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Tag Manager Extension Basics

Tag Manager Extension Basics
Nimrod Kramer
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Discover how tag manager extensions simplify tracking user interactions and enhance online presence without technical expertise. Learn about popular options like Google Tag Manager and Tealium iQ.

Managing tags on your website just got easier with tag manager extensions. These powerful tools simplify the tracking process, allowing you to monitor user interactions and improve your online presence without needing technical expertise. Here's a quick rundown of what you need to know:

  • Tag manager extensions make it easy to add, update, or remove tracking codes without editing your website's code.
  • Reduce errors and improve collaboration between marketing and development teams by using a single platform for tag management.
  • Google Tag Manager and Tealium iQ are popular options, offering unique features for businesses of all sizes.
  • Setting up involves creating an account, installing container code on your site, and configuring tags to track specific user actions.
  • Best practices include keeping a clean organization of tags and using the data layer for advanced tracking.
  • Troubleshooting tools like Google Tag Assistant can help identify and fix issues with your tags.

Whether you're a marketer, analyst, or developer, understanding and utilizing tag manager extensions can significantly enhance your website's performance and data collection capabilities.

What are Tags?

Think of tags as tiny bits of code that help you see what people do on your website or app. They're like helpers that let you use cool features from other companies without having to build them yourself. For example:

  • Google Analytics uses tags to show you how many people visit your site.
  • Facebook pixel helps you understand how well your ads are working.
  • Tools like Hotjar let you see where people click on your site with heat maps.
  • Popups that show up when someone is about to leave your site.

Tags can work when a page loads, someone clicks something, fills out a form, or does other things on your site. When these tags do their job, they send info back to the service they're from.

Challenges of Manual Tagging

If you try to add these tags by just putting code on your site, you might run into problems:

  • Mistakes can happen: If you're not careful, adding code directly can mess up other parts of your site.
  • You need a developer for simple tasks: Even for small changes, like adding a new tracker, you need someone who knows how to code, which slows things down.
  • Hard to test: If you add something new, you can't check if it works without risking your live site.
  • Messy code: When tags are all over the place, it's tough to keep track of them.

How Tag Management Systems Help

Tag management systems, like Google Tag Manager, make all of this much easier:

  • Just one bit of code needed: Instead of changing your site's code for each tag, you just use one small piece of code from the tag manager.
  • Keep everything in one spot: You set up and change tags from a simple web page, not by editing your site's code.
  • Safe testing: You can try out new tags without affecting your real site.
  • Easy to keep track: With everything in one place, it's simpler to manage your tags.

In short, using a tag management system takes away a lot of the headache of dealing with website tags. It makes it easier for people who aren't developers to handle tagging, and keeps everything tidy.

Introduction to Tag Manager Extensions

Tag manager extensions help you handle the tags for tracking how people use your website. These are tools like Google Tag Manager and Tealium iQ that make it easier to manage the tags for website analytics, marketing, and ads, all without needing to bug the IT team.

Here’s why they’re great:

  • Easy to use: You get a simple dashboard to add, change, or remove tags without needing to touch the website’s code.
  • No need for developers: These tools let marketing folks and analysts handle tags on their own, freeing up the tech team for other tasks.
  • Safe to test: You can try out new tags without messing up anything on the live website.
  • All in one place: You can see and manage all your tags from one spot, which helps keep things organized.

Google Tag Manager

Google Tag

Google Tag Manager is a free tool that lets you manage tags easily. It’s good for:

  • Adding or changing tags quickly without needing developers.
  • Checking how tags work before making them live.
  • Using templates for big platforms like Google Analytics or Facebook ads.
  • Setting up tags to work when users do specific things, like clicking or filling out forms.

In short, Google Tag Manager makes it simpler to keep track of important tags for your website, helping you gather data and run marketing campaigns without needing to be a tech whiz.

Tealium iQ

Tealium iQ is more than just tags. It’s for businesses that also want to keep an eye on customer data from everywhere – websites, mobile apps, offline, and more. It offers:

  • A single view of customer data from different sources.
  • Tools to make targeted ads and personalized experiences by creating custom audiences.
  • Connections with other business tools and cloud services.
  • Features to manage user consent, improve data quality, and add more data to what you already have.

For companies that need to do a lot with their customer data, Tealium iQ is a powerful option that goes beyond basic tag management.

