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PHP Trends in 2024

PHP Trends in 2024
Nimrod Kramer
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Explore the latest trends in PHP for 2024, including PHP 8 adoption, cloud-native development, PWAs, headless CMS, security enhancements, blockchain, AI/ML integration, and community support.

In 2024, PHP continues to evolve, embracing new technologies and trends to stay relevant and efficient in web development. Here's what's happening:

  • PHP 8 Adoption: More developers are using PHP 8, enjoying faster performance and new features like JIT compilation and union types.
  • Cloud-Native Development: PHP is integrating with serverless computing, containers, and microservices for scalable, resilient applications.
  • Progressive Web Apps (PWAs): PHP is crucial for the server-side logic of PWAs, offering app-like experiences in web browsers.
  • Headless CMS: PHP pairs well with headless CMSs, particularly WordPress, allowing content to be used across various platforms.
  • Security Enhancements: PHP 8 introduces stronger typing and an improved password hashing API, making applications more secure.
  • Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies: PHP developers are engaging with blockchain technology for decentralized applications, payments, and more.
  • AI and Machine Learning: The community is incorporating AI/ML to make smarter applications, using libraries like PHP-ML.
  • Community Trends: PHP remains popular among developers, with increasing adoption of its latest versions and a strong community support.

In summary, PHP in 2024 is not just surviving; it's thriving with advancements in performance, security, and its application in modern web development technologies like cloud computing, blockchain, and AI/ML. Whether you're a seasoned PHP developer or new to the language, these trends show a promising and innovative future for PHP.

JIT Compilation

A standout feature in PHP 8 is something called Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation. This is a bit like teaching PHP to think ahead. Instead of translating the PHP code every time it runs, JIT turns parts of the code into a special language that computers understand really quickly while the code is running. This means websites and apps can work much faster.

As more people use JIT and it gets better, we'll see PHP applications speeding up even more. This is great news for things like websites that talk to other services.

Union Types

Union types are a way to let a function know it can expect different kinds of input, like saying, "Hey, you can give me either a number or a decimal, and I'll work with it." Here's a quick example:

function sum(int|float $x, int|float $y) {
  return $x + $y;

This is pretty handy because it means developers don't have to write extra code to handle different types of inputs. We expect more people to use this because it makes coding simpler and faster.

Cloud-Native PHP Development

Explore how PHP integrates with cloud-native architectures like serverless, containers, and microservices for scalable and resilient applications.

PHP and Serverless

Serverless computing lets developers run code without worrying about the servers. This is great for PHP developers because they can just focus on writing code.

Platforms like AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, and Azure Functions support PHP. Developers can run PHP code in response to events like HTTP requests and database changes. The code runs in temporary containers that automatically adjust based on how much they're needed.

Benefits of serverless PHP:

  • No need to manage servers
  • Scales up or down automatically
  • You only pay for the time your code runs
  • You can get your projects up and running faster since you don't have to set up servers

Serverless is good for things like web APIs, scheduled tasks, and processing files.

When using serverless, remember to:

  • Keep your functions simple and without saved states
  • Make your code start quickly
  • Use databases or other permanent storage instead of saving files locally

In short, serverless lets PHP developers write code without dealing with server issues.

Containerizing PHP Apps

Containers help package your code with all its parts so it can run anywhere. This makes PHP apps:

  • Easy to move around
  • Able to handle more users
  • Efficient in using resources

Docker is a popular tool for containers. You can set up your PHP apps in Docker using official PHP images and follow some good practices:

  • Keep containers small and only include what you need
  • Use Docker compose for apps that need more than one container
  • Stick to principles that keep apps easy to manage, like keeping configurations separate

Kubernetes is a tool for managing lots of containers easily. It lets developers tell it how they want their PHP apps to run, and it takes care of things like making sure there are enough containers, networking, and updates.

Benefits include keeping your app running all the time, updating without downtime, fixing problems automatically, and using resources efficiently.

So, putting your PHP apps in containers makes them easy to deploy, scale, and manage, fitting them for the cloud.

Progressive Web Apps

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are becoming more popular in 2024 because they make websites work a lot like the apps on your phone. PHP is important for these because it helps with the behind-the-scenes stuff, like talking to databases and making sure the right pages show up.

What are PWAs?

PWAs are a mix between regular websites and mobile apps. They can:

  • Work like mobile apps - They can send you notifications and you can add them to your home screen.
  • Be used on any device - You don't need different versions for phones or computers.
  • Work offline - They can save some information so you can use them without the internet.
  • Be found easily - Since they're on the web, you can find them through Google.

