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Android App Publishing Checklist: Google Play 2024

Android App Publishing Checklist: Google Play 2024
Nimrod Kramer
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Essential guide to publishing an Android app on Google Play in 2024. Learn about Google Play rules, API requirements, app building, testing, content rules, payments, testing, submission, and post-launch steps.

Here's your essential guide to publishing an Android app on Google Play in 2024:

  1. Set up a Google Developer account
  2. Ensure app quality and follow content rules
  3. Meet technical requirements
  4. Create a compelling store listing
  5. Address privacy and security concerns
  6. Set pricing and distribution
  7. Test thoroughly before submission
  8. Submit your app for review

Key steps before development:

Building and testing:

  • Ensure app performance, safety, and design
  • Test on various devices
  • Implement security features
Preparation Area Key Tasks
Store Page Write clear description, create visuals, translate
Technical Set up for release, sign app, check size
Content Rules Set age ratings, create privacy policy
Payments Choose pricing model, set up in-app purchases
Testing Conduct internal and beta tests
Submission Upload app file, fill out required info

After launch:

  • Monitor app performance
  • Plan regular updates
  • Provide user support

Use this checklist to ensure a smooth publication process for your Android app on Google Play in 2024.

Before You Start Developing

Get ready before you begin making your app.

Set Up Your Google Developer Account

To put your Android app on Google Play, you need a Google Developer account. Here's what to do:

  1. Sign the Google Play Developer agreement
  2. Pay the one-time registration fee

This account lets you upload and manage your apps on Google Play.

Learn Google Play Rules

Google Play

Know the rules before you start coding. Read the Google Play Developer Program Policies. These tell you what you can and can't do with your app.

Check 2024 API Requirements

Make sure your app works with new Android versions. Here are the key dates:

Date Requirement
August 31, 2024 New apps and updates must use Android 14 (API level 34)
Now Existing apps must use Android 13 (API level 33) or higher

Meeting these rules helps your app stay on Google Play and work on new devices.

Build and Test Your App

Make sure your app works well before you release it.

Make Sure Your App Works Well

To create a good app that meets Google's standards:

Aspect What to Do
Speed Make your app run fast without crashing or slowing down phones
Safety Keep user information safe
Look Design an easy-to-use app that looks good
Features Make sure all parts of your app work correctly

Test on Different Devices

Check your app on many phones and tablets:

  • Use fake phones on your computer
  • Try real phones and tablets
  • Use online services to test on many devices at once

Add Safety Features

Keep your app and its users safe:

Feature Description
Data protection Hide important information like passwords
Safe coding Write your app code in ways that stop problems
Updates Fix any safety issues quickly

Prepare Your App Store Page

Getting your app ready for the Google Play Store is key to getting more downloads.

Write a Good App Description

Your app description should:

  • Be clear and easy to read
  • Tell users what your app does
  • List main features
  • Use words people search for

Keep it short and simple. Don't use hard-to-understand words.

Create Clear Screenshots and Videos

Good pictures and videos show users what your app looks like and how it works.

Item Requirements
Screenshots At least 1080px wide
Videos Show main features
Both Follow Google Play rules

Add text to explain what's in each picture or video.

Translate for Different Markets

Making your app available in different languages can help more people find and use it.

Step Action
1 Find out which countries you want to reach
2 Translate your app description and store page
3 Use Google Play's tools to help with translation

This helps people who speak other languages understand and use your app.

Technical Steps

Get your app ready for release with these key steps.

Set Up Your App for Release

Before you publish:

  1. Turn off debugging
  2. Set the right version info
  3. Clean up project folders

To do this:

  1. Go to App releases in the left menu
  2. Pick Production track
  3. Click MANAGE

Sign Your App

You must sign your app. You have two choices:

Option Description
Self-signing You handle the signing process
Google Play signing Google manages your app's signing key

To sign your app:

  1. Make cryptographic keys
  2. Choose OPT OUT when making a new release (if you want to self-sign)

Check App Size

Make sure your app isn't too big:

App Size Action
Under 4 GB Good to go
Over 4 GB Use APK Expansion Files

To check your app size:

  1. Upload your app file to Google Play Console
  2. Look at the size info

Try to make your app smaller. This helps users download it faster and use less space on their phones.

Follow Content Rules

Make sure your app follows Google Play Store's rules to avoid problems.

Set Age Ratings

Tell users how old they should be to use your app:

  1. Answer questions about your app's content
  2. Get a rating based on your answers

The rating shows if your app is okay for kids, teens, or only adults.

Create a Privacy Policy

Write a clear privacy policy that explains:

What to Include Why It's Important
Data you collect Users know what info you have
How you use data Shows you're honest
User rights Tells users how to control their info

Make sure your policy follows laws like GDPR and CCPA.

Check Restricted Content Rules

Google Play has strict rules about what's allowed in apps:

Not Allowed Examples
Bad content Violence, hate speech
Illegal stuff Gambling, drugs
Copying others Using someone else's work without permission

If you break these rules, Google might take your app off the store.


Set Up App Payments

Here's how to set up payments for your app.

Choose Free or Paid

When deciding if your app should be free or paid, think about:

Factor What to Consider
Money goals How will you make money? (In-app buys, ads, etc.)
Users Will people pay for your app?
Other apps What prices do similar apps charge?

You can make your app free with in-app buys or charge for extra features.