Setting Up a Tag Manager Extension

Creating an Account and Container

To start using a tag manager extension like Google Tag Manager, you first need to make an account and a container. Here's how to do it step by step:

  • Visit the website for the tag manager you want to use (like Google Tag Manager) and click to create a new account.
  • Fill in your details such as your name, email, and the name of your company.
  • After your account is set up, you'll need to create a container. This is basically a space where all your tags will live. Name it after your website to keep things clear.
  • Pick what kind of platform you're setting this up for - it could be a website, an iOS app, Android app, and so on.
  • Agree to the terms and conditions, then hit create.
  • You'll get a bit of code. Hang onto this because you'll need it in the next steps.

That's all for this part - you've got your account and container ready!

Installing the Container Code

Next, you need to put the tag manager's code onto your website. This lets the tag manager start gathering data:

  • Take the snippets of code you got when you made your container. They should look something like this:
<!-- Google Tag Manager -->
new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],
<!-- End Google Tag Manager -->
<!-- Google Tag Manager (noscript) -->
<noscript><iframe src=""
height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe></noscript>
<!-- End Google Tag Manager (noscript) -->
  • Put the first bit of code in the <head> section of your website.
  • The second bit goes right after the start of the <body> tag.
  • Don't forget to replace GTM-XXXX with your actual container ID.

That's it! With the tag manager code on your site, it can now start tracking what visitors do.

Now, you can head over to your tag manager dashboard to start setting up tags, triggers, and variables to keep an eye on different actions users take on your site. But with the container code in place, you've done the basic setup.

Implementing and Configuring Tags

Creating Tags

To keep an eye on what people do on your site, you'll need to set up some tags in your tag manager. Here's how to do it:

Choose a Tag Type

  • Go to the tags area in your tag manager.
  • Hit the button to add a new tag.
  • Pick the kind of tag you need, depending on what you're tracking. You might choose from:
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Ads Conversion Tracking
  • Facebook Pixel
  • Custom HTML
  • Custom Image

Configure Tag Settings

  • Name your tag something clear, like "Sign-Up Button Clicks".
  • Fill in the details needed for that tag, like your Google Analytics ID.
  • Decide when the tag should kick in, such as when someone submits a form.

Test and Publish

  • Use the preview mode to check that the tag is working right before you make it live.
  • After testing, hit submit to put the tag into action.

You'll do this for any kind of tracking you need, like checking how ads are doing or seeing how often a button is clicked.

Tag Management Best Practices

Here are some straightforward tips for keeping your tags in order:

  • Keep a list of all your tags, what they're for, and who looks after them.
  • Try to keep your tags organized in as few containers as possible to keep things tidy.
  • When you can, use the ready-made templates for big platforms.
  • Name your tags, triggers, and variables in a way that makes sense.
  • Always test new tags to make sure they don't mess anything up.
  • Keep track of changes with good notes and version control.
  • Watch out for tags slowing down your site and fix any that do.

Sticking to these simple rules will help you manage your tags without a fuss.

Advanced Tracking with the Data Layer

The data layer is a key part of using tag managers like Google Tag Manager to do more with your website analytics. It's like a middleman that helps your website talk to the tag manager so you can track all sorts of things. Here's a simple guide to get you started.

What is the Data Layer?

Think of the data layer as a box where your website can store information it wants to share. This box lives on your website and holds data that your tag manager can use to understand what's happening on the site.

For instance, with a basic setup, you might track how many times a button is clicked. But with a data layer, you can track more specific things like:

  • How much money a sale made
  • Types of users based on their actions
  • Detailed info about what people are buying
  • Unique actions like how far someone scrolls on a page

This lets you get a clearer picture of what your visitors are doing.

Implementing a Data Layer

To start using a data layer, you need to:

  • Set up the data layer: This means adding a bit of code to your site that creates the data layer.
  • Add data: When people do things on your site, you put info about these actions into the data layer.
  • Use the data: Set up your tag manager to use the info in the data layer. This means it can grab the data when it needs to.

This setup lets your tag manager get all sorts of useful info from your site.

Data Layer Tips

Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Think before you push: Decide what info you really need to track before you start.
  • Keep names clear: Use names that make sense for the data you're tracking, like userType or productName.
  • Check your work: Use tools like Tag Assistant to make sure the data layer is working right.
  • Be careful with lists: They can slow things down if you have too many, so try to use single items instead.
  • Handle overlaps carefully: If you have more than one data layer, make sure they don't mess each other up.

With some planning, the data layer can give you a lot more detail about how people use your site. But it's important to set it up right to get the most out of it.


Troubleshooting Tag Implementations

When you're setting up tags with a tag manager, sometimes things don't go as planned. Here's what you can do if your tags aren't working right:

Using Google Tag Assistant

Google Tag Assistant is a tool you can add to your browser to help figure out problems with GTM tags. Here's how to use it:

  • Add the Tag Assistant to your browser.
  • Go to your website and click on the Tag Assistant.
  • Look for any tags with warning signs and click on them to see what's wrong.

