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Nerves Framework: Getting Started Guide

Nerves Framework: Getting Started Guide
Nimrod Kramer
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Learn how to start building embedded systems with Elixir using Nerves Framework. Explore key components, setup steps, features, project creation, hardware setup, firmware compilation, networking, debugging, advanced topics, and best practices.

This guide will help you start building embedded systems with Elixir using Nerves Framework. Here's what you need to know:

  • Nerves is for embedded systems, not desktop or server use
  • You need basic Elixir and Linux knowledge
  • Key components: Erlang, Elixir, Nerves Bootstrap, and compatible hardware (e.g. Raspberry Pi)

Quick setup steps:

  1. Install Erlang and Elixir using ASDF
  2. Install Nerves Bootstrap
  3. Set up your system with required tools
  4. Create a new Nerves project
  5. Build and load firmware onto your device

Key features:

  • Remote firmware updates
  • Shell access for troubleshooting
  • Hardware control (e.g. blinking LEDs)
  • Networking configuration
Topic Description
Setup Install software, prepare hardware
Development Create projects, manage firmware
Networking Configure static IP, Wi-Fi
Debugging Use logs, system info
Advanced Custom systems, external libraries
Best Practices Improve performance, security

This guide covers everything from initial setup to advanced topics and best practices for Nerves development.

What you need to start

To begin using Nerves Framework, you'll need some basic software, hardware, and tools. Here's what you need:

Software requirements

You'll need to install:

  • Erlang: Make sure it's a version that works with Nerves
  • Elixir: Install it using ASDF
  • Nerves Bootstrap: This tool helps with builds, firmware updates, and device setup

Compatible hardware

For this guide, we'll use a Raspberry Pi. You can use other devices that work with Nerves, but the setup might be different.

Setting up your workspace

Make sure you have:

  • A working operating system (MacOS or Linux)
  • A code editor you like
  • A terminal for running commands

If you're using MacOS, use these commands to install the tools you need:

brew update
brew install fwup squashfs coreutils xz pkg-config

If you already have Erlang & Elixir from Homebrew, remove them:

brew uninstall elixir
brew uninstall erlang

If you want to build custom Nerves systems, you'll also need Docker for Mac. After installing it, change Docker's resource limits to help with compiling more complex custom systems.

Software Purpose
Erlang Runs Elixir code
Elixir Main programming language
Nerves Bootstrap Manages builds and updates
Docker (optional) For custom Nerves systems

Preparing your development environment

To start using Nerves, you need to set up your development environment. This section will guide you through installing the needed software and tools.

Installing Erlang and Elixir


Use ASDF to install Erlang and Elixir:

  1. Clone ASDF and add it to your PATH:
git clone ~/.asdf
echo ". $HOME/.asdf/" >> ~/.zshrc
echo ". $HOME/.asdf/completions/asdf.bash" >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc
  1. Install Erlang and Elixir:
asdf plugin-add erlang
asdf plugin-add elixir
asdf install erlang 25.0.3
asdf install elixir 1.14.0-otp-25
asdf global erlang 25.0.3
asdf global elixir 1.14.0-otp-25

Installing Nerves Bootstrap

Install Nerves Bootstrap by updating Elixir tools and adding the Nerves archive:

mix local.hex
mix local.rebar
mix archive.install hex nerves_bootstrap

Setting up your system for Nerves

On MacOS, install needed tools using Homebrew:

brew update
brew install fwup squashfs coreutils xz pkg-config
Tool Purpose
fwup Firmware update tool
squashfs File system for embedded devices
coreutils Basic file, shell, and text tools
xz Data compression utility
pkg-config Helper tool for compiling applications

These steps will prepare your system for Nerves development.

Starting your first Nerves project

Now that your development environment is ready, let's create your first Nerves project. We'll cover how to make a new project, what its parts are, and how to set up your hardware.

Creating a new Nerves project

To make a new Nerves project, use this command:

mix my_nerves_project

Change my_nerves_project to the name you want for your project.

