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Agile Squad Model Explained

Agile Squad Model Explained
Nimrod Kramer
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Learn about the Agile Squad Model, a revolutionary way to enhance agility, collaboration, and productivity in project management. Discover how squads, tribes, chapters, and guilds work together to improve teamwork and adaptability.

The Agile Squad Model, originally developed by Spotify, is a revolutionary way to structure teams to enhance agility, collaboration, and productivity in project management. Let's break it down:

  • Small, self-sufficient teams called squads focus on specific project aspects, with the autonomy to choose their work process.
  • Squads are organized into tribes, larger groups that ensure alignment and manage scalability.
  • Chapters & Guilds facilitate cross-squad knowledge sharing and skill development.

This model supports rapid product development, boosts efficiency, and helps teams adapt quickly to changes. Implementing it requires leadership support, training, and a readiness assessment. While challenges like maintaining company goal alignment and managing dependencies may arise, they can be navigated with strategic planning and communication. Customizing the model to fit your organization's unique needs is key to leveraging its benefits.

Overall, the Agile Squad Model fosters a collaborative, efficient, and flexible working environment, making it a valuable approach for companies looking to improve their project management practices.

What is the Agile Squad Model?


The Agile Squad Model is a way of setting up teams, invented by the folks at Spotify, to make working on big projects easier and more effective. In this setup, you have small teams called "squads" that focus on one part of a product. These squads are grouped into larger teams called "tribes." Here's a quick rundown:

  • Squads - These are small groups of about 6-12 people who work together on the same project. They get to decide how they want to work, using methods like Scrum or Kanban.
  • Tribes - These are bigger groups that bring several squads together. They work on related stuff and are kept small, usually under 100 people, thanks to something called Dunbar's number which is about keeping teams a manageable size.
  • Chapters - These are smaller groups within tribes where people with the same skills can share what they know.
  • Guilds - These are even bigger groups that cross over different tribes, where people with shared interests can talk and share ideas.

Spotify came up with this model in 2012 to help manage big teams without losing the quick and flexible way of working that smaller teams have. It's all about making sure teams can move fast, make their own choices, and learn from each other.

The Origins of the Model

Back in 2012, Spotify was growing fast and needed a way to keep their agile way of working while managing more and more people. They didn't want to just make more layers of management. Instead, they came up with the Agile Squad Model. This model keeps teams small and gives them freedom to work how they think is best, while also making sure everyone is moving in the same direction.

By doing this, Spotify could grow without losing the quick, flexible way of working they had when they were smaller. It's a smart way to grow a company without getting bogged down by too many rules or too much management.

The Structure of Agile Squads

A typical squad has a mix of people with different skills:

  • Developers - The people who write the code.
  • QA specialists - The ones who check everything works right.
  • Product owner - This person decides what the team should work on, but doesn't tell them how to do it.
  • UX designers - They make sure the product looks good and is easy to use.
  • Agile coach - Helps the team work better together using agile methods.

Each squad is like a mini-team that can handle all parts of a project, from planning to launching. They get to decide the best way to work, often using Scrum or Kanban, and focus on making things better bit by bit.

The squads are pretty independent, but they don't work in isolation. They talk to chapters to get better at what they do and join guilds to talk about common interests. When several squads work on related things, they form a tribe, which helps everyone stay on track without adding lots of management layers.

This way of setting up teams helps big companies stay fast and flexible, just like when they were smaller. It makes sure teams can make their own decisions but still work towards the same big goals.

The Benefits of the Agile Squad Model

The Agile Squad Model brings a lot of good stuff to the table. It helps teams work better together, get things done faster, and change direction easily when needed.

Enhanced Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing

Squads make it easier for people with different skills to work closely. Because everyone is working together and has the freedom to make decisions, sharing what they know happens naturally. This leads to better ideas.

Chapters and Guilds help too. Chapters let people doing similar jobs share tips and tricks. Guilds are for anyone interested in the same topics to talk and share, no matter which squad they're in.

Increased Efficiency and Productivity

Squads plan their work based on what they can handle and break it down into small parts. This way, they don't take on too much and can avoid getting stuck waiting for someone else's okay.

