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Docker Container Lifecycle Management: Best Practices

Docker Container Lifecycle Management: Best Practices
Nimrod Kramer
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Learn best practices for managing Docker containers effectively, from creation to deletion. Improve security, boost performance, and automate with CI/CD pipelines.

Here's a quick guide to managing Docker containers effectively:

  1. Container Lifecycle Stages:

    • Creation
    • Running
    • Pausing
    • Stopping
    • Deletion
  2. Key Best Practices:

    • Use small base images
    • Write efficient Dockerfiles
    • Set resource limits
    • Implement health checks
    • Scan for vulnerabilities
    • Automate with CI/CD pipelines
  3. Performance Tips:

    • Reduce container size
    • Manage resources wisely
    • Use caching for faster builds
Stage Best Practice Benefit
Creation Use multi-stage builds Smaller, more secure images
Running Set resource limits Prevent resource hogging
Pausing Use docker pause Save resources temporarily
Stopping Use SIGTERM first Allow graceful shutdown
Deletion Automate cleanup Maintain system efficiency

This guide covers the Docker container lifecycle, from creation to deletion, with practical tips for each stage. You'll learn how to manage containers efficiently, improve security, and boost performance.

Docker Container Lifecycle Stages

Docker containers go through five main stages: Created, Running, Paused, Stopped, and Deleted. Understanding these stages helps you manage containers better.

Stage Description Command
Created Container is made from an image but not started docker create
Running Container is active and doing its job docker start
Paused Container's work is temporarily stopped docker pause
Stopped Container is shut down docker stop
Deleted Container is removed from the system docker rm

1. Created

In this first stage, a container is made from an image. It's not running yet, and no resources are given to it. The container stays in this stage until you start it.

2. Running

When you start a container, it moves to the Running stage. Here, the container is working and doing its tasks. It stays in this stage until you pause, stop, or delete it.

3. Paused

In the Paused stage, the container's work is put on hold. The container stays paused until you start it again or stop it completely.

4. Stopped

When you stop a container, it enters the Stopped stage. All its work ends, but you can start it again later if needed.

5. Deleted

This is the last stage. When you delete a container, it's gone from the system for good. This frees up resources, but you can't get the container back once it's deleted.

Knowing these stages helps you manage your containers well and use your resources wisely.

Creating Containers: Best Practices

When making Docker containers, it's important to follow good practices. This helps make sure your containers work well, stay safe, and are easy to manage.

Picking Base Images

The base image is the starting point for your container. Choose one that fits what you need. Smaller base images are often better because they:

  • Have fewer security risks
  • Work faster

You can use official images from Docker Hub or make your own.

Writing Good Dockerfiles

A well-made Dockerfile helps create good containers. Here are some tips:

  • Build in steps to use Docker's cache
  • Avoid adding unnecessary layers
  • Use .dockerignore files to leave out files you don't need

Using Multi-Stage Builds

Multi-stage builds help make smaller, better final images. They let you:

  • Separate building and running environments
  • Make smaller final images
  • Improve security by having less code in the final image

Using .dockerignore Files

.dockerignore files are helpful when making containers. They:

  • Keep out files you don't need
  • Make builds faster
  • Improve security

Use these files to ignore things not needed for your build.

Best Practice Why It's Important
Pick small base images Fewer security risks, faster performance
Write efficient Dockerfiles Faster builds, better use of cache
Use multi-stage builds Smaller final images, better security
Use .dockerignore files Faster builds, improved security

Running Containers Effectively

To run containers well, you need to manage resources, set up restarts, handle networks, and deal with logs. Here's how to do these things:

Setting Resource Limits

Set CPU and memory limits to stop containers from using too much. Use these commands:

Command What it does
--cpus Sets CPU share
--memory Sets memory limit
--memory-swap Sets swap limit


docker run -d --cpus 2 --memory 512m my-image

This runs a container with 2 CPUs and 512 MB of memory.

Setting Up Restart Policies

Restart policies help containers start again if they stop. Here are the options:

Policy What it does
no Don't restart
always Always restart
on-failure Restart if it stops with an error
unless-stopped Restart unless manually stopped


docker run -d --restart always my-image

This makes the container always restart if it stops.