Common issues you might see:

  • You're using the wrong container ID
  • Some tags are being blocked
  • Mistakes in custom code
  • Triggers aren't set up right

Fix these issues and try again until everything looks good.

Checking Real-Time Reports

You can use real-time reports in tools like Google Analytics to see if your tags are sending data:

  • Create a tag for tracking page views.
  • Make your changes live and visit different pages on your site.
  • In Google Analytics, look under Real-Time > Overview.
  • See if the page views from your visit are showing up.

If you don't see any data, there's a problem with your tag. Check your triggers, make sure you have the right permissions, and look for any scripts that might be blocking your tag.

Using Preview Mode

GTM has a preview mode that lets you test tags without affecting your live site:

  • Add or change a tag.
  • Click on Preview and check your tags.
  • Look at the GTM panel to make sure your tag is doing what it's supposed to.

This way, you can make sure everything's working before your changes go live.

Tag Firing Troubleshooting

If your tag isn't firing:

  • Double-check your triggers to make sure they're set up correctly
  • Look for any permissions issues or scripts that might be blocking your tag
  • Use the browser's console to look for JavaScript errors
  • Try your tags in different browsers

Going through these steps should help you find and fix the problem.

By using these methods, you can solve most issues with GTM tags.

The Role of Tag Managers in Development

Tag manager extensions make life easier for developers by helping organize and manage website trackers in a neat way:

Centralized Tag Control

Imagine keeping all your toys in one big box instead of scattered around your room. That's what a tag manager does with tracking scripts. It puts them all in one place, so:

  • Developers have less work since they don’t need to mess with the website's code to change tags
  • Marketing folks can add their own tags without waiting for IT help
  • Your website's code stays tidy because all the tracking stuff is handled separately

Simplified Tag Deployment

Using tools like Google Tag Manager, adding new trackers to your site is as easy as clicking a few buttons. This means:

  • You can quickly start tracking new marketing campaigns
  • It's simple to test out new tracking ideas
  • Developers don’t have to update the website every time a new tag is needed

Because tag managers work outside of your website's main code, updating tags doesn’t require a big site overhaul.

Integration into CI/CD Pipelines

For tech-savvy teams, tag manager updates can be automated as part of the regular software release cycle. This offers:

  • A way to automatically push tag updates when new software versions are released
  • Keeping track of which tag versions go with which software versions
  • The ability to manage tags using code, for those who prefer it

Setting this up takes a bit of work upfront, but it means tags can be updated as smoothly as any other part of the website.

By keeping things organized and making updates easy, tag manager extensions take a lot of the hassle out of managing website trackers for developers. Plus, with the option to automate updates, they can fit right into the way modern websites are run.

Further Learning Resources

If you really want to get good at using Google Tag Manager, I suggest checking out the Google Tag Manager Fundamentals Course from the Google Analytics Academy.

This free online course covers stuff like:

  • How to start using Google Tag Manager
  • Setting up tags for things like Google Analytics and Google Ads
  • Understanding and using triggers, variables, and the data layer
  • Figuring out and fixing common tag problems
  • Making tags work automatically with APIs and integrations

This course is a fantastic way to get better at Google Tag Manager by actually doing things yourself.

Another great place to learn is the Google Tag Manager Help Community by analytics pro Simo Ahava. Over there, you can:

  • Ask for help with setting things up
  • Find answers to typical Google Tag Manager issues
  • Talk to other people who are working on similar projects
  • Keep up with the newest tips and tricks

With both the detailed training course and the community forum, these resources are super helpful for getting better at Google Tag Manager. They're great whether you're just starting or if you're trying to learn more.


Tag manager extensions make it easier to handle and keep track of tags that collect data on how people use your website and how well your online ads are doing. By putting all these tags in one place that's easy to use, they bring a bunch of benefits:

Making tag management simpler

  • Marketing folks can add, update, or get rid of tags without needing a developer.
  • Setting up tags for new marketing efforts becomes quicker.
  • The people who build and maintain your website have less extra work.

Making testing and upkeep less of a headache

  • You can try out tags in a safe way before everyone else sees them.
  • If there's a problem, you can find and fix it fast.
  • It's easier to keep tags organized and know what each one does.

Saving time

  • You can get new tags working faster.
  • Marketers and analysts can manage tags on their own, without waiting for tech support.
  • This lets developers spend more time improving the website itself.

In short, tag manager extensions help make a tricky part of running a website a lot simpler. For any business that wants to get better at understanding and improving how people interact with their online presence, these tools are super helpful. They make things more efficient for everyone involved.

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