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10 Tips for Creating Accessible EPUB 3 Files

10 Tips for Creating Accessible EPUB 3 Files
Nimrod Kramer
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Learn how to create accessible EPUB 3 files with these 10 key tips. Follow guidelines, use semantic markup, provide alt text, ensure logical order, optimize for readability, make tables and math equations accessible, enable keyboard accessibility and user control, include accessibility metadata, test and validate accessibility, and establish accessibility-focused processes.

Making ebooks accessible allows everyone, including those with disabilities, to read and enjoy your content. It not only expands your readership but also demonstrates your commitment to inclusivity. Here are the key tips for creating accessible EPUB 3 files:

  1. Follow Accessibility Guidelines: Adhere to the EPUB Accessibility 1.1 guidelines, which cover discoverability and content accessibility.

  2. Use Proper Semantic Markup: Utilize HTML5 semantic elements and the epub:type attribute to structure your content meaningfully.

  3. Provide Text Descriptions: Include concise and descriptive alternative text (alt text) for images, diagrams, charts, and other non-text content.

  4. Ensure Logical Reading Order and Navigation: Use semantic HTML elements and the <itemref linear="no"> tag to maintain a logical reading order, and provide clear navigation aids.

  5. Optimize for Readability and Language Support: Define the language(s) using the lang attribute, use Unicode characters, and ensure clear language, headings, and consistent font styles.

  6. Make Tables and Math Equations Accessible: Use proper markup for tables, including captions and header cells, and represent math equations with MathML or provide accessible alternatives.

  7. Enable Keyboard Accessibility and User Control: Allow keyboard navigation and provide options for users to customize the reading experience.

  8. Include Accessibility Metadata: Add metadata to your EPUB file describing the accessibility features, access modes, and potential hazards.

  9. Test and Validate Accessibility: Use automated tools, manual testing, and validation tools to identify and fix accessibility issues.

  10. Establish Accessibility-Focused Processes: Develop an accessibility policy, train staff, integrate accessibility into your workflow, and continuously monitor and improve your processes.

By following these tips, you can create inclusive and usable EPUB 3 files, ensuring equal access to information for all readers, regardless of their abilities.

Tip Description
1. Follow Guidelines Adhere to EPUB Accessibility 1.1 guidelines
2. Use Semantic Markup Utilize HTML5 semantic elements and epub:type attribute
3. Provide Alt Text Include alternative text for non-text content
4. Ensure Logical Order Maintain logical reading order and navigation
5. Optimize Readability Use clear language, headings, and consistent fonts
6. Accessible Tables/Math Use proper markup for tables and math equations
7. Keyboard Accessibility Allow keyboard navigation and user customization
8. Include Metadata Add accessibility metadata to your EPUB file
9. Test and Validate Use automated tools, manual testing, and validation
10. Accessibility Processes Establish processes focused on accessibility

1. Follow Accessibility Guidelines

To create accessible EPUB 3 files, you need to follow the EPUB Accessibility 1.1 guidelines. These guidelines are based on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and provide specific techniques for making EPUB publications accessible.

The guidelines cover two main areas:


This involves providing metadata that helps users find and identify the accessibility features of an EPUB publication.

Content Accessibility

This ensures that the content itself is accessible to users with disabilities, such as:

  • Visual impairments
  • Hearing impairments
  • Motor impairments
  • Cognitive impairments

Following these guidelines is crucial for ensuring your EPUB files are accessible to all users, regardless of their abilities.

Guideline Area Description
Discoverability Providing metadata to help users discover accessibility features
Content Accessibility Ensuring the content is accessible to users with disabilities

2. Use Proper Semantic Markup

, <aside>, and <figure>` help define different parts of your document.

The <section> element can indicate a change in topic, while <aside> marks secondary content. EPUB 3's epub:type attribute further describes these elements as chapters, sidebars, or other publication structures.

Using proper semantic markup is crucial for accessibility. It allows reading systems to understand the document structure and provide better navigation and search tools for users with disabilities.

