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10 Methods to Ensure Data Consistency in Microservices

10 Methods to Ensure Data Consistency in Microservices
Nimrod Kramer
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Discover 10 effective methods to ensure data consistency in microservices, including the Saga Pattern, Event Sourcing, CQRS, and more. Choose the best method for your system's needs.

Keeping data consistent across microservices is challenging but crucial. Here are 10 effective methods:

  1. Saga Pattern
  2. Event Sourcing
  3. CQRS
  4. Distributed Transactions
  5. API Composition
  6. Database per Service
  7. Eventual Consistency
  8. Change Data Capture (CDC)
  9. Compensating Transactions
  10. Distributed Caching

Quick Comparison:

Method Setup Difficulty Scalability Consistency Level
Saga Pattern Medium High Very Good
Event Sourcing Medium High Very Good
CQRS Medium High Very Good
Distributed Transactions Hard Low Very Good
API Composition Easy Medium Eventual
Database per Service Easy Medium Eventual
Eventual Consistency Easy High Eventual
Change Data Capture Medium High Eventual
Compensating Transactions Medium High Very Good
Distributed Caching Medium High Eventual

Choose the method that best fits your system's needs, considering setup complexity, scalability, and consistency requirements.

1. Saga Pattern

Saga Pattern

How the Saga Pattern Works

The Saga pattern helps keep data consistent across microservices. It works by:

  1. Breaking down a big transaction into smaller, local ones
  2. Each service handles its own transaction
  3. Services send messages to start the next step
  4. If something goes wrong, it undoes previous changes

This approach lets services work independently and doesn't block other processes. It's good for transactions that need to wait for user input.

Choreography vs. Orchestration

There are two ways to set up the Saga pattern:

Approach Description Good Points Not-So-Good Points
Choreography Each service manages itself and talks to others Works well if things go wrong, easy to grow Hard to set up and manage
Orchestration One main service controls everything Easy to set up and watch over If the main service fails, everything stops

Good and Bad Points

Good things about the Saga pattern:

  • Helps manage transactions across different services
  • Works well for simple processes
  • Can undo changes if something goes wrong
  • Each service's transaction is separate, so problems don't spread

Not-so-good things:

  • Hard to set up, especially for big, complex systems
  • Takes a lot of work to handle errors and undo changes
  • Can be tricky to find and fix problems

2. Event Sourcing

Event Sourcing

Core Principles of Event Sourcing

Event sourcing is a way to store data changes as a series of events. Instead of just keeping the current state, it records every change made to an object. This method helps keep data consistent by:

  • Storing all changes as events
  • Never changing past events
  • Using events to rebuild the current state
  • Adding new events to fix mistakes

How It Works

  1. Each change becomes an event
  2. Events are stored in order
  3. To get the current state, replay all events
  4. New changes add more events, not edit old ones

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Complete history of changes Can be hard to set up
Helps solve update conflicts May not show latest data right away
Can trigger actions based on events Querying data can be tricky
Easier to find and fix errors Needs more storage space

When to Use Event Sourcing

Event sourcing works well for:

  • Banking systems
  • Order processing
  • Inventory management
  • Any system needing a full history of changes

It might not be the best choice for systems that need instant updates or have simple data structures.

3. CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation)


What is CQRS?

CQRS splits how an app handles data updates and data retrieval. It's useful in microservices to help keep data consistent. Here's how it works:

  • Commands: Used to update data
  • Queries: Used to retrieve data

This split allows for better flexibility and scaling, as you can improve read and write operations separately.

CQRS and Event Sourcing Together

CQRS often pairs with Event Sourcing. Event Sourcing keeps a record of all data changes. When used together, they:

  • Separate data updates and retrieval
  • Store a full history of data changes
  • Make it easier to find and fix issues

Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses
Better scaling: Read and write models can grow separately More complex: Can be harder to set up and understand
Improved speed: Can make read and write operations faster More storage needed: Keeping all data changes takes up space
Better data consistency: Helps keep data accurate across services Takes time to learn: Needs good understanding of system design

When to Use CQRS

CQRS works well for:

  • Systems with many users
  • Apps that need different read and write speeds
  • Projects where tracking all data changes is important

It might not be the best choice for simple apps or those with basic data needs.

4. Distributed Transactions

Understanding Distributed Transactions

Distributed transactions involve operations on data across multiple services. They're more complex than regular transactions because they need to keep data consistent across different services. This means coordinating actions and states of separate services to maintain overall data consistency.

Here's an example:

An online shop workflow involving:

  • Placing an order
  • Updating payment info
  • Updating inventory

This workflow uses three services:

  1. Order Placement Service
  2. Payment Service
  3. Inventory Service

The Order Placement Service acts as a coordinator, sending requests to the other services. It's a distributed transaction because it updates three different databases.