Add In-App Purchases

To let users buy things in your app:

  1. Get a Google Merchant Account: Link it to your developer account.

  2. Add billing permission: Put this in your app's manifest file:

    <uses-permission android:name="" />
  3. Make in-app products: Set these up in the Google Play Developer Console.

  4. Use Google Play Billing Library: Add this to your app to handle purchases.

Set Prices for Different Countries

When setting prices for other countries:

Task Why It's Important
Use local money Makes it easier for users to buy
Check other app prices Helps you set fair prices
Think about taxes Different places have different rules

Use the Google Play Console to set prices for each country. Make sure you follow the rules about pricing and taxes in each place.

Test Before Launch

Check your app carefully before you release it to make sure it works well for users.

Do Internal Testing

Test your app within your team first:

Method Description
Firebase App Distribution Share your app with team members
Play Console's internal app sharing Let team members try your app

This helps you find and fix problems early.

Run Beta Tests

Let more people try your app before the public release:

Test Type Description
Closed beta Limited group of users
Open beta Anyone can join

Use the feedback to improve your app.

Use Google Play Console Reports

Google Play Console gives you helpful information:

Report Type What It Shows
Stability If your app crashes or freezes
Performance How fast your app runs
Other issues Problems that might affect users

Look at these reports to make your app better before you release it.

Submit Your App

Here's how to officially put your app on Google Play.

Upload Your App File

Follow these steps to upload your app:

  1. Go to Google Play Console
  2. Pick your app
  3. Click "Release management" then "App releases"
  4. Choose "Create release"
  5. Pick your release type
  6. Upload your app file (APK or AAB)
  7. Fill in the needed info
  8. Check and confirm your release details

Fill Out All Required Info

Make sure to complete all these fields:

Field What to Include
App title Short, clear name
Short description Quick summary
Full description Detailed info
Screenshots Clear images of your app
Graphics Logo and other visuals
Category and tags Help users find your app
Pricing Free or paid
Distribution Where to sell your app
Content rating Age group for your app
Privacy policy How you handle user data

Choose Your Release Type

Pick the right way to release your app:

Release Type Who Can Use It Best For
Production All users Final, ready-to-use apps
Beta Limited group Getting feedback before full release
Alpha Small, trusted group Early testing of new features

After Launch

Watch App Performance

After your app goes live, keep an eye on how it's doing. Use Google Play Console and Firebase Analytics to check:

Metric What It Tells You
Downloads How many people get your app
Installs How many keep your app
Crashes How often your app stops working
Ratings What users think of your app
Revenue How much money your app makes

Looking at these numbers helps you:

  • Find what needs fixing
  • Make your app work better
  • Keep users happy
  • Get more people to use your app
  • Help more people find your app on the Play Store

Plan Updates

Keep your app fresh and working well by planning updates. This means:

Task Why It's Important
Fix bugs Stop things from going wrong
Add new features Give users more reasons to use your app
Make the app faster and safer Keep users' info safe and make the app run smoothly
Update app info Tell users about new changes
Think about future updates Stay ahead of what users might want

By doing these things, your app stays useful and safe for people to use.

Help Users and Fix Problems

Be there for your users when they need help. Set up ways to support them:

Support Method How It Helps
Answer reviews on Play Store Shows you care about user feedback
Write clear help guides Makes it easy for users to solve problems
Offer email, chat, or phone help Gives users different ways to reach you
Fix issues quickly Keeps users happy and using your app
Ask users what they think Helps you make the app better

Good support makes users trust your app and want to keep using it.

Quick Checklist

Here's a simple list to check before you put your Android app on Google Play:


Task Details
Google Developer account Set it up
Google Play rules Learn them
2024 API requirements Check them
App building and testing Do it thoroughly
Security features Add them

App Store Page

Task What to Do
App description Write it clearly
Screenshots and videos Make them easy to understand
Different languages Translate your app info

Technical Steps

Step Action
Release setup Get your app ready
App signing Do it correctly
App size Make sure it's not too big

Content Rules

Rule What to Do
Age ratings Set them
Privacy policy Write one
Restricted content Check the rules


Task Action
App cost Choose free or paid
In-app purchases Add if needed
Prices for countries Set them


Test Type What to Do
Internal testing Test with your team
Beta tests Test with some users
Play Console reports Use them to find issues


Task What to Do
App file Upload it
Required info Fill it all out
Release type Pick the right one

Use this list to make sure you've done everything before putting your app on Google Play.


How do I publish an Android app to Google Play?

To put your Android app on Google Play, follow these steps:

  1. Set up a Google Developer account

    • Go to Google Play Console website
    • Pay the $25 one-time fee
    • Sign up for an account
  2. Get your app ready

    • Make a final version of your app file (APK)
    • Write your app's store description
    • Choose your app's price
  3. Put your app on Google Play

    • Go to Google Play Console
    • Upload your app file
    • Fill in all needed info
Step What to Do Why It's Important
1. Account Setup Create Google Developer account Lets you use Google Play
2. App Preparation Make APK, write description, set price Gets your app ready for users
3. App Upload Use Google Play Console to upload Puts your app on the store
  1. Add required information

    • App title
    • Short and full descriptions
    • Screenshots
    • App icon
    • Choose app category
  2. Pick how to release your app

    • Free or paid
    • Countries where it's available
    • Age rating

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