Your pathway to becoming a member

Explore our recruitment process that's as transparent as an open-source project! Let's take a look under the hood:

step 1
🔎 Screening

Right out of the gate, we give each and every resume a thorough read, ensuring our potential candidates have the skill set and experience that aligns with our needs.

step 2
💻 Personal interview

Time to get to know each other! We're eager to hear about your journey - your past experiences, career aspirations, and anything else you'd like to share. Let's engage in an open dialogue that encourages questions and mutual discovery. It's our opportunity to gauge how you vibe with the ethos, so don't hold back - let your true colors shine.

Just a heads up, we will ask for your references, but rest assured we'll only reach out later (and with your permission) in the process. Better to have them handy, just in case.

step 3
🤖 Technical interview

Brace yourself for some real-time action! We'll put you to the test with a challenge that mirrors the ones we face every day, giving you a sneak peek into what working with us is like. We're not just looking at your code, but also how you tackle the task, your problem-solving skills, and your overall coding flair.

And here's a sweet perk - after your technical interview, you'll receive a $100 thank-you for your time and effort. Remember, it's up to you to touch base with HR and share your PayPal details.

step 4
💜 Final interview

This is our last chat before the grand finale! It's our chance to ask any final questions, clear up any concerns, align our goals, and ensure we're a match made in coding heaven. Think of it as your all-access pass to get to know even better.

step 5
☎️ Reference call ️

Last but not least, we'll reach out to your previous manager(s) for a reference call. It's a great way for us to confirm your skills, work style, and overall performance.

step 6
🤝 Offer

Once everything checks out, we'll be over the moon to extend you an offer! This will include all the details and simple steps on how to seal the deal and officially become a part of the team.

We trust this rundown gives you a clear roadmap of what lies ahead. We're genuinely excited to learn more about you during each evaluation stage. Welcome aboard this exciting journey!

At, we place a high value on transparency and active communication throughout your entire recruitment journey. We're dedicated to creating a positive and uplifting experience, as we believe this is a vital first step in our working relationship. Whether you're just starting to explore opportunities or are ready to take the next step in your career, we want you to feel empowered and excited about the possibilities that lie ahead.

Interested in joining our team? Check out our Careers Page to see what opportunities are currently available. We can't wait to learn more about you!