Here are some tips for using semantic markup in EPUB 3 files:

  • Use HTML5 semantic elements to structure your content meaningfully.
  • Utilize the epub:type attribute to specify the role of each element.
  • Ensure consistent markup that follows the EPUB 3 specification.
  • Test your markup with accessibility tools and reading systems to verify its accessibility.

3. Provide Text Descriptions for Images and Graphics

When creating accessible EPUB 3 files, it's crucial to provide text descriptions for images, diagrams, charts, and other non-text content. This allows readers with visual impairments to understand the information and context conveyed by these visual elements.

Why Text Descriptions Matter

Text descriptions, also known as alternative text or alt text, are written explanations of visual content. They are read aloud by screen readers, enabling visually impaired readers to comprehend the information that would otherwise be inaccessible to them. Without text descriptions, these readers may miss out on important details or context.

Best Practices for Text Descriptions

When creating text descriptions, follow these guidelines:

  • Be concise: Keep your descriptions brief and to the point, typically no more than 125 characters.
  • Be descriptive: Provide a clear and accurate explanation of the visual content, including relevant details.
  • Use proper syntax: Use the alt attribute in your HTML code to specify the text description.

Examples of Text Descriptions

Here are some examples of effective text descriptions:

Visual Content Text Description
Chart showing sales growth "Chart showing sales growth over the past year"
Diagram of the human brain "Diagram of the human brain, highlighting key regions"
Picture of a sunset "Picture of a sunset on a beach"

How to Add Text Descriptions

To add text descriptions to your EPUB 3 files, follow these steps:

  1. Identify all non-text content, such as images, diagrams, and charts.
  2. For each visual element, create a concise and descriptive text description.
  3. In your HTML code, use the alt attribute to specify the text description for each image or graphic.
<img src="sunset.jpg" alt="Picture of a sunset on a beach">

4. Ensure Logical Reading Order and Navigation

, <article>, <nav>, and <aside>` to define the structure of your content.

  • In the EPUB manifest file, use the <itemref linear="no"> tag to specify a non-linear reading order for elements like sidebars or footnotes.

Effective navigation aids readers in moving through the content seamlessly. Here are some tips for improving navigation:

  • Use clear and descriptive headings to indicate the content structure.
  • Provide a table of contents or navigation menu for easy access to different sections.
  • Ensure that links and interactive elements are accessible and properly labeled.
Content Element Technique
Reading Order Use semantic HTML elements and <itemref linear="no">
Navigation Clear headings, table of contents, accessible links

5. Optimize for Readability and Language Support

Language Support

  • Define the language(s) of your content using the lang attribute in the HTML header of each document.
  • Use Unicode characters to support non-English languages, ensuring content readability across different languages.
  • Provide translations for non-English content, such as image descriptions, to ensure all readers can understand the material.


  • Use clear and concise language to make your content easy to read and understand.
  • Utilize headings and subheadings to break up the content and provide a clear structure.
  • Use short paragraphs and bullet points to enhance scannability and readability.
  • Ensure consistent font size and style throughout the document.

Font and Typography

  • Use a clear and readable font, such as OpenDyslexic or Arial, to ensure easy readability.
  • Maintain consistent font sizes and styles throughout the document to provide a clear information hierarchy.
  • Avoid fonts that are difficult to read, such as those with intricate designs or overly ornate styles.
Content Element Technique
Language Support Define language with lang attribute, use Unicode, provide translations
Readability Clear language, headings/subheadings, short paragraphs, bullet points, consistent font
Font and Typography Readable font (e.g., OpenDyslexic, Arial), consistent sizes/styles, avoid intricate fonts

6. Make Tables and Math Equations Accessible

Table Accessibility

Tables need to be accessible for readers with disabilities. Here are some tips:

  • Use the <table> element to define tables, and give each table a unique id attribute.
  • Add a caption for each table using <caption>. Describe the table's content and structure.
  • Use header cells (<th>) for table headers. Associate them with data cells (<td>) using the headers attribute.
  • Don't use tables for layout purposes. Use CSS for styling and layout instead.