PHP's Role in PWA Development

PHP helps by:

  • Creating APIs so the app can get the data it needs.
  • Making pages that change based on what the user does.
  • Talking to databases to save and find information.
  • Checking who's using the app.
  • Running code in response to things like button clicks.

Key Benefits for Users

For people using these apps, PWAs made with PHP are:

  • Quick to load because they save some data to use later.
  • Easy to use with a design that feels like an app on your phone.
  • Full of features like notifications that keep you coming back.
  • Always up-to-date with the latest version every time you visit.

In 2024, making web apps with PHP that work like mobile apps is a big deal. Using PHP to build these means we can make web apps that are fast, reliable, and fun to use.

Headless CMS

Headless CMSs are a way to keep the part where you manage your website's content separate from how it looks to people who visit it. This means you can change the content through a CMS and then show it on any device or platform, like websites, mobile apps, or even smartwatches, through APIs.

This approach is getting more popular in 2024 because it's flexible. PHP is really good at working with APIs, which makes it a great choice for using with headless CMSs.

WordPress as Headless CMS

WordPress is super popular, running more than 40% of all websites. Thanks to the WordPress REST API, it can also work as a headless CMS.

The REST API lets WordPress share its data through simple internet requests. This means you can use WordPress just for handling content, and then use whatever technology you like to show that content to users.


  • You can still use the WordPress admin area to manage content
  • There are lots of plugins to help you do more
  • Content creators will find it easy to use because it's WordPress
  • You can make your site look however you want with JavaScript frontends like React and Vue


  • It might be a bit tricky to make the backend and frontend work together
  • You need to know how to use JavaScript frameworks
  • If you go custom, you might miss some easy WordPress features

In the end, using WordPress this way gives you lots of freedom in how your site looks and works. PHP makes sure the content gets to where it needs to go quickly and without trouble. The challenges can be handled with some good planning and by working together.

Security Enhancements

PHP 8 introduces several key updates that help make PHP applications safer right from the start. These upgrades are like adding better locks and alarms to protect your code.

Stronger Typing

PHP 8 lets you be more specific about what type of data your code should handle. This means you can avoid mistakes by making sure only the right kind of data gets through. Here are some examples:

  • Union types - These let you say a piece of data can be more than one type, like either a string or an integer.
  • Mixed type - This is for when you're okay with different types of data.
  • Non-capturing catches - This lets you ignore certain errors without having to write extra code for them.

Using these features helps prevent wrong data from messing up your code.

Password Hashing API

PHP 8 has a new way to work with passwords that's easier and more secure. It's all about making sure passwords are stored and checked properly, without you having to worry about the details.

Here's what you can do:

  • Password::hash() - Turn a password into a secure code.
  • Password::needsRehash() - See if a password's secure code needs an update.
  • Password::verify() - Check if a password matches its secure code.

This makes it straightforward to handle passwords the right way.

Other Default Improvements

There are also smaller upgrades that make PHP safer, like:

  • Cookies are now more private by default.
  • It's harder for hackers to mess with your data when you're sending it around.
  • New tools to stop certain types of hacking attacks.

Even though these changes might seem small, they add up to make PHP much safer.

Looking Ahead

As more people start using PHP 8, building safe and strong applications becomes easier. With these updates, your website and data are better protected against common dangers. We're likely to see even more safety features in future versions of PHP.


Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies

Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies are becoming a big deal for PHP developers in 2024. Let's dive into some key areas where they're making an impact:

Decentralized Applications

Blockchain lets us build apps that don't depend on a central point to work. These apps, called dApps, use smart contracts (think of them as automated agreements) to run things on their own.

PHP developers can create the user-facing parts of these apps and link them to the blockchain parts. They can also help make tools and infrastructure for blockchain platforms like Ethereum and others.

Payments and Financial Services

With the rise of cryptocurrencies, there's a lot of new stuff to build around payments, trading, and even digital collectibles (NFTs).

PHP developers can use PHP to connect to cryptocurrency systems and help build websites for trading or managing these digital currencies.

Supply Chain Tracking

Blockchain can make supply chains more transparent and secure. PHP can be used to make tools that track products, fight fakes, and manage shipping.

Voting Systems

Blockchain can also help make voting more secure and clear. PHP developers can create the parts of these systems that people actually use to interact with the voting platform.

Identity Management

Keeping digital identities safe is really important, and blockchain offers a secure way to manage them. Developers can use PHