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Android Jetpack Navigation: Beginner's Guide

Android Jetpack Navigation: Beginner's Guide
Nimrod Kramer
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Learn about Android Jetpack Navigation, setting up navigation graphs, moving between screens, sending data between fragments, adding custom transitions, testing navigation, and avoiding common mistakes.

Android Jetpack Navigation simplifies app navigation. Here's what you need to know:

  • Key Components:
    • Navigation Graph: XML file showing app screens and connections
    • NavHost: Container for screens
    • NavController: Manages screen transitions
  • Setup Steps:
    1. Add dependencies to build.gradle
    2. Create nav_graph.xml
    3. Add NavHostFragment to main activity
    4. Use NavController to navigate
  • Key Features:
    • Simplified screen transitions
    • Easy data passing between screens
    • Custom animations
    • Deep linking support
    • Testing tools
Feature Benefit
Navigation Graph Visual representation of app flow
Safe Args Type-safe data passing
Deep Linking Direct access to specific app parts
Single Activity Simpler app architecture

This guide covers setup, implementation, and best practices for Android Jetpack Navigation.

Before You Start

Here's what you need to get ready for Android Jetpack Navigation:

Setting Up Android Studio

Android Studio

Make sure you have the latest Android Studio version. To check for updates:

  1. Open Android Studio
  2. Go to Help > Check for Update

Required Knowledge

Before starting with Android Jetpack Navigation, you should know:

Topic Description
Kotlin Basic understanding of Kotlin programming language
Android Development Familiarity with activities, fragments, and layouts

Having a good grasp of these basics will help you learn Android Jetpack Navigation more easily.

Key Parts of Jetpack Navigation

Jetpack Navigation has three main parts: Navigation Graph, NavHost, and NavController. Let's look at each one:

What is a Navigation Graph?

A Navigation Graph is an XML file that shows how your app's screens connect. It's like a map of your app. It includes:

  • All the screens (called destinations)
  • How users can move between screens

The Navigation Graph helps the NavController manage how users move around your app.

Understanding NavHost

NavHost is a container that holds the screens from your Navigation Graph. It's usually a Fragment or an Activity. NavHost:

  • Swaps screens in and out as users move through the app
  • Manages the back stack (the list of screens users have visited)

How NavController Works

NavController manages how users move through your app. It:

  • Uses the Navigation Graph to know where users can go
  • Swaps content in the NavHost as users move around
  • Handles the back stack so users can go back to previous screens

Here's a quick comparison of these three parts:

Component Role
Navigation Graph Map of app screens and connections
NavHost Container for showing screens
NavController Manages movement between screens

Understanding these parts helps you build better navigation in your Android apps.

Project Setup Steps

To use Jetpack Navigation in your Android app, follow these steps:

Adding Required Dependencies

Add these lines to your build.gradle file:

dependencies {
    implementation 'androidx.navigation:navigation-fragment:2.3.0'
    implementation 'androidx.navigation:navigation-ui:2.3.0'

Making a Navigation Resource File

  1. Create a new file named nav_graph.xml in the res/navigation folder.
  2. This file defines how your app's screens connect.

Here's a basic nav_graph.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<navigation xmlns:app=""
        tools:layout="@layout/fragment_home" />
        tools:layout="@layout/fragment_settings" />

This XML file shows:

  • Two screens (fragments): Home and Settings
  • How these screens link in your app

Building Your First Navigation Graph

Let's walk through how to make your first navigation graph for your Android app. This will help you set up how users move between screens.

Planning Navigation Flow

Before you start, think about how users will move through your app:

  • What screens does your app have?
  • How do these screens connect?
  • Which screen should users see first?

Having a clear plan will make building your navigation graph easier.

Adding Destinations to the Graph

Now, let's add screens to your navigation graph. In your nav_graph.xml file, add a <fragment> for each screen. Here's an example:

<navigation xmlns:app=""
        tools:layout="@layout/fragment_home" />
        tools:layout="@layout/fragment_settings" />

This code sets up two screens: Home and Settings.

Linking Destinations with Actions

After adding screens, you need to connect them. You do this with actions. Actions tell your app how to move from one screen to another.

