I believe I get a dozen questions regarding what to learn to break into web development. As a result, I thought of writing an article about it, so my answer reaches more people.
Be aware; there is not a universal path or a correct path to web development. I try to be as objective as possible, but never forget that it's based on my experiences.
Without further ado, let's dive in and see what one could learn to break into web development.
Choose an area
The mistake number one most people make, including myself, is that they try to learn everything. People try to become a Full Stack developer from the start. If you are not aware of what Full Stack means, it means covering the Front-End and the Back-End. Learning either Front-End or Back-End is challenging on its own, let alone learn both from the start.
Thus, what should you do? What I always advise people is to take a bit of time to experiment with both. A few days is not enough to learn either or to get a strong idea about them. However, you can still get a taste and see to what area you are attracted to. Once you decided what do you want to do, stick to it.
Later, when you are more comfortable in your chosen area, you can always become a Full Stack developer. It is also more convenient. However, that does not mean you have to become a Full Stack/Backend/Frontend developer. Choose the area you enjoy and get better in that area.
Once you decide what you want to focus on, the next step is to research and choose the most appropriate tools. For each area, there is a toolset you should focus on.
There is a useful website called Roadmap, where you can see the paths you can take to become a Frontend/Backend developer. Also, you can see the tools and techniques you need to know. However, you do not have to learn everything from there. Use the roadmap to create your path. Therefore, check the Frontend roadmap or the Backend roadmap.
It is not mandatory, but I suggest you stick with the choices from those roadmaps. However, feel free to choose whatever tool fits your needs and the job market in your location.
There are a plethora of resources on the internet. We have a large pool of resources to choose from. However, that is a good and a bad thing. It is a good thing because we have many alternatives, but it is a bad thing because we might not know which one is good or bad.
On the same note, some people get trapped in the "tutorial hell." That means they keep watching tutorials, and they never build applications on their own. That is not the right place to be.
Thus, what should you do? I always advise people to stick to a maximum of two tutorials - a basic and an advanced tutorial. Once you finish these tutorials, start building stuff. Nothing helps you grow more than building projects.
On the same note, the quality of the resources is essential too. You want to make sure the information you learn is up to date and accurate. As a result, I always recommend three resources:
Why these resources? The reason for recommending them is because professional developers create them. Also, many people are using them with great success. I would even go as far as to say they provide a solid pack of skills that help you to break into web development.
Of course, they are not the only good resources, but they provide a solid starting point. Once you finish with the FreeCodeCamp and Odin curriculums, you should have a solid knowledge of the basics. Further, you should have enough experience to discern other quality tutorials and advanced tutorials.
Therefore, the article provides a few points on how to go about breaking into web development. After reading this article, you should know how to go about breaking into web development.
Takeaway points:
- Choose an area - Frontend or Backend. Do not try to become a Full Stack Developer from the beginning because it can be overwhelming.
- Use the Roadmap websites to create your path. Use the suggested tools or choose the ones that fit the job market in your location.
- Use resources like FreeCodeCamp and The Odin Project to learn the basics. Professional developers create them, and they are used with great success by people trying to break or made it in web development.
Catalin publishes programming and software development articles on his blog.