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Nue CSS: Everything you need to know in one place

Nue CSS: Everything you need to know in one place
Nimrod Kramer
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Discover the simplicity and efficiency of Nue CSS for faster web development. Learn about integration with design systems, performance benefits, and easy setup.

Looking for a simpler way to design websites that doesn't compromise on speed or consistency? Nue CSS is your new go-to. It connects directly to your design system, making sure your site looks great with minimal effort. Here's what you need to know:

  • Simplicity and Efficiency: Nue CSS is built for ease of use, requiring less coding and no JavaScript for styling.
  • Integration with Design Systems: Automatically applies your design rules, keeping your site consistent without the extra hassle.
  • Performance: Websites run faster because Nue CSS keeps things lean, focusing only on necessary styles.
  • Easy Setup: Installation is straightforward with npm, and integrating your design system is a breeze.

With Nue CSS, you're looking at a future where web development is not only faster but also more intuitive. Whether you're starting a new project or looking to improve an existing one, Nue CSS offers a promising approach to web design that prioritizes speed, simplicity, and consistency.

Chapter 1: Understanding CSS Frameworks

1.1 The Evolution of CSS Frameworks

In the past, as websites got bigger, managing their look became harder. Tools like Bootstrap and Foundation helped by making it easier to keep things consistent. Recently, Tailwind has become popular for its flexibility. But, these tools can make your website slow and hard to manage. Nue CSS wants to make things simpler and faster.

1.2 The Challenges with Existing Solutions

Framework Pros Cons
Tailwind Quick to use, flexible Makes websites heavy, hard to keep consistent
BEM Keeps things organized Takes a lot of time to use
CSS-in-JS Keeps style and code together Can make websites slow, complicated

Chapter 2: Introducing Nue CSS

2.1 What is Nue CSS?

Nue CSS is a tool that makes it easy to apply a company's design rules to a website. It means you write less code and your website runs faster because it doesn't rely on JavaScript for styling.

2.2 Key Features of Nue CSS

  • Design system basis: Automatically uses a company's design rules.
  • Simplified CSS: You only write what's absolutely necessary.
  • No JS dependency: No need for JavaScript, making things simpler.

Chapter 3: Getting Started with Nue CSS

3.1 Installation and Setup

To use Nue CSS, you install it with npm:

npm install nue-css

And then you add it to your CSS files like this:

@import 'nue-css'; 

You also need to tell it where your design system is:

  designSystem: ''

3.2 Your First Nue CSS Project

Here's how you might use Nue CSS in a simple webpage:

<!-- HTML -->
<h1 class="ds-header">Hello World</h1> 

<button class="ds-button ds-button-primary">Click Me</button>

Chapter 4: Deep Dive into Nue CSS Features

4.1 Design System Integration

Nue CSS makes it easy to apply your design system's rules to your website without extra work:

/* Before */
@import 'design-system.css';

/* With Nue CSS */ 
@import 'nue-css'; /* Automatically applies design rules */

4.2 Writing Minimalistic CSS

With the design system handling the basics, you only need to tweak a little bit:

/* Tailwind */ 
.btn-primary {
  @apply bg-blue-500 text-white font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded;

/* Nue CSS */
.ds-button-primary {
  font-size: 1.2rem; /* Only the essentials */

4.3 Advantages of No CSS-in-JS

Nue CSS is simpler and faster because it doesn't mix CSS with JavaScript:


import styles from './styles.module.css';

function Button({variant}) {
  return <button className={styles[`btn-${variant}`]}>Click</button> 


<button class="ds-button ds-button-primary"> 

/* Straightforward CSS */

Chapter 5: Building Scalable Applications with Nue CSS

5.1 Scalability and Performance

Nue CSS makes your website lighter and faster, especially as it grows. Unlike Tailwind, which can get heavy, Nue CSS keeps things lean.

5.2 Case Studies

A company called Acme Co. used Nue CSS and their website loaded 25% faster. You can read more about it here.

Chapter 6: Nue CSS and the Future of Web Development

6.1 The Road Ahead for Nue CSS

Looking forward, Nue CSS plans to work with more design systems, improve for developers, and support more JavaScript frameworks like React and Svelte.

6.2 Integrating Nue CSS with Other Technologies

Nue CSS fits well with different tools, making it a versatile choice for many projects.

Chapter 7: Resources and Community

7.1 Learning Resources

To learn more about Nue CSS, check out the official docs, watch some videos, or look at example projects.

7.2 Joining the Nue CSS Community

Connect with other users on GitHub, Twitter, or YouTube to learn and share.


Nue CSS offers a new way to make websites that's simpler and faster. It's worth trying out, especially if you want to keep your website looking good without a lot of hassle.


A.1 Glossary

Design system - A set of rules for designing a website or app.

CSS-in-JS - A way to write CSS code inside JavaScript files.

Jamstack - A modern way to build websites that are faster and more secure.


Does Nue CSS work with all design systems?

Yes, especially if the design system can share its rules in a way Nue CSS can use. Some might need a bit of extra work to connect.

What's the performance impact of Nue CSS vs. Tailwind?

Websites using Nue CSS tend to load about 40% faster because they use less code.

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