daily.dev apps

daily.dev comes in all kinds of shapes and sizes. Get your feed any way it works best for you.

Browser extension

Don't miss a beat! The daily.dev chrome extension keeps you in the loop with a quick glance at your browser. Seamless integration with your daily workflow. Get the most out of daily.dev when you add it as an extension to your browser.

Mobile App

Take the best developer feed with you anywhere. Stay ahead with real-time updates, personalized content, and seamless browsingโ€”right from your phone.

daily.dev on App Storedaily.dev on Google Play

Web app

Drag the bookmarklet button below to the bookmarks bar to add daily.dev to your bookmarks bar (or just use the web app). There you have it, no download needed. We still think the extension is better, but this is also great ๐Ÿ˜œ

daily.dev Browser Extension

Browser Extension

Stay updated on on the best developer news every new tab

Web app

daily.dev app

iOS & Android App