcome

It's important to make new people feel good when they join. Here's how:

Action How It Helps
Use friendly words Makes everyone feel included
Give clear instructions Shows people how to help easily
Offer help and feedback Guides new people in their work
Say thanks for help Makes people feel good about their work
Create a nice community Helps everyone feel safe and respected

When new people feel welcome, they're more likely to stay and keep helping.

Valuing all types of help

Not everyone who wants to help knows how to code. It's good to value all kinds of help. Here are some ways people can help without coding:

Type of Help What It Is
Writing and translating Making guides and putting them in different languages
Making things look good Helping with how things look and work
Talking to people Helping the community and telling others about the project
Checking for problems Making sure everything works right
Organizing things Keeping the project running smoothly

Dealing with hidden biases

Teaching about biases

Hidden biases can make it hard to create a diverse open source community. To fix this, we need to teach people about biases. Here's how:

Method Description
Workshops In-person training about biases
Online courses Learn about biases on the internet
Real examples Show how biases affect real projects
Share stories Let people talk about their own experiences

These methods help people understand biases and how they affect work.

Fair code review methods

Code reviews are important, but biases can affect them. To make reviews fair:

Method How it works
Blind reviews Hide who wrote the code
Mixed review teams Use people from different backgrounds
Clear rules Set standards for good code

These methods help focus on code quality, not who wrote it.

Making decisions with different views

Biases can affect how decisions are made. To include different views:

Approach What it does
Group decisions Let everyone have a say
Devil's advocate Have someone question ideas on purpose
Diverse teams Include people with different backgrounds

Using these methods helps make sure all views are heard when making choices.

Making projects usable for everyone

Designing for all abilities

Open source projects should work well for everyone, including people with disabilities. Here's how to do this:

  • Follow web accessibility rules (like WCAG 2.1)
  • Include people with disabilities in testing
  • Make sure the project works with tools that help people with disabilities
Accessibility Goal What It Means
Easy to see Everyone can see or hear the content
Easy to use Everyone can use the project, even with different abilities
Easy to understand The content makes sense to everyone
Works with many tools The project works with different devices and helper tools

Offering different document formats

Give people choices in how they read your documents. This helps more people use your project.

Format Good For
PDF Printing and sharing
HTML Reading on websites
Plain Text Simple reading without fancy formatting

Working with helper tools

Test your project with tools that help people with disabilities. This makes sure everyone can use it.

Tool What It Does
Screen Readers Read text out loud
Keyboard-Only Use Let people use the project without a mouse
Captions Show text for videos and audio

Building a supportive community

Making a friendly community helps bring in different people to open source projects. This means creating a place where everyone feels good about joining in.

Teaching current members

People already in the community can help make it better for everyone. It's important to teach them about including different people. Here's how:

What to do How it helps
Hold workshops Teach about hidden biases
Give online lessons Show how to talk nicely to everyone
Share real stories Help people understand others' experiences

Teaching these things can make the whole community better.

Supporting each other

Helping each other is key to a strong community. Here's what to do:

  • Talk openly and honestly
  • Make everyone feel like they belong
  • Give help to groups that don't have many people
  • Say good things about different people joining in

When people help each other, more people want to join and stay.

Making diversity teams

Special teams can help make the project more open to everyone. These teams can:

  • Make plans to include more people
  • Help groups that don't have many members
  • Set up events that bring in different people
  • Fix problems about including everyone
Team member What they do
Leader Makes plans to include more people
Helper Gives support to groups with few members
Event planner Sets up activities for different people
Watcher Looks out for and fixes problems

These teams make sure the project thinks about including everyone all the time.

Examples of good diversity work

Successful open source projects

Some open source projects have done well in making their communities more diverse. Here are a few examples:

Project What They Did
Linux kernel Made a team to help with diversity, set rules for good behavior
Drupal Created a diversity team, set behavior rules, made programs to help different groups
Open Source Initiative Has a group that works on diversity, gives help to different groups
Apache Software Foundation Made a team for diversity, offers support for different groups
Python Software Foundation Has a diversity team, gives resources to help different groups

These projects show that open source can be a place for everyone.

What we learned

From these examples, we can see what works well:

Lesson What It Means
Make a clear plan Set up a team, write rules, give help to different groups
Talk to different groups Work with groups that help others, teach new people, let everyone join in
Check how things are going Look at numbers, ask people what they think, change things to make them better

What's next for diversity in open source

New tech and diversity

As AI and machine learning grow in open source, we need to make sure they help everyone. Here's what to do:

Goal How to do it
Make AI fair Check for and fix unfair AI systems
Include everyone Let different people help make new tech
Teach new skills Help people learn about AI and machine learning

Open source projects can:

  • Make rules for good behavior
  • Use words that include everyone
  • Give chances to people who don't often get them

Diversity in 2030

By 2030, open source needs to include more people. Here's a plan:

Year What to do
2025 Get 20% more different people to join
2028 Make AI that's fair to everyone
2030 Have open source groups that include all kinds of people

To make this happen, projects should:

  • Make rules that welcome everyone
  • Use words that make all feel good
  • Give chances to people who don't often get them
  • Check AI for unfairness and fix it
  • Make sure different people can join and lead


Main points to remember

Open source projects work better when many different people join in. Here's what to keep in mind:

Key Point What It Means
Include everyone Make sure all kinds of people can help
Give money help Pay for some people to work or join events
Set clear rules Write down how people should act
Help new people Pair new helpers with experienced ones
Make events for all Choose places and times that work for everyone

Steps to take now

To make your open source project more open to everyone, do these things:

1. Check who's helping now

Look at who's working on your project to see where you can add more different people.

2. Make a plan to include more people

Write down how you'll get more kinds of people to join your project.

3. Write rules for good behavior

Make a list of ways people should act and what happens if they don't follow the rules.

4. Start a buddy system

Match experienced helpers with new ones, especially people who don't often get chances to help.

5. Ask for ideas and help people grow

Regularly ask people what they think and give them ways to learn new things.

Step Why It's Important
Check who's helping Shows where you need more different people
Make a plan Helps you know what to do to include everyone
Write behavior rules Makes sure everyone feels safe and respected
Start a buddy system Helps new people learn and feel welcome
Ask for ideas Makes the project better for everyone

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