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How to Start Contributing to Open Source Projects: A Primer

How to Start Contributing to Open Source Projects: A Primer
Nimrod Kramer
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Learn how to start contributing to open source projects by understanding the basics of open source software, preparing to contribute, finding the right project, making your first contribution, and engaging with the community.

How to Start Contributing to Open Source Projects: A Primer

Want to dive into open source but not sure where to start? Here's a quick guide:

  • Open source software is all about collaboration, allowing you to view, modify, and share code freely.
  • Contribute not just by coding, but also through documentation, community management, and more.
  • Prepare by setting up a GitHub account, learning Git commands, and understanding key terms like 'Fork', 'Pull request', and 'Issue'.
  • Find a project that aligns with your interests and skills, starting with ones that welcome beginners.
  • Make your first contribution by picking 'Good First Issue' tasks, forking and cloning the repository, making changes, and submitting a pull request.
  • Engage with the community respectfully, asking questions and responding to feedback.

This guide covers everything from setting up your environment to making your first contribution and engaging with the open source community. Whether you're a coder, a writer, or a designer, there's a place for you in open source. Let's get started!


Open source software is a type of software that anyone can look at, change, and make better. Helping out with these projects can be really rewarding. You can use your skills on something you care about, fix problems that bother you, learn new things, and get noticed in the community. And it's not just about coding - you can help by writing guides, sorting out issues, making tutorials, and helping manage the community too.

Understanding Open Source Software

Open source software is special because its code is open for anyone to see, use, change, and share without paying. This is different from other software where the code is kept secret. Open source is all about letting anyone use, change, and share software freely.

When you help out with open source projects, you can do lots of things like write code, report bugs, make guides better, help other users, design stuff, spread the word, organize events, and more.

Preparing to Contribute

Setting Up Your Environment

To start, you'll need a free GitHub account to find projects. It's important to know some basic Git commands like clone, commit, push, pull, and branch. You should install Git and try these out on your computer. Watching some tutorial videos can also help. Start with easy tasks to build your confidence.

Understanding Open Source Terminology

Here are some terms you should know:

  • Repository - Where the project's code and files live
  • Fork - Your own copy of a project to play around with
  • Pull request - Your suggested changes to the main project
  • Issue - A problem, idea, or task that needs looking at
  • Merge - Adding your changes to the main project code
  • Branch - Different versions of the project
  • Maintainer - People who check and approve contributions

Finding the Right Project

Find a project that interests you and matches what you can do. Read the project's guide on how to help out. Start with projects that welcome beginners. Use GitHub to search for projects by language or tags like "first-timers-only". Websites like CodeTriage and Up For Grabs can also show you projects that need help.

Making Your First Contribution

Identifying a Good First Issue

Look for tasks labeled "Good First Issue" or "First Timers Only". These are easy jobs for beginners. Ask if you can work on one.

Forking and Cloning a Repository

Make a fork of the project so you can try things out safely. Then copy your fork to your computer to work on it. Keep your fork updated.

git clone<your-username>/<repo-name>

Making Changes and Submitting a Pull Request

Make a new branch for your changes, change the code, save your changes, and send them to your fork. Then ask to add your changes to the main project. Explain clearly what you did. If your work fixes an issue, mention it.

git checkout -b <branch-name>

make code changes and git add/commit them

git push origin

#### Engaging with the Community

Be nice when you talk to project members in issues, pull requests, and chat platforms like Slack or Discord. Ask questions, understand feedback, and be open to suggestions.

### After Your First Contribution

The project leader might ask for some changes before adding your work. Make the changes, save, and send them to update your request. Your request will either be added or closed. 

Don't feel bad if it's not accepted. Keep trying and learning from feedback. Celebrate your first time helping out!

### Conclusion

Helping with open source lets you grow your skills, support projects you use, and join a community. Begin with small tasks, find projects that welcome beginners, work on simple issues, talk to the project team and users, and don’t give up.

## Related Questions

### How do I start an open source contribution for beginners?

To get started with open source projects, follow these steps:

- **Look for open issues** on GitHub that are tagged with "good first issue" or "beginner". These are easier tasks meant for new folks.
- **Read the issue carefully** to make sure you understand it. If something's not clear, don't hesitate to ask for more info.
- If you're **brand new**, try to find projects that offer help or mentorship for beginners.

### How do you contribute to an existing open source project?

To start contributing:

- Go to the project's GitHub page and add `/contribute` at the end of the URL to find how you can help.
- Use websites like GitHub Explore or Open Source Friday to **find projects** that need help.

### How to contribute to open source projects as a front end developer?

If you're a front end developer:

- **Search for projects** on GitHub that excite you and need help with things like design or user experience.
- **Look through the project's issues** for tasks that match your skills. Leave a comment if you want to take on one.
- **Always ask questions** if you're unsure about something. Stay open to feedback while you're working on your contribution.

### How do you contribute to an open source course?

To help out with open source educational projects:

- **Find tasks** by looking through GitHub repositories and issues. Keep an eye out for "help wanted" tags.
- **Submit pull requests** to fix problems, polish up documentation, or make the learning material better.
- **Talk with the maintainers** during the review process and be open to their suggestions.
- **Join in** on the project community to both give and get help.

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