Project structure overview

Here's what you'll find in your new Nerves project:

Directory Contents
config/ Project settings files
lib/ Your Elixir code
priv/ Private files (firmware, configs)
test/ Test files

Setting the target hardware

Before you build and load firmware, you need to tell Nerves what hardware you're using. Do this by setting the MIX_TARGET environment variable.

For example, if you're using a Raspberry Pi 3:

export MIX_TARGET=rpi3

Replace rpi3 with your actual hardware target. You can find a list of supported targets in the Nerves docs.

Hardware Target Name
Raspberry Pi 3 rpi3
Raspberry Pi 4 rpi4
BeagleBone Black bbb

Building and loading firmware

This section explains how to compile and load firmware onto your hardware device.

Compiling firmware

To compile the firmware, use this command:

mix firmware

This command compiles your Elixir code and creates a firmware bundle. Make sure you've set the MIX_TARGET environment variable for your hardware.

Writing firmware to an SD card

After compiling, write the firmware to an SD card:

mix firmware.burn

This command puts the compiled firmware on an SD card for your device.

Starting your device

To start your device:

  1. Insert the SD card with the new firmware
  2. Power on the device
Step Action
1 Insert SD card
2 Power on device

Make sure to set up your device's network so it can connect to your development machine. This allows you to:

  • Update firmware remotely
  • Access your device's shell
Feature Benefit
Remote firmware updates Easy to make changes
Shell access Troubleshoot and manage device

Setting up networking

This section covers how to set up networking for your Nerves device and fix common issues.

Configuring a static IP address

Use the :vintage_net package to set a static IP address:

Nerves.Network.setup "wlan0", ip_address: "", subnet_mask: ""

This sets the IP address of wlan0 to with a subnet mask of

Connecting to your device

Connect to your Nerves device using Ethernet or Wi-Fi:

  • Ethernet: Plug in an Ethernet cable and connect to the same network as your computer.
  • Wi-Fi: Use this code to set up Wi-Fi:
Nerves.Network.setup "wlan0", ssid: "myssid", key_mgmt: :"WPA-PSK", psk: "secretsecret"

This connects to the myssid Wi-Fi network using WPA-PSK and the password secretsecret.

Fixing common network problems

If you have network issues, try these steps:

Problem Solution
Wrong network settings Check IP address, subnet mask, and gateway
Connection issues Restart your device
Unstable connection Check Wi-Fi or Ethernet connection
Multiple network interfaces Look for conflicts between interfaces

Working with your Nerves device

Now that your Nerves device is set up, let's look at how to use it and control basic hardware.

Connecting with IEx

To connect to your Nerves device using IEx:

  1. Open a terminal
  2. Go to your project folder
  3. Run iex -S mix

This starts an IEx session connected to your device. You can now use Elixir code to interact with it.

Controlling hardware

Here's a simple way to control hardware: blinking an LED. The nerves_examples repository has a Blinky project that shows how to do this.

To try it:

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Go to the Blinky project folder
  3. Run mix do deps.get, firmware, firmware.burn
  4. Put the SD card in your device and turn it on

You should see the LED blink.

Step Action
1 Clone repository
2 Go to Blinky project
3 Run mix commands
4 Insert SD card and power on

You can also update your device's firmware over the network using the ssh_subsystem_fwup package. It uses SSH keys from your ~/.ssh folder. To make an upload script, run mix firmware.gen.script. This creates an script for updating your device's firmware.

Exploring the Nerves environment

The Toolshed package gives you useful IEx commands to look at the Nerves environment. These commands help you check the system, device settings, and more.

For example, run to see:

Information Description
IP address Device's network address
CPU architecture Type of processor
Firmware version Current software version

This helps you understand your device's setup and status.

Updating firmware remotely

This section explains how to update your Nerves device's firmware over the network.

Creating an upload script

To make an upload script:

  1. Run this command in your project folder:
mix firmware.gen.script
  1. This creates an file you can use to update your device.

Sending updates to your device

To update your device:

  1. Use the script like this:
./ <device_ip_address>
  1. Replace <device_ip_address> with your device's IP address.

Checking update success

After updating, check if it worked:

  1. Connect to your device using IEx
  2. Run this command:
  1. Look at the firmware version in the output
Step Action Purpose
1 Create script Make a tool for updates
2 Run script Send new firmware to device
3 Check version Make sure update worked

This process lets you update your Nerves device without touching it.