Two-Phase Commit Protocol

This protocol keeps data consistent in distributed systems. It has two main steps:

  1. Prepare phase
  2. Commit phase

How it works:

  1. The Transaction Coordinator asks all servers if they're ready to commit
  2. Servers respond with "OK" or "FAIL"
  3. If all say "OK", the coordinator tells everyone to commit
  4. If anyone says "FAIL", the coordinator tells everyone to cancel

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Keeps data consistent across services Can be hard to set up and manage
Maintains database transaction properties Can slow things down and cause failures
Helps with high availability and scaling Needs careful planning for error handling

5. API Composition

What is API Composition?

API Composition is a way to combine multiple services into one API. This makes it easier for users to get data from different services without knowing how each service works. It's helpful when you need to use more than one service to do a task.

Challenges and Best Practices

API Composition can be tricky. Here are some problems and ways to fix them:

Problems Solutions
More complex setup Keep API design simple
Slower response times Make API work faster
Data might not match up Use ways to keep data the same
Safety risks Add strong safety measures

How to Use API Composition

  1. Figure out which services you need
  2. Create a new API that talks to these services
  3. Make sure the new API is easy to use
  4. Test to make sure everything works right

When to Use API Composition

  • When users need data from many services at once
  • If you want to hide how complex your system is
  • To make it easier for people to use your services

6. Database per Service

Database per Service Explained

In microservices, each service has its own database. This is called the "database per service" pattern. It lets each service pick the best database for its needs. This way, services don't depend on each other too much. Each service takes care of its own data, and there's no big, shared database.

Managing Cross-Service Data

When services have their own databases, it can be tricky to share data. To fix this, services use APIs to talk to each other. For example, if the Order Service needs customer info, it asks the Customer Service API. This keeps services separate but still lets them share data when needed.

Good and Bad Points

Good Points Bad Points
Each service can grow on its own It's hard to manage data across services
Services can use different types of databases Keeping data the same across services is tough
Changes to one service don't affect others much Each service needs its own database, which uses more resources

7. Eventual Consistency

What is Eventual Consistency?

Eventual consistency is a way to handle data in systems with many parts. It focuses on keeping the system running and handling network issues, rather than making sure all data is the same right away. In this approach, data changes are allowed to happen without waiting for all copies to update at once. Instead, the system makes sure that all copies of the data will match up over time.

How to Set It Up

There are a few ways to set up eventual consistency in microservices:

  • Data copying that's not instant: Changes to data are copied to other parts of the system over time, not right away.
  • Fixing conflicts: The system has ways to fix problems that happen when data is changed in different places at the same time.
  • Special rules: The system follows certain rules to make sure data ends up the same everywhere.

Comparing Eventual and Strong Consistency

Feature Eventual Consistency Strong Consistency
What it means Data will match up over time, but there might be a short delay Data is always the same everywhere, right away
Good for Things like social media posts or shopping carts Important things like bank transactions
How it works Data changes can happen without waiting for all copies to update All copies of data must be updated at the same time
Dealing with conflicts Might need to fix issues if different copies are changed at once Rarely has conflicts because all copies are updated together
Speed and growth Usually faster and can grow easier Might be slower and harder to grow

This table shows the main differences between eventual and strong consistency, including how they affect speed, growth, and where they're used.

8. Change Data Capture (CDC)

CDC Basics

Change Data Capture (CDC) is a way for microservices to get real-time data updates as changes happen in a database. It works by:

  • Reading the database's transaction log
  • Sending out updates as they occur
  • Using tools like Kafka to stream these updates

CDC is better than old batch methods because it sends updates right away, not in big chunks later.

How to Set Up CDC

To use CDC in your system:

  1. Pick the right tools (like Debezium or AWS Data Migration Service)
  2. Set up security measures
  3. Plan for errors and how to fix them
  4. Keep an eye on how it's working

Good and Bad Points

Feature Good Points Bad Points
Keeping Data the Same Makes sure all services have up-to-date info Can be hard to set up
Quick Updates Sends changes right away Needs careful watching for errors
Growing Your System Helps your app work well as it gets bigger Might slow things down a bit
Separate Services Lets services work on their own Needs careful planning

CDC helps keep data the same across different parts of your system, but it needs careful setup and watching to work well.

9. Compensating Transactions

What Are Compensating Transactions?

Compensating transactions help keep data consistent in systems with many parts. They undo the effects of a previous transaction when something goes wrong. This is useful when:

  • A step in a long process fails
  • The system needs to go back to how it was before

In microservices, compensating transactions fix problems when one service fails. They undo changes made by other services to keep everything in sync.

