I didn’t learn about bisect until a few years into my first programming job. I wish I had learned it earlier! I appreciate it because it can be so useful for bugs that are hard to debug. Git bisect can cut that time down with satisfying efficiency.
While many programmers use Git on a daily basis, some might not use much more than the basic commands like add, commit, push, and pull. Yet Git has dozens of high-level commands. A particularly interesting one is bisect. It allows you to efficiently search through your commit history to identify when a change occurred. The most obvious use case for this is to find out when a bug was introduced.
At a high level, the way bisect works is that it lets you mark commits as “good” or “bad” until it can figure out the specific commit that caused the repository to flip from good to bad. To minimize the number of commits you have to inspect, it tries to stick to a binary search as much as possible. For an in-depth look at how bisect works under the hood, I recommend reading this paper, which discusses how the bisection algorithm works.
Let’s think about when bisect can be useful. Then we’ll go through a tutorial. Lastly, I’ll cover some advanced features and go over some caveats.
When to Use Bisect
I don’t use bisect very often, but when I do, it’s usually when I’m trying to figure out a particularly tricky problem involving a bug with an unclear origin. Some bugs can be attributed to a very recent commit, and it’s obvious from a quick look which one caused the issue. If a commit from this morning changed a part of your system, and you start getting error alerts for that part, there’s a good chance the commit from this morning is the culprit.
But other bugs are subtle, and you might not discover them until long after their introduction to the codebase. In these cases, it can be challenging to go through the commit history and suss out the bad commit, especially if you don’t have a good idea of when exactly the issue started. The task can be even harder if you don’t have a descriptive, clean commit log to read because the commit messages are not written well. Imagine trying to pinpoint a problematic commit when the commit log is full of generic messages like “Fix issue” or “Clean up.”
Even when you have a decent commit log, many bugs have non-obvious causes. Bisect provides a way to avoid wasting time and get straight to figuring out the source of the problem. Whenever you find yourself asking when a change happened, bisect should be one of the techniques you consider using.
Let’s go through an example. You can clone this repo if you want to try it out for yourself. It contains an index.html file with the following content:
You might notice that the language is incorrectly set to Esperanto instead of English. Let’s use bisect to find the commit where that happened. You can start a bisect session with git bisect start. Note that you have to be at the top-level directory of the repository or else bisect will refuse to start. If you run git status, you should see this message:
To end the bisect session at any point, run git bisect reset.
Mark the current commit (HEAD) as bad with git bisect bad. Next, you need to determine a commit that doesn’t have the problem. For a real world bug, maybe you think the problem started occurring about a month ago. You can git checkout a commit from two months before and hopefully confirm the problem doesn’t occur with that commit. If it still does, you’ll need to go back even further. Once you find a good commit, you mark it with git bisect good <commit>. You can also run just git bisect good to mark the current commit.
For this repo, let’s go all the way back to the first commit and mark it as good with git bisect good b35894eec380a1039f07f47c1d0b63fa0d015190. Now that Git has a start (the good commit) and an end (the bad commit) to work with, it can proceed with the bisection. You should see this message:
You’re now on a commit in the middle of the range, and you can confirm if the problem still exists or not. Open index.html and check if the language is still set to “esperanto” or if it’s set to the correct value of “en.” Mark the commit with git bisect bad or git bisect good, and Git will put you on a new commit in the middle of the new search range. Repeat the process until Git determines the point at which one commit is good, and the following one is bad:
And that’s it! This commit changed the value from “en” to “esperanto.” Run git bisect reset to end the session. In a real world situation, the changes in the identified commit will hopefully make it easy to determine the cause of the bug.
Advanced Features
A typical bisect session doesn’t require more than the start, bad, and good subcommands, but there are some advanced features that even programmers who are familiar with bisect might not know about.
Skip Commits
git bisect skip lets you skip a commit or range of commits if you know they aren’t relevant to what you’re trying to pinpoint. git bisect skip will skip whatever commit you are currently on, while git bisect skip <start-commit>..<end-commit> will skip every commit after <start-commit>, up to and including <end-commit>. If you want to also skip <start-commit>, you can use git bisect skip <start-commit> <start-commit>..<end-commit>.
Skipping commits can make your session go faster, but be wary that it can also cause bisect to fail to identify a specific commit and issue a message like this:
Redo a Session
You can use git bisect log to produce a log of the current session. Here’s an example:
If you save this output to a file with git bisect log > bisect.txt, you can edit the text file manually, reset the session, and then redo the session with git bisect replay bisect.txt.
This is also a way to fix mistakes. You can edit bisect.text before running the replay command.
Run a Script or Command
Bisect can automatically complete the session for you if you give it a command or script to run, so you don’t have to do it manually for each commit. You can try this with the example repo. Start a session and set the initial bad and good commits as before. Then run git bisect run grep -q 'lang="en"' index.html. The -q flag suppresses the grep output.
Git will run the given command for each commit. If the command returns an exit code of 0, Git will mark the commit as good. If the command returns an exit code of 125, Git will mark the commit as skipped. And if the command returns any other exit code between 1 and 127 (inclusive), Git will mark the commit as bad. So in this case, the grep command will return 0 if it finds the correct language. When bisect is done, you should see this output:
So you get the same result without having to check commits one by one. You can imagine how useful this can be if you need to run bisect on a range of dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of commits.
Change Terms
If the “bad” and “good” subcommand names don’t make sense for your use case, you can change the terms that bisect uses. Not every session involves bugs. Maybe you just want to know when you last updated a section of documentation. For these situations, Git also allows you to use “old” and “new” instead of “bad” and “good,” respectively. If even these don’t work, you can set custom terms using git bisect start --term-old <old-substitute> --term-new <new-substitute> and then mark commits with git bisect <old-substitute> and git bisect <new-substitute>.
While bisect can be a powerful tool, it’s important to be aware of situations where it doesn’t work so well. The first is when you have bugs that aren’t reliably reproducible, making it difficult for bisect to pinpoint the start of the problem. Bisect only works if your determination of good and bad commits is accurate. If your bug is due to a race condition, for example, you might incorrectly mark a commit as good or bad, depending on whether or not the race condition worked out in your favor. Bisect might fail to tell you the offending commit, but at least the failure indicates that a race condition or something like that is a possibility.
Another problem could be that the bug depends on something that is external to the codebase, such as an issue with a third party vendor or particular data in your production database that doesn’t come up in your local environment. Like a race condition, these circumstances can also make it hard to confidently mark commits as good or bad.
Lastly, it’s possible that the bug started occurring far enough in the past that for older commits, you can’t easily run the project in the necessary way to determine if the problem exists. Development environments evolve over time, and complex ones can make it difficult for you to work with old versions, slowing down your bisect session.
I didn’t learn about bisect until a few years into my first programming job. I wish I had learned it earlier! I appreciate it because it can be so useful for bugs that are hard to debug. Many bugs are fairly simple to figure out by just examining an error message, a stack trace, the current code, etc. But the trickier bugs can take hours if not days of investigation. Git bisect can cut that time down with satisfying efficiency.