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10 Tips for Accessible Data Visualization

10 Tips for Accessible Data Visualization
Nimrod Kramer
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Learn how to create accessible data visualizations with these 10 tips, including color contrast, alt text, keyboard navigation, and more.

Here's a quick guide to make your data visuals work for everyone:

  1. Use high-contrast color schemes
  2. Add alt text descriptions
  3. Choose easy-to-read fonts (16px+)
  4. Allow keyboard navigation
  5. Show data in multiple formats
  6. Design for screen magnification
  7. Add patterns and textures
  8. Use clear labels and legends
  9. Break down complex data
  10. Test with accessibility tools
Tip Why It Matters
Color contrast Helps all users see data
Alt text Explains visuals to screen readers
Font choice Makes text readable for more people
Keyboard use Allows navigation without a mouse
Multiple formats Caters to different learning styles
Zoom-friendly Works for those with vision issues
Patterns Helps colorblind users understand data
Clear labels Makes information easy to grasp
Simplify complex data Prevents overwhelming users
Accessibility testing Catches issues before publishing

These tips will help you create data visuals that more people can use and understand, meeting legal requirements and spreading knowledge effectively.

1. Pick Good Color Schemes

Why Color Contrast Matters

Good color choices in data visuals help everyone see the information clearly. This is key for people with vision problems. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0) say:

Text Size Minimum Contrast Ratio
Normal 4.5:1
Large (18pt+) 7:1

High contrast colors help:

  • People who can't see some colors (8% of men, 0.5% of women)
  • Those with poor vision
  • Older adults who may not see colors as well

Colors to Avoid Using Together

Some color pairs are hard to see for many people. Don't use these in your visuals:

Color Pair Problem
Red and green Often mixed up by people who can't see red-green well
Blue and purple Hard to tell apart for some
Black and dark gray Too similar, hard to read

Color Palettes for Colorblind Users

Use these color sets to make sure everyone can see your data:

  • Okabe-Ito: Good for people who can't see red-green well
  • Viridis: Easy to see for most people with color vision issues
  • Magma: Works well for color vision problems and looks nice

These tips will help you make data visuals that more people can use and understand.

2. Add Alt Text Descriptions

How Screen Readers Use Alt Text

Screen readers read alt text out loud to help users understand images. For data visuals, alt text should briefly explain:

  • The type of chart
  • What data it shows
  • Any key trends or patterns

Writing Good Alt Text

Here's how to write clear alt text for data visuals:

Tip Details
Keep it short Aim for 125 characters or less
Focus on the main point Explain the key message of the visual
Use simple words Avoid complex terms
Give context Include chart type, data, and main trends

Using Long Descriptions

For complex visuals, you may need a longer description. This gives users more details if they want them.

Long Description Tips What to Do
Add more context Explain the data, methods, and key trends
Use clear language Avoid hard-to-understand terms
Keep it brief Aim for 250-500 words

Long descriptions help when alt text alone isn't enough to explain a complex visual.

3. Choose Easy-to-Read Fonts

Picking Readable Fonts

When choosing fonts for data visuals, pick ones that are easy to read, especially for people who have trouble seeing. Sans-serif fonts work well because they're clear, even in small sizes. Good choices include:

Font Type Examples
Sans-serif Avenir Next, Arial

These fonts have simple shapes and no extra lines, making them easier to read for people with dyslexia or other reading issues.

Font Sizes for Different Screens

While there's no set rule for the smallest font size, it's best to use at least 16px. This size works well on most devices, from computers to phones. Keep in mind:

Device Type Font Size Tip
All devices Use at least 16px
Scalability Should increase to 200% without losing clarity

Spacing Between Letters and Lines

Good spacing helps make text easier to read. Here are some tips:

Spacing Type Recommendation
Line spacing At least 1.5 times the font size
Letter spacing Enough to prevent crowding

Use the same font size throughout your visual to keep things clear and organized.

4. Allow Keyboard Navigation

Making sure people can use charts and graphs without a mouse is key for those who use special tools or like keyboard controls.

Making Charts Keyboard-Friendly

To make charts work well with keyboards:

Step How to do it
Use ARIA labels Add text that describes the chart
Link to details Point to a full description of the chart

These steps help screen readers tell users what's in the chart.

Adding Clear Focus Indicators

Focus indicators show users where they are when using a keyboard. To make good focus indicators:

:focus {
  outline: 2px solid #000;
  box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px #000;

This CSS code makes it clear which part of the chart is selected.

Setting Up Logical Tab Order

It's important to set up a good order for moving through charts with the tab key. Use the tabindex attribute to do this:

tabindex Value What it does
0 Item can be selected with tab key
-1 Item can't be selected with tab key
1 Item is selected first when page loads

By using these tips, you can make sure your charts work well for everyone, no matter how they use them.

Key Things to Do:

  • Add ARIA labels to explain charts
  • Make focus indicators easy to see
  • Set up a good tab order
  • Test your charts with different tools to make sure they work well

5. Show Data in Different Ways

Offering Tables, Charts, and Text

Showing data in more than one way helps more people understand it. Use tables, charts, and text to make your information clear for everyone.

Format What it's good for
Tables Easy to scan and compare numbers
Charts Show big picture and trends quickly
Text Give more details and explain why the data matters

Why Multiple Views Help

Giving different ways to see data is good because:

  • It works for different people who like to learn in different ways
  • It makes hard ideas easier to get
  • It lets people look at the info in ways they like best

Keeping Data the Same

When you show data in different ways, make sure it's always the same. Here's how:

Tip Why it's important
Use one data source Keeps numbers the same everywhere
Update all views at once Makes sure everything is up-to-date
Use clear labels Helps people compare different views

6. Design for Zooming In

Understanding Screen Magnifier Users

Some people use tools to make things on their screens bigger. This helps them see better if they have eye problems. When making data visuals, it's important to think about these users.