How to Set Them Up

When using compensating transactions:

  1. Find out which parts of the system can be undone
  2. Plan what to do if something fails
  3. Set up ways to try again if there's a small problem
  4. Keep track of what's happening

Good and Bad Points

Feature Good Points Bad Points
Keeping data the same Fixes issues when things go wrong Can be hard to set up
Handling problems Gives a way to fix errors Needs careful planning
Working with other services Lets services work on their own Services need to talk to each other well
System speed Can slow things down a bit Adds extra steps to processes

Compensating transactions help keep data correct but need careful setup and watching to work well.

10. Distributed Caching

Distributed Caching Basics

Distributed caching helps keep data the same across microservices. It stores often-used data in multiple places, which:

  • Reduces work for databases
  • Makes the system faster
  • Keeps working even if one part fails
  • Can grow as needed

This method helps keep data the same over time by spreading updates to all parts. But it can be tricky to manage and might cause delays.

Keeping Caches in Sync

To make sure caches stay up-to-date across services, you can:

  • Update caches when data changes
  • Use tools that keep caches in sync on their own
  • Tell services about changes right away
  • Refresh caches regularly

These steps help keep data the same and current in all caches.

Good and Bad Points

Feature Good Points Bad Points
Speed Makes system faster, less work for databases Can be hard to set up
Always Working Keeps data available even if some parts fail Needs careful setup and watching
Can Grow Works for big systems Might need a lot of computers
Data Stays the Same Keeps data the same across all parts Might cause delays or mix-ups

Distributed caching helps make systems faster and more reliable, but it needs careful planning to work well.

Comparing the Methods

Let's look at how the 10 methods for keeping data consistent in microservices compare:

Method How Hard to Set Up Can It Grow? How Well It Keeps Data the Same
Saga Pattern Medium Yes Very Good
Event Sourcing Medium Yes Very Good
CQRS Medium Yes Very Good
Distributed Transactions Hard Not Really Very Good
API Composition Easy Sort of Gets There Over Time
Database per Service Easy Sort of Gets There Over Time
Eventual Consistency Easy Yes Gets There Over Time
Change Data Capture (CDC) Medium Yes Gets There Over Time
Compensating Transactions Medium Yes Very Good
Distributed Caching Medium Yes Gets There Over Time

This table shows that:

  • Some ways, like Saga Pattern and Event Sourcing, keep data very consistent but are a bit harder to set up.
  • Others, like API Composition and Database per Service, are easier to use but might not keep data as consistent right away.

When picking a method:

  • Think about how hard it is to set up
  • Check if it can grow with your system
  • See how well it keeps data the same

Look at what your system needs and choose the method that fits best. There's no one-size-fits-all answer, so pick what works for your situation.


Keeping data the same across microservices is hard, but it's possible with the right methods. Using things like event sourcing, saga pattern, CQRS, and shared caching can help build systems that work well and keep data the same.

When picking a method, think about:

  • How easy it is to set up
  • If it can grow with your system
  • How well it keeps data the same

Each method has good and bad points. There's no one perfect answer for everyone. Look at what your system needs and pick what fits best.

Here's a quick look at the methods we talked about:

Method Setup Difficulty Can It Grow? How Well It Keeps Data the Same
Saga Pattern Medium Yes Very Good
Event Sourcing Medium Yes Very Good
CQRS Medium Yes Very Good
Distributed Transactions Hard Not Really Very Good
API Composition Easy Sort of Gets Better Over Time
Database per Service Easy Sort of Gets Better Over Time
Eventual Consistency Easy Yes Gets Better Over Time
Change Data Capture (CDC) Medium Yes Gets Better Over Time
Compensating Transactions Medium Yes Very Good
Distributed Caching Medium Yes Gets Better Over Time

Remember, keeping data the same is very important in microservices. By knowing about these methods and what they do, you can build a system that works well for you.

The main thing is to look closely at what your system needs. Then, pick the methods that work best for you. If you do this, you can build a microservices system that grows well, works fast, and keeps data the same.


How to keep data the same in microservices?

To keep data the same in microservices, you can use:

  • Eventual consistency
  • Distributed transactions
  • Compensation methods

For example, when a user changes their address in one part of an online shop, eventual consistency makes sure all parts get the update over time.

How to balance data consistency and speed in microservices?

Keeping data the same in microservices is hard but possible. Use these methods:

  • Event sourcing
  • Saga pattern
  • CQRS
  • Shared caching

These help build systems that work well and keep data the same.

How to make sure data stays the same across microservices?

To keep data the same across microservices:

Method How it works
Eventual consistency Updates spread over time
Distributed transactions All parts update at once
Compensation methods Fix mistakes if something goes wrong

What's a common problem with keeping data the same in microservices?

A big problem is eventual consistency. This means:

  • Changes don't show up right away in all parts
  • Different parts might show different data for a short time

For example, a user changes their address, but not all parts of the system show the new address immediately.

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