Managing Container Networks

Good network setup helps containers talk to each other safely. Use these options:

Option What it does
--net Sets network mode
--link Links two containers
--expose Opens a port to the host


docker run -d --net bridge --expose 80 my-image

This runs a container on a bridge network and opens port 80.

Handling Container Logs

Logging helps you fix problems and watch your containers. Use these options:

Option What it does
--log-driver Sets how logs are saved
--log-opt Sets log options


docker run -d --log-driver json-file --log-opt max-size=1m my-image

This saves logs as JSON files and makes new log files every 1 MB.

Pausing and Resuming Containers

Pausing and resuming containers is a key part of managing Docker containers. It lets you stop a container's work for a while, which can be helpful in many cases.

When to Pause Containers

You might want to pause containers when you need to:

  • Fix or update things without stopping the container completely
  • Look into problems without affecting how the container works
  • Save resources when you don't have many to spare

Pausing Containers Safely

To pause a container without causing issues:

1. Use this command:

docker pause [container ID or name]

2. Check if the container stopped working:

docker ps

3. Make sure the paused container isn't using too much CPU or memory

Resuming Containers

To start a paused container again:

1. Use this command:

docker unpause [container ID or name]

2. Check if the container started working again:

docker ps

3. Watch the container to make sure it's working right

Action Command
Pause docker pause [container ID or name]
Resume docker unpause [container ID or name]
Check status docker ps

Stopping Containers Properly

Stopping containers is a key part of managing Docker containers. If not done right, it can cause data loss or system problems. Here's how to stop containers safely:

Shutdown Procedures

It's best to stop containers gently. This lets them save data and clean up properly. A forced stop can cause data loss or system issues.

To stop a container, use this command:

docker stop my_container

This sends a SIGTERM signal to the container, letting it stop safely.


Docker uses two main signals to stop containers:

Signal Description When to Use
SIGTERM Gentle stop For normal shutdowns
SIGKILL Forced stop For stuck containers

SIGTERM is the default signal. It lets the container stop on its own. SIGKILL forces the container to stop right away.

Setting Stop Timeouts

By default, docker stop waits 10 seconds before using SIGKILL. You can change this wait time:

docker stop -t 60 my_container

This gives the container 60 seconds to stop on its own.

Command What it Does
docker stop Stops container gently
docker stop -t 60 Gives 60 seconds to stop
docker kill Forces container to stop

Removing Containers and Cleanup

Getting rid of old containers and images is a big part of using Docker well. This helps keep your system running smoothly and saves space. Let's look at how to do this.

Deleting Unused Containers

Old containers can slow down your system. Here's how to remove them:

To delete one container:

docker rm my_container

To delete all stopped containers:

docker container prune

This will ask if you're sure before deleting.

Automating Cleanup

You can set up your computer to clean up Docker stuff on its own. This saves you time and keeps things tidy.

For example, you can make your computer run this command every day:

0 0 * * * docker system prune -a

This gets rid of all unused containers, images, and networks.

Managing Image Versions

Keeping track of different versions of your images is important. It helps you go back to old versions if you need to.

Action Command What it does
Tag an image docker tag my_image:latest my_image:v1.2.3 Gives a name to a specific version
Remove old images docker image prune -a Gets rid of all unused images

Using these commands helps keep your Docker setup clean and running well.

Monitoring Container Health

Keeping an eye on container health helps catch problems early. Here's how to do it:

Setting Up Health Checks

Health checks tell you if a container is working right. You can add them to your Dockerfile:

HEALTHCHECK --interval=5m --timeout=3s \
  CMD curl -f http://localhost:8080/health || exit 1

This checks the container every 5 minutes. If it fails, Docker marks the container as unhealthy.

Using Docker Stats

Docker Stats shows how containers use resources. To see stats for all running containers:

docker stats

For one container:

docker stats my_container

This helps you spot containers using too much CPU or memory.

Connecting Monitoring Tools

You can use other tools with Docker for better monitoring. Here are some options:

Tool What it does
Prometheus Collects container data
Grafana Makes charts from the data

These tools help you:

  • See how containers work over time
  • Set up alerts for problems
  • Make charts to understand container health

Container Security Best Practices

Keeping containers safe at every stage helps protect against risks and threats.