Here's how to add an action from the home screen to the settings screen:

<navigation xmlns:app=""
        tools:layout="@layout/fragment_home" >
            app:destination="@id/fragment_settings" />
        tools:layout="@layout/fragment_settings" />

This code adds an action to move from the Home screen to the Settings screen.

Setting Up NavHost

Adding a NavHost is a key step in using Android Jetpack Navigation. Here's how to set it up in your main activity:

Adding NavHostFragment to Main Activity


Put this code in your activity's layout file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout xmlns:android=""
        app:navGraph="@navigation/nav_graph" />

This adds a NavHostFragment with the ID nav_host_fragment to your activity's layout.

When setting up the NavHostFragment in your XML layout:

Attribute Value Purpose
android:name androidx.navigation.fragment.NavHostFragment Creates a new NavHostFragment
app:defaultNavHost true Lets NavHostFragment handle the back button
app:navGraph @navigation/nav_graph Links to your navigation graph

These settings help your app use the Navigation component correctly.

Using NavController

NavController is a key part of Android Jetpack Navigation. It helps you move between screens in your app. Here's how to use it:

Getting NavController Instance

To use NavController, you need to get it in your activity or fragment. Here's how:

Context Method
Activity findNavController(
Fragment NavHostFragment.findNavController(this)
View Navigation.findNavController(view)

Moving Between Destinations

Once you have NavController, use its navigate() method to move between screens. For example:

val navController = findNavController(

This code moves from the home screen to the details screen.

Managing Back Navigation

NavController handles back navigation too. When users press the back button, it goes to the previous screen.

You can also use navigateUp() to go back:

val navController = findNavController(
if (!navController.navigateUp()) {
    // Handle when going back isn't possible

Sending Data Between Destinations

Moving data from one screen to another is important in Android apps. Here's how to do it:

Using Safe Args Plugin

Safe Args

Safe Args is a good way to send data between screens. It keeps your data types safe. To use it:

  1. Add this to your build.gradle file:
plugins {
    id 'androidx.navigation.safeargs'
  1. Safe Args will make classes for your navigation graph. Use these to send data.

Setting and Getting Arguments

To send data, you need to set up arguments in your navigation graph. Here's how:

  1. Add arguments to your nav_graph.xml file:
    android:label="Details Fragment">
        app:argType="integer" />
  1. To get the argument in your screen, use this code:
val itemId = arguments?.getInt("itemId")

Here's a quick look at how to use arguments:

Step What to do
1. Set up Add argument in nav_graph.xml
2. Send data Use Safe Args generated class
3. Get data Use arguments?.get...() in your screen

This makes it easy to move data between screens in your app.

Custom Navigation Transitions

This section explains how to add custom animations to your app's navigation.

Adding Custom Animations

To add custom animations:

  1. Create animation files in the res/anim folder
  2. Define the animation effects in these files

Here's an example of a fade-in animation (fade_in.xml):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<alpha xmlns:android=""
    android:toAlpha="1" />

This code creates a fade-in effect for your navigation.

Using Transition Effects

To apply transition effects:

  1. Use the NavOptions class
  2. Set the animation for entering and exiting screens
  3. Apply these options when navigating

Here's how to add a fade-in effect when moving between screens:

val navOptions = NavOptions.Builder()

navController.navigate(, navOptions)

This code applies a fade-in effect when going from Fragment A to Fragment B.

Step Action
1 Create animation XML files
2 Set up NavOptions with animations
3 Use NavOptions when navigating

Setting Up Deep Linking

Deep linking lets users go straight to specific parts of your app. Here's how to set it up using Android Jetpack Navigation:

To add deep links:

  1. Open your navigation graph XML file
  2. Add a <deepLink> element to your destination

Here's an example:

        app:uri="" />

This code links to secondFragment in your app.

When a deep link opens your app, Android sends an Intent. To handle it:

  1. Override onNewIntent in your activity:
override fun onNewIntent(intent: Intent) {
    // Handle the deep link intent here
  1. Use NavController to go to the right screen:
Step Action
1 Add deep link in navigation graph
2 Override onNewIntent in activity
3 Use NavController to navigate

This setup helps users jump right to the part of your app they want.