Math Equations Accessibility

Math equations also need to be accessible. Follow these guidelines:

  • Use MathML to represent math equations, as recommended for EPUB 3.
  • Provide an image of the equation with descriptive alternative text. For complex equations, add an extended description.
  • Ensure math equations are readable and navigable by assistive technologies like screen readers.

By following these tips, your tables and math equations will be accessible to all readers, including those with disabilities.

Accessibility Feature Technique
Table Accessibility Use <table> element, provide caption, use header cells, avoid layout tables
Math Equations Accessibility Use MathML, provide image with alternative text, ensure readability and navigability

7. Ensure Keyboard Accessibility and User Control

Allowing readers to navigate and interact with your content using only their keyboard is essential. This is particularly important for those with mobility or dexterity challenges who cannot use a mouse.

Keyboard Navigation

To enable keyboard navigation:

  • Make all interactive elements (links, buttons, form controls) accessible and activatable using only the keyboard.
  • Provide a logical and consistent navigation order for keyboard users.
  • Use the tabindex attribute to specify the order in which elements should be focused when navigating with the keyboard.

User Control

Additionally, provide users with control over the content:

  • Allow adjusting font sizes and styles to suit their needs.
  • Offer high contrast mode or night mode to reduce eye strain.
  • Enable customizing the reading experience, such as adjusting line spacing, margins, and brightness.

By ensuring keyboard accessibility and user control, you create an EPUB 3 file usable by a wide range of readers, including those with disabilities.

Accessibility Feature Technique
Keyboard Navigation Ensure interactive elements can be accessed using only the keyboard, provide a logical navigation order, and use tabindex attribute
User Control Allow font size and style adjustments, provide high contrast mode or night mode, and enable customization of reading experience

8. Include Accessibility Metadata

Adding accessibility metadata to your EPUB 3 file helps readers with disabilities find and access your content more easily. This metadata provides information about the accessibility features included in your publication, such as:

  • Alternative text for images
  • Transcripts
  • Keyboard navigation support

To include accessibility metadata, you'll need to add specific elements to the package.opf file of your EPUB. These elements describe the accessibility features of your publication.

Accessibility Features

Describe the accessibility features present in your content, such as:

Feature Description
structuralNavigation Indicates the content can be navigated using structural elements
MathML Specifies that mathematical equations are represented using MathML
alternativeText Indicates alternative text is provided for non-text content

Access Modes

Specify the modes in which the content is expressed:

Access Mode Description
visual Content is presented visually
auditory Content includes audio elements
tactile Content can be experienced through touch

Accessibility Hazards

Identify any potential hazards the content might present:

Hazard Description
flashing Content includes flashing or blinking elements
sound Content includes audio that plays automatically

Here's an example of how to add accessibility metadata to your EPUB file:

  <meta property="schema:accessibilityFeature">structuralNavigation</meta>
  <meta property="schema:accessibilityFeature">MathML</meta>
  <meta property="schema:accessibilityFeature">alternativeText</meta>
  <meta property="schema:accessibilityAPI">ARIA</meta>
  <meta property="schema:accessibilityControl">fullKeyboardControl</meta>

9. Test and Validate Accessibility

Checking your EPUB 3 file for accessibility is crucial. This involves testing for accessibility features and ensuring it meets accessibility standards.

Automated Testing

Use tools like Ace by DAISY to automatically identify accessibility issues, such as:

  • Missing alternative text
  • Incorrect navigation
  • Invalid metadata

Automated testing helps quickly find and fix accessibility problems.