Scanning for Vulnerabilities

Check container images often for known problems before using them. This helps find possible risks and stops them from getting into your system. You can use tools like Docker Scan or Anchore to look for these issues.

Using Least Privilege

Run containers with only the permissions they need. This makes it harder for attackers to cause harm. Here's how:

Action Description
Drop capabilities Remove unnecessary system privileges
Set resource limits Control how much CPU and memory containers can use
Use non-root users Run container processes as regular users, not as root

Keeping the Runtime Safe

Use tools and settings to protect running containers and the host system. This includes:

Method Purpose
Network policies Control how containers talk to each other
Firewalls Block unwanted access
Encryption Keep data private

Also, think about using Docker Content Trust to make sure your images are real and haven't been changed by someone else.

Automating Lifecycle Management

Use tools to make container management easier and more consistent.

Using CI/CD Pipelines

CI/CD tools like Jenkins or GitLab CI can help build, test, and deploy containers automatically. This:

  • Reduces mistakes
  • Speeds up deployment
  • Finds problems early

For example, Jenkins can work with Docker to build and deploy containers without manual work.

Container Orchestration

Tools like Kubernetes help manage many containers at once. They:

  • Deploy containers
  • Scale containers up or down
  • Keep containers running

Kubernetes offers:

Feature What it does
Self-healing Restarts failed containers
Rolling updates Updates containers without downtime
Auto-scaling Adds or removes containers based on demand

Automated Testing and Deployment

Set up systems to test and deploy containers automatically. This:

  • Makes sure containers work before use
  • Gets new features out faster
  • Cuts down on errors

Here's how it can work:

  1. Use Selenium to test containers
  2. If tests pass, use CircleCI to deploy containers

This process helps catch problems early and speeds up deployment.

Improving Container Performance

Making containers work better helps use resources well and makes them respond faster. Here's how to do it:

Reducing Container Size

Smaller containers are better. They:

  • Are safer
  • Deploy faster

Use small base images and multi-stage builds to make containers smaller.

Base Image Size
Alpine Linux 5MB
Ubuntu 188MB

Managing Resources

Give containers the right amount of resources. Use these Docker commands:

Command What it does
--cpus Sets CPU limit
--memory Sets memory limit

This stops containers from using too much and helps them run well.

Using Caching

Caching makes building containers faster. It:

  • Avoids redoing work
  • Saves time and resources

Use the --cache-from flag to reuse parts from old builds. This makes deploying containers quicker.


Main Takeaways

This article covered key ways to manage Docker containers well. We looked at how to handle containers from start to finish, focusing on doing things safely and efficiently.

Here's a quick look at what we learned:

Stage Key Points
Creating Containers - Choose good base images
- Write clear Dockerfiles
- Use multi-stage builds
- Use .dockerignore files
Running Containers - Set limits on resources
- Set up restart rules
- Manage container networks
- Handle container logs
Pausing and Resuming - Know when to pause containers
- Pause and resume safely
Stopping Containers - Use safe shutdown methods
- Understand SIGTERM and SIGKILL
- Set stop wait times
Removing Containers - Get rid of unused containers
- Set up auto-cleanup
- Keep track of image versions
Monitoring Health - Set up health checks
- Use Docker stats
- Connect other monitoring tools
Container Security - Check for weak spots
- Use least privilege
- Keep the runtime safe
Automating Management - Use CI/CD pipelines
- Use tools to manage many containers
- Set up auto-testing and deployment
Improving Performance - Make containers smaller
- Manage resources well
- Use caching


What is the life cycle of a Docker container?

A Docker container's life cycle has four main steps:

  1. Creation: Made from a Docker image
  2. Running: Works as a separate instance
  3. Stopping: Can be stopped or paused
  4. Removal: Deleted when not needed anymore

What are three best practices to use when working with containers or container images?

Best Practice Description
Use small base images Helps with security and speed
Reduce image clutter Keep only what's needed
Create images with common layers Saves space and improves efficiency

What are the lifecycle stages of a Docker container?

Docker containers go through five main stages:

Stage Description
Create Make a new container
Run Start and use the container
Pause Temporarily stop the container
Stop Shut down the container
Delete Remove the container completely

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