Keeping Things Clear When Zoomed

To make sure your visuals look good when zoomed in:

Tip Why It Helps
Use colors that stand out from each other Makes text easier to read when big
Pick simple fonts Stays clear when made bigger
Use sharp images Won't look fuzzy when zoomed in

Preventing Data Loss When Zoomed

To make sure people can see all the data when zoomed in:

What to Do How It Helps
Make visuals fit different screen sizes Stops parts from being cut off
Don't use too many things in one visual Makes it easier to read when big
Check with zoom tools Helps find and fix problems

7. Add Patterns and Textures

Using Patterns with Colors

Adding patterns to colors in data visuals helps people who have trouble seeing colors. This makes charts easier to understand for everyone. Here are some tips:

  • Use patterns that stand out from each other
  • Don't use patterns that look too alike
  • Mix patterns and colors to show what's most important
Pattern Color Use
Stripes Blue For data point A
Dots Red For data point B
Chevrons Green For data point C

How to Use Textures Well

Textures can make charts look better, but too many can be confusing. Here's how to use them:

  • Use only a few textures
  • Pick simple textures that don't hide the data
  • Use textures to show what's most important

Making Patterns Work in Black and White

When charts are printed in black and white, patterns need to be clear. Try these tips:

  • Use patterns that show up well in black and white
  • Don't use patterns that need color to make sense
  • Pick simple shapes that you can see without color
Pattern Type Good for Black and White
Dots Yes
Stripes Yes
Solid fill No
Crosshatch Yes

8. Use Clear Labels and Legends

Writing Short, Clear Labels

Good labels help people understand data visuals better. Here's how to write them:

  • Use simple words
  • Keep them short
  • Write in active voice
  • Make sure they're clear

Placing Legends Where They're Easy to See

Legends explain colors, symbols, and patterns in charts. To make them work well:

  • Put them where people can see them easily
  • Use a clear layout
  • Don't add too much information
Legend Tip Why It Helps
Easy to see People find information quickly
Clear layout Makes reading easier
Not too much info Keeps things simple

Using Symbols and Icons

Symbols and icons can make charts easier to understand. Here's how to use them:

  • Pick symbols people know
  • Make sure they're clear
  • Don't use too many
Symbol Meaning Example
๐Ÿ”ด High value Top of a bar chart
๐Ÿ”ต Low value Bottom of a bar chart
โžก๏ธ Trend Direction in a line chart

Using these tips will help make your charts and graphs easier for everyone to read and understand.

9. Make Complex Data Easier to Understand

Breaking Down Big Data Sets

When working with big data, it helps to split it into smaller parts. This makes it easier for people to understand. Here's how to do it:

  • Group data into categories
  • Make a list from most important to least important
  • Put similar things together

For example, if you have customer data, you could split it like this:

Category Examples
Personal Info Age, Location, Income
Buying Habits How often they buy, What they buy
Sales Info Money made, Profit, Where they buy

By splitting data this way, people can look at each part on its own. This helps them see patterns they might miss when looking at everything at once.

Showing Information Step by Step

Another good way to help people understand complex data is to show it bit by bit. You can use charts that let people click to see more details. This lets them learn about the data at their own speed.

Here's an example of how this works:

1. Show a big picture of sales data 2. Let people click on different parts to see more details 3. Give more info about specific areas or products

This way, people can slowly learn more about the data without feeling overwhelmed.

Finding the Right Amount of Detail

It's important to show enough info without showing too much. Too little makes it hard to understand, but too much can be confusing.

Here are some ways to find the right balance:

Method How it helps
Group similar data Makes less info to look at
Use colors or shapes Helps important parts stand out
Let people choose what to see Allows customization for different needs

10. Test with Accessibility Tools

Testing your data visuals with tools that check for ease of use helps make sure everyone can understand them. This step finds problems and lets you fix them before sharing your work.

Tools to Check Ease of Use

Here are some tools that can help:

Tool Type What It Does
Color Checkers Make sure colors are easy to see
Screen Readers Read the content out loud
Full Checkers Look at all parts of your webpage

How to Check Your Work

Follow these steps:

  1. Use a color checker to make sure colors work well together
  2. Try a screen reader to hear how your visual sounds
  3. Run a full check to find any other issues

Ask People What They Think

Getting feedback from real people, especially those who have trouble seeing or using computers, is very important. This helps you find problems you might have missed and learn how to make your visuals better for everyone.

Why Ask for Feedback What You Learn
Find hidden problems Issues that tools might miss
Get new ideas Ways to make visuals easier to use
Understand different needs How different people use your visuals


Making data visuals that everyone can use is important. By using the 10 tips in this guide, people who make charts and graphs can help more people understand them.

Making things easy to use is not a one-time job. It's something we need to keep working on. As new ways to make visuals come out, it's good to learn about them.

When people who make data visuals think about making them easy for everyone to use, more people can learn from them. This is true for small projects and big ones too.

As we keep making new ways to show data, it's important to make sure everyone can use them. This helps make a world where more people can understand and use information.

Here's a quick look at why making data visuals easy for everyone to use matters:

Reason Why It's Important
More people can use the information Helps spread knowledge
Follows rules about making things easy to use Meets legal requirements
Shows you care about all users Makes your work look good
Can lead to new ideas People might use your data in new ways


  • Keep learning about how to make visuals easy to use
  • Ask people what they think about your visuals
  • Fix problems when you find them
  • Think about different ways people might use your visuals

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