Working together closely means squads can solve problems faster. This approach makes sure everyone is used well and keeps things moving smoothly.

Faster Product Development Cycles

Squads can quickly make, test, and release new stuff without having to wait for approval from outside their team. They have all the skills they need in their group, so they don't have to wait on others.

Testing things often and integrating them into the bigger picture early on means any issues can be caught and fixed fast. This helps avoid bigger problems later on.

Improved Ability to Respond to Change

Squads are set up to be flexible. They regularly check how things are going and can change their plans based on what they find. This means they can stay up to date with what users want and what the business needs.

By working in small chunks, squads don't get stuck in long-term plans that might not work anymore. They can shift focus quickly, keeping up with changes in user feedback and business goals.

Implementing the Agile Squad Model


Before you start using the Agile Squad Model, make sure you have:

  • Leadership Commitment - The top bosses need to be all in. They should share the big picture, provide what's needed, and let teams make choices.
  • Training & Coaching - Everyone should learn about Agile, including squads, tribes, and all that jazz. Keep the support going so teams get the hang of new ways.
  • Assess Readiness - Check if your company is ready for this big change. Look for any big hurdles and plan to get past them.
  • Establish Metrics - Pick some ways to see how well squads are doing. Things like how fast they work, how many mistakes they make, and if they're hitting their targets are good to keep an eye on.

Building Squads

When putting together squads:

  • Size - Aim for less than 12 people. Bigger groups just don't work as well.
  • Composition - Squads should have a bit of everything - developers, designers, testers. They need all the skills to complete their projects.
  • Mission - Give squads a clear goal that focuses on making customers happy. Let them figure out the best way to work.
  • Tools - Make sure they have what they need to work together, like boards, chat tools, and whatever else they might need.
  • Norms - Help squads decide how they want to communicate, meet, and write code. Write these rules down so everyone's on the same page.

Management Tools and Practices

Squads can keep things running smoothly by:

  • Using Kanban boards to see what everyone's working on and spot any hold-ups.
  • Having daily standups to make sure everyone knows what's happening that day and if there are any problems.
  • Doing regular retrospectives to talk about what's working, what's not, and how to get better.

Also, using charts and diagrams can help see if the squad's workload matches what they can actually do.

Overcoming Challenges

Implementing agile squads can make teams work better, but it's not always easy. Here are some common problems and how to solve them:

Maintaining Alignment with Company Goals

Since squads make their own decisions, they might forget the main goals of the company. This can make teams go in different directions.

  • Make sure everyone knows the big goals of the company.
  • Tribe leads should keep talking about what the company wants to achieve.
  • Squads should join in on PI planning to see how they fit into the bigger picture.

Avoiding Knowledge Silos Between Squads

Knowledge Silos

Squads work closely on their own stuff, which can make them lose touch with other teams. This makes sharing hard.

  • Encourage everyone to share what they know through chapters and guilds.
  • Set up a place where squads can share tips and updates.
  • Have squads show off their work to each other.

Adapting to Change

Squads like to move fast, but big changes can slow them down.

  • Bring in new tools or ideas slowly.
  • Let squad members help plan changes.
  • Pick some people to help everyone get used to new ways.
  • Keep teaching and supporting everyone.

Managing Complex Dependencies

When teams depend on each other, a delay in one team can hold everyone back.

  • Show how work flows to spot where teams depend on each other.
  • Work together during PI planning.
  • Start testing early to find problems sooner.
  • Make sure teams that need each other can talk easily.

Avoiding "Super Squads"

Sometimes a squad is so good they end up doing too much. This can make them too busy and stop other teams from doing their part.

  • Make sure squads are just the right size.
  • Spread work evenly among teams.
  • If needed, add more people to squads or make new ones.

With some planning and effort, these issues can be fixed. Keeping everyone open, talking, and ready to improve helps squads stay on track, work well, and be ready for changes.


Customizing the Model for Your Organization

The Spotify model is a way to organize teams that helps big companies stay nimble, like Spotify did. But, just copying what Spotify did won't work for everyone. Your company is different, with its own way of doing things. So, it's smart to tweak the Spotify model to fit your needs better.

