In this post, we answer one of the most common questions we get - how to get your article featured on daily.dev?
What will be covered?
One of the most common questions we get from our community is "how to get my article picked up by daily.dev?". In this post, I'll cover a few ways and best practices that you can use to get a chance to be featured on daily.dev.
Practically there are three major ways you can get featured on daily.dev:
- Publish guest articles on well-known publications
- Publish articles on developer blogging platforms
- Publish a new and original article on our blog
I'll also bust some myths around getting featured and answer some of the most popular questions around this topic. Before I go into each specific topic, I'd like to align us on some technical stuff of how daily.dev actually works, including:
- What is daily.dev?
- How are the articles collected?
- How are the articles ranked?
What is daily.dev?โโโโ
daily.dev is a browser extension and a web app that helps developers stay updated on the latest programming news. Essentially it's a feed of articles we gather from the best tech blogs on any programming topic.

How are the articles collected?
We collect articles from more than 350 content sources. A content source can be a tech magazine, publication, blog, or developer blogging platform. It might surprise you but it's so simple. We collect the article through RSS feeds publicly provided by the qualified sources of daily.dev. Once every few minutes, we check for new articles in the RSS feeds, and if found, we add them to daily.dev.
At the current scale of our platform, just being picked doesn't;t necessarily mean you'll be able to get traffic. Once your article got picked up by daily.dev, it means that it's on our feed, but it might be either in a high or low position. Obviously, the higher you rank, the more exposure you get. If you're interested in learning how the ranking works, keep reading.
If you're running a publication aiming to distribute content relevant for developers, please read our content guidelines to learn how you can add it on to daily.dev's sources. Please note that we do not accept personal blogs at the moment. If you run a personal blog and want to get your content on daily.dev then keep reading.
How are the articles ranked?
Ranking changes based on the feed that the user is watching. There are four feeds on daily.dev, and each feed has its own ranking logic:
- Popular Feed (Default)
- Upvoted Feed
- Discussed Feed
- Recent Feed
Popular Feed (Default)
We're proud of the most about daily.dev is that we do not do the ranking. The community does. How come?
Once an article is being picked up by daily.dev, it starts to rank. The ranking is determined by several factors, including:
- The unique number of times this article was read
- The number of upvotes this post got from our community members
- The freshness of the article (e.g., when as it published)
- Other parameters related to the content-quality and engagement levels. Those other parameters aren't playing a major role in the ranking.
That way, we can increase the probability that interesting and valuable posts will surface up the feed. However, the ranking system isn't perfect, and we constantly fine-tune it to achieve the optimal results for our readers.
Upvoted Feed
In the Upvoted Feed, we feature the most upvoted articles currently on the platform. The ranking in this feed works by the number of upvotes. The higher the upvote count is, the higher the article will appear in the feed.
The default view is the most upvoted posts of the last 7 days. However, you can choose to filter it to a different time frame like "Last Month" or "Last Year".
Discussed Feed
In the Discussed Feed, we offer the most interesting discussions currently on the platform. The ranking is determined by multiple factors like the reputation levels of the people who commented, the freshness of the comments, the number of upvotes on the comments, and more.
Recent Feed
The name probably speaks for itself. The Recent Feed is the most simple one in our stack. It is stored by date. In the Recent Feed, you'll be able to see the most recent articles that got picked up by daily.dev.
How to get your article picked up?
As mentioned above, we don't accept personal blogs at the moment. However, there are three ways for you to get your article picked up by daily.dev:
1. Publish guest articles on well-known publications
Probably the most solid way to get an article you wrote to be picked by daily.dev is to publish it on a well-known programming publication. Many of those publications are already included in the source list of daily.dev. You can explore the list using the sidebar in the app itself. There are plenty of options out there. Find one of the magazines you like and check if they offer a guest posting option.
Then go through the process of the publication you chose. Once the article is published, it will be picked up by daily.dev.
2. Publish articles on developer blogging platforms
Nowadays, many developers choose to host their blogs on a platform. The main advantage of this method is that you can get people to discover your content. Whereas, if you build a new website, it will take you much time and effort to build a readership. Each platform has its own merits, and we are not affiliated with any of them.
However, to give you an easy head-start, you may want to check out developer blogging platforms such as Hashnode, DEV.to, or Hacker Noon. All of those platforms were qualified as content sources of daily.dev. If your article will gain enough traction/engagement on those platforms, there's a high chance it will be picked up by daily.dev as well.
3. Submit a new and original article to daily.dev/blog
One of the sources of daily.dev is our own in-house blog. Here's the process of how to submit a story to our blog. Please read the instructions carefully before submitting a guest post.
Getting notified when your article is picked up
We've built a system that notifies the authors of articles once their posts are picked up by daily.dev. Learn more about the features we have to offer to authors.
Wrap up
Getting featured on daily.dev is straightforward if you follow the methods mentioned above. Whether you publish your post in a magazine or on a developer blogging platform shouldn't make a big difference. So go ahead and pick the optimal method that works for your best interest. If you have any further questions, our team would be glad to assist you at support@daily.dev
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