Tips and Common Mistakes

Using Single Activity Design

When using Android Jetpack Navigation, it's best to use one main activity. This makes it easier to:

  • Control how screens change
  • Keep the app simple
  • Give users a smooth experience

With one activity, you can move between screens (fragments) more easily.

Managing the Back Stack

The back stack is the list of screens users have visited. It's important to handle it well. Here's how:

  • Use the Navigation Editor to set up how screens go back
  • Use popUpTo to remove extra screens from the back stack

This helps users go back to the right screen without problems.

Avoiding Navigation Errors

Here are some tips to avoid common mistakes:

Tip What to Do
Use AndroidX Add android.useAndroidX=true to
Fix AppBarConfiguration warnings Add needed options in build.gradle

Following these tips helps make your app's navigation work better.

Advanced Navigation Methods

Using Nested Navigation Graphs

Nested navigation graphs help organize your app's navigation into smaller parts. This is useful for apps with many screens or features.

To make a nested graph:

  1. Create a new navigation graph file
  2. Add it to your main navigation graph

Here's an example of a nested graph in XML:

<navigation xmlns:android=""

        android:label="@string/home_fragment_label" />

            android:label="@string/settings_fragment_label" />


This example shows a main graph with a nested settings graph inside it.

Setting Up Conditional Navigation

Conditional navigation lets you change where users go based on certain factors. You can use it to:

  • Send users to a login screen if they're not signed in
  • Show new users a tutorial

Here's how to do conditional navigation in Kotlin:

val navController = findNavController(

if (isUserSignedIn) {
} else {

This code checks if a user is signed in and sends them to the right screen.

Creating Global Actions

Global actions are navigation steps you can use from anywhere in your app. They're good for things like:

  • Search functions
  • Logout buttons

To make a global action:

  1. Add it to your navigation graph XML
  2. Use NavController to trigger it

Here's an example of a global action in XML:

<navigation xmlns:android=""

        app:destination="@id/search_fragment" />

    <!-- Other fragments and actions -->


This sets up a global search action that can be used from any screen in the app.

Navigation Method Use Case Key Benefit
Nested Graphs Apps with many screens Better organization
Conditional Navigation User-specific paths Personalized experience
Global Actions App-wide functions Easy access from anywhere

Testing Navigation

Here's how to test navigation in your Android app:

Writing Navigation Unit Tests

To test navigation in Jetpack Compose:

  1. Add this to your build.gradle:
dependencies {
    implementation 'androidx.compose.ui:ui-test-junit4:1.2.1'
  1. Make a new test class:
class MoodTrackerScreenNavigationTest {
    val composeTestRule = createAndroidComposeRule<ComponentActivity>()
    lateinit var navController: TestNavHostController

    fun setupMoodTrackerAppNavHost() {
        navController = TestNavHostController(composeTestRule.activity)
        composeTestRule.setContent {
            // Your app's navigation composable function

UI Tests for Navigation

Here's an example of a UI test for navigation:

class FirstScreenTest {
    fun testNavigationToSecondScreen() {
        val mockNavController = mock(
        val firstScenario = launchFragmentInContainer<FirstScreen>()

        firstScenario.onFragment { fragment ->
            Navigation.setViewNavController(fragment.requireView(), mockNavController)


This test checks if clicking a button takes you to the right screen.

Test Type What It Does Tools Used
Unit Test Checks navigation logic Jetpack Compose Test Rule
UI Test Checks screen changes Espresso, Mockito

These tests help make sure your app's navigation works as it should.


This guide has shown you how to use Android Jetpack Navigation in your app. You've learned about:

  • Setting up navigation graphs
  • Moving between screens
  • Sending data between fragments
  • Adding custom screen transitions
  • Testing navigation
  • Avoiding common mistakes

Here's a quick summary of key points:

Topic What You Learned
Navigation Graphs How to set up and use them
Screen Navigation Ways to move between app screens
Data Passing How to send info between fragments
Custom Transitions Adding special effects when changing screens
Navigation Testing Methods to check if navigation works right
Common Mistakes What to watch out for

Remember to:

  • Keep your navigation simple and clear
  • Test your app well to make sure it works smoothly

We suggest looking into more advanced topics like:

  • Nested navigation graphs
  • Conditional navigation

These can help you build better Android apps.

Keep practicing and improving your skills. Good luck with your app development!

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