Here's how to make the Spotify model work for you:

Evaluate your current organizational design

Before jumping into squads and tribes, take a good look at how your teams are set up right now. Check out how big your teams are, how they work together, and what's not working great. This will show you where the Spotify model might help.

Adapt roles and terminology

The job titles and groups Spotify talks about, like chapter leads, might not fit your company exactly. Pick roles and names that make sense for you. Use terms that your team feels comfortable with.

Start small

Try this model with just one part of your company first. See what works and what doesn't. This way, you can learn without too much risk.

Customize team sizes

Keep your squads small, but decide on your own how big your tribes should be. Think about how many squads you have and what size feels right for managing them.

Build on existing strengths

If some parts of your company already work well together, use squads to make this even better. Look for what's already working and build on that.

Allow flexibility

Let your squads pick the best way to work, whether that's Scrum or Kanban. And be open to changing how you use the model as you go. Sticking too closely to the rules can backfire.

Remember, the Spotify model is all about principles, not strict rules. By looking at what your company already does well and where you could use some help, you can adjust the model to fit your needs. The aim isn't to copy Spotify exactly but to use what they learned to make your teams work better together.


The Agile Squad Model is a smart way to set up teams so they work better together, get things done faster, and can change direction quickly when needed. It's about creating small, self-managing teams called squads, and grouping them into larger teams known as tribes. This setup helps with sharing knowledge, speeding up work, and adapting to new situations easily.

Here's why the Squad Model is helpful:

  • Better teamwork and sharing of ideas because squads work closely together and tribes help keep everyone moving in the same direction.
  • Faster work and more getting done since squads can make their own decisions about how to deliver value.
  • Easier to handle changes with squads that can quickly change what they're doing based on what's needed.
  • Simpler to grow agile practices across big groups without making things too complicated.

This model also helps avoid the usual problems big teams face, like slow decisions, people working in isolation, and not being in tune with the company's main goals.

Even though the Spotify Squad Model was made for Spotify, its main ideas can work for other companies too. If you're thinking about making your teams more agile, this model can be a good starting point. You can adjust it to fit what your company already does well.

Choosing the right team setup, tools, and how to manage things depends on what your company needs. By starting with a small test, being open to changes, and taking it step by step, teams can slowly bring in parts of this model to help them do better over time.

In short, the Squad Model offers a way to make teams that don't work well together better, without adding a lot of extra rules or managers. If your company is having trouble because teams are too separated, this model can show you how to bring them together for better results, no matter how big your company is.

What is the purpose of an agile squad?

An agile squad is like a small team that works together to make and improve parts of a product quickly. They aim to:

  • Speed up making products by getting rid of delays
  • Work better together by talking and sharing ideas
  • Make their own choices without too much checking from others
  • Keep delivering working parts of the product regularly

Because the teams are small and have all the skills they need, they can move fast and don't have to wait on others.

What is the difference between squad and chapter in agile?

  • Squads are small teams that work on making and delivering parts of a product every day.
  • Chapters are groups of people from different squads who have the same skills and interests. While you stay in your squad, you can join chapters anytime.

Chapters help squads share what they know and the tools they use with the whole company. But unlike squads, chapters don't make products - they share knowledge.

What is squad methodology?

The squad methodology is a way to organize teams that was first used by Spotify. It includes:

  • Squads - Small teams of about 6-12 people who have a specific mission
  • Tribes - Groups of squads that work on related stuff
  • Chapters & Guilds - Ways for people in different tribes to share what they know

This approach helps small teams work independently but also share ideas across the whole company.

What are the 3 roles in an agile model?

In an agile setup like Scrum, you usually have 3 main roles:

  • Product Owner: This person looks after the product plan and decides what the team should work on to bring the most value.
  • Scrum Master: Helps the team work well together and fixes any problems that might slow them down.
  • Development Team: Works together to build the product by choosing work from the plan each sprint.

While there are other important people involved, these three roles are the core of the team. The product owner links the team to the business side, the Scrum Master helps with the process, and the dev team builds the product.

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