After a Year Interviewing The Best Engineers in Tech, This Is What I’ve Learned - (Lessons from Microsoft, Netflix, Stack Overflow, GitLab, & Equinix)
Dan Lines
September 17, 2021
The team is looking for backend and frontend engineers and developer advocates.
Ido Shamun
August 9, 2021
In our rapidly changing technology landscape, it can be difficult to maintain a competitive advantage. Challenges present themselves daily and staying ahead of your competition can feel daunting. At the INTERACT conference for engineering leaders on September 30th, we’ll be exploring two of the most impactful ways that have emerged for companies to differentiate themselves - streamlining engineering processes and maintaining high developer velocity.
September 24, 2021
A short story of how I successfully got a job in the tech industry with no technical experience, after following a TikTok’s advice.
Sadie Perkins
March 11, 2021 is looking for a Developer Advocate!
August 5, 2021
Improving as a developer is not only about problem-solving skills and coding. It's a long-term journey with many ways you can choose to get better.
Nimrod Kramer
April 12, 2021
In this second article and final issue in this series, I will add the dynamic content injection and will get you familiar with GitHub Action workflows!
Braydon Coyer
January 26, 2021
Do you want to build projects, but you struggle to get programming project ideas? This post is for you.
Catalin Pit
November 2, 2020
I’ve been getting some comments recently that suggest remote work equals more time, but in fact, it's quite the opposite (at least for me).
July 24, 2020
From my experience in interviewing software developers over the years, I learned that there is a bit of imposter syndrome and a few self-confidence issues devs have to overcome to be ready.
November 24, 2020
Why a retrospective meeting is a best practice for any team.
Dvir Segal
October 30, 2020
Finding your first developer job is a difficult task. This article covers some best practices to help you stand out in front of potential employers.
September 1, 2020
I used to jump between LeetCode, HackerRank, and other websites, trying to find the one. Thus, I want to list the best coding challenges for code newbies.
September 17, 2020
In this post, I share some pro tips on how to ace your coding interview in a remote setting.
December 11, 2020
As a software developer, you’ve probably experienced stress multiple times and every time seems a little different yet the sensation is the same. A developer’s job is very stressful due to its nature:
Patrick Bailey
January 20, 2021
README's. You know, those markdown files that get created when you generate a new project or create a GitHub repository. Perhaps you're a developer who updates the README file for each project you wor
January 19, 2021
In this article, I want to talk about the top five mistakes I made as a junior developer. They are not specific to my case, and many other developers have made the same mistakes.
December 21, 2020
I am writing the article to debunk the myth of super developers that code non-stop. It makes people have unrealistic expectations, and it can lead to health issues.
September 10, 2020
There are already a plethora of blogs and tutorials on the internet. Thus, the question is - should you start a blog as a developer? The answer is - yes.
November 16, 2020
Developers appreciate the knowledge and hard-working people. Therefore it makes sense that the first place you should go to when looking for an idea to write about it your expertise.
July 28, 2020
I want to talk about a way that you can start applying your newly gained skills in a more practical and "real" way once you start learning new frameworks or tools.
Juan F. Gonzalez
August 4, 2020
I believe I get a dozen questions regarding what to learn to break into web development. As a result, I thought of writing an article about it, so my answer reaches more people.
December 7, 2020
Working 8 hours a day and having side projects can be very difficult. I know that from experience. In the beginning, I also struggled to find a balance between my work and my side projects.
November 23, 2020
"In tech, interviews are harder than the actual jobs". This is a joke, but it can be true in many cases.
December 14, 2020
Coding challenges websites ranked by data. That is the approach I chose for this article. I believe it can help you make a smarter choice and save time.
February 16, 2021
My most recommended books are laid out here together with my personal notes. They all about engineering, entrepreneurship, and DevRel.
February 1, 2021
Every day that passes it becomes increasingly hard to stay updated in the latest web development news. We either stay updated or stay behind.
July 21, 2020
In this article, I want to talk about five things I wish someone told me before becoming a developer. Whether you are an experienced developer or just starting, I believe the article will benefit you.
October 8, 2020
When it comes to the job market during the Covid-19 pandemic, not much can be discerned besides the fact that it is changing. One change that is quite obvious is the rise in tech-based jobs.
Artur Meyster
October 2, 2020
When I was learning to code, I wanted to make open-source contributions, but I had no idea where and how.
October 1, 2020
Here are some great first-hand tips on building a developer portfolio for yourself.
Garv Nanwani
September 21, 2020
Often, there is a need to introduce a new developer to the team for a specific project. This onboarding process is never easy and sometimes tends to be painful for the new member and for the team.
Paul Isaris
August 19, 2020
Doing the shift to working remotely or working from home might damage our productivity. We gathered a list of best practices to help you get your work done.
July 27, 2020
We made a list of some creative things you can do that would help you get some practical experience in web development.
How to learn from video-tutorials correctly. I would like to share with you a couple of things that worked for several other developers and me!
Bryan Guillén da Silva
August 13, 2020