Manual Testing

Manual testing is also essential. Check your file for features like:

  • Alternative text for images
  • Correct navigation and reading order
  • Accessible tables and math equations
  • Keyboard accessibility and user control

Validation Tools

Tools like EPUBCheck ensure your EPUB file follows the EPUB specification and accessibility standards. They check for issues like:

  • Invalid markup
  • Incorrect metadata
  • Accessibility errors

By combining automated and manual testing, along with validation tools, you can ensure your EPUB 3 file is accessible to all readers.

Testing Method Purpose
Automated Testing Quickly identify accessibility issues like missing alt text, navigation errors, and invalid metadata
Manual Testing Check for accessibility features like alt text, correct reading order, accessible tables/math, and keyboard accessibility
Validation Tools Ensure compliance with EPUB specification and accessibility standards, check for markup, metadata, and accessibility errors

10. Establish Accessibility-Focused Processes

Creating accessible EPUB 3 files requires a deliberate and systematic approach. To make accessibility an integral part of your publishing process, establish processes that prioritize inclusivity and usability.

Develop an Accessibility Policy

Create a clear policy that outlines your organization's commitment to accessibility. This policy should define accessibility goals, roles, and responsibilities, as well as provide guidelines for creating accessible content.

Train Staff and Developers

Provide training and resources for staff and developers to learn about accessibility standards, guidelines, and best practices. This will ensure that everyone involved in the publishing process understands the importance of accessibility and knows how to implement it.

Integrate Accessibility into Your Workflow

Incorporate accessibility checks and testing into your publishing workflow. This can include:

  • Automated testing tools
  • Manual testing
  • Validation tools

These tools will ensure that your EPUB files meet accessibility standards.

Continuously Monitor and Improve

Regularly review and update your accessibility processes to ensure they remain effective and efficient. Stay informed about new accessibility standards, guidelines, and best practices to continuously improve your publishing process.

Here's a summary of the key steps:

Step Description
Develop an Accessibility Policy Define goals, roles, and guidelines for accessible content
Train Staff and Developers Provide resources on accessibility standards and best practices
Integrate Accessibility into Workflow Use automated tools, manual testing, and validation tools
Continuously Monitor and Improve Review processes, stay updated on new standards and guidelines


Creating accessible EPUB 3 files is crucial in today's digital publishing landscape. By following the 10 tips outlined in this article, you can ensure that your publications are inclusive and usable for all readers, regardless of their abilities or disabilities.

Here's a summary of the key points:

  • Making EPUB 3 files accessible requires a deliberate and systematic approach.
  • Establish clear processes that prioritize inclusivity and usability.
  • Train staff and developers on accessibility standards and best practices.
  • Integrate accessibility checks and testing into your publishing workflow.
  • Continuously review and update your processes to align with new standards and guidelines.
Step Description
Develop Accessibility Policy Define goals, roles, and guidelines for accessible content
Train Team Provide resources on accessibility standards and best practices
Integrate Accessibility Use automated tools, manual testing, and validation tools
Continuous Improvement Review processes, stay updated on new standards

Accessibility is not a one-time task but an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring and improvement. By staying up-to-date with the latest accessibility standards and best practices, you can ensure that your publications remain accessible and usable for all readers.

With the right tools, knowledge, and mindset, you can create a more inclusive digital publishing environment and make a positive impact on the lives of readers with disabilities.


How do I make an EPUB accessible?

To create an accessible EPUB:

  • Include proper metadata describing accessibility features
  • Ensure text is in a logical reading order, not relying solely on visual cues
  • Avoid embedding text or tables within images (if unavoidable, provide detailed descriptions)
  • Always add alternative text (alt text) for images, charts, graphs, infographics, and decorations

What are the top tips for accessible EPUB 3 files?

Tip Description
1. Logical Text Order All text must be available in a logical reading order
2. Separate Content and Presentation Keep content separate from visual styling
3. Complete Navigation Provide complete navigation options for users
4. Meaningful Structure Create meaningful structural elements wherever possible
5. Define Content Clearly define the content of each HTML tag
6. Use Images Appropriately Use images only for pictures, not for tables or text

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