Debugging your project

This section covers how to find and fix problems in your Nerves project. We'll look at using logs, checking system info, fixing hardware issues, and solving common problems.

Using logs and system info

Nerves has a good logging system to help you find issues. Here's how to use it:

  1. In your Elixir code, use the Logger module:
require Logger"This is an info message")
  1. To see logs in real-time, connect to your device with iex and run:
iex>"This is an info message")

You can also get system info using the System module. This gives you details about your device, like:

Information Description
Firmware version Current software version
Hardware setup Device components and settings
System stats Memory usage, CPU load, etc.

Troubleshooting hardware issues

When you have hardware problems, try these steps:

  • Make sure the power supply is working and connected properly
  • Check that all hardware parts are set up and installed correctly
  • Use the iex console to run commands that check specific hardware

Common problems and fixes

Here's a table of common issues and how to solve them:

Problem Fix
Device won't start Check the power supply connection
Hardware part not working Make sure it's set up and installed right
Firmware update not working Check if the firmware version works with your device

Advanced topics

Building custom Nerves systems

You can make your own Nerves system to fit special hardware needs or add more Linux packages. Here's how:

  1. Copy an existing Nerves system
  2. Change the mix.exs file
  3. Build the system
  4. Use it in your Nerves project

For example, to make a custom system for Raspberry Pi 3:

Step Action
1 Copy nerves_system_rpi3
2 Update mix.exs with new system name
3 Build the system
4 Save changes in version control

Adding external libraries and drivers

To add new libraries or drivers to your Nerves project:

  1. Add the library to your mix.exs file
  2. Update project dependencies
  3. Use the library in your Elixir code

Example: To use a library for a specific hardware part, add it to mix.exs and use its functions in your code.

Creating complex embedded apps

To make advanced embedded apps with Nerves, you need to know:

  • Elixir
  • Linux
  • Nerves framework

You can use Nerves to build apps that:

  • Work with hardware parts
  • Talk to other devices
  • Do complex tasks

Example: An IoT device that:

Function Description
Collects data Gets info from sensors
Sends data Uploads info to cloud service
Receives commands Gets instructions from remote server

Best practices and tips

Improving performance

To make your Nerves projects run better:

  • Find slow parts: Use tools like :observer or :debugger to see what's slowing down your code.
  • Make database queries faster: Check that your database queries work well, and think about using caching.
  • Use multiple tasks: Take advantage of Elixir's ability to do many things at once to make your system faster and more responsive.

Building reliable systems

To make Nerves systems that don't break easily:

Practice Description
Handle errors well Make your system able to deal with problems and keep working
Watch and record Keep an eye on how your system is doing and write down errors to fix them quickly
Test a lot Do many tests, including pretend situations, to make sure your system can handle different problems

Securing IoT devices

Keeping IoT devices safe is very important. Here's how to do it:

  • Use safe ways to talk: Use methods like SSL/TLS to keep data secret when sending it.
  • Control who can use it: Make sure only the right people can use your device.
  • Use NervesHub: NervesHub helps update your device safely. It uses:
Feature What it does
Special signatures Makes sure updates are real
SSL Keeps data safe on both sides
Access control Lets only the right people make changes

Wrapping up

Key takeaways

This guide has shown you how to start using the Nerves Framework to make embedded software with Elixir. We've covered:

Topic What we learned
Setup Software and hardware needs
Development How to make a new project
Firmware Building, loading, and updating
Best practices Making better and safer systems

Further learning

Now that you know the basics, here's how to learn more:

  • Read the Nerves docs to understand all its features
  • Look at the Nerves Examples to see different projects
  • Talk to other Nerves users in online groups
  • Try making projects with different hardware
Next steps Why it's helpful
Read docs Learn all Nerves can do
See examples Get ideas for projects
Join community Get help and share tips
Use new hardware Get hands-on practice

These steps will help you get better at using Nerves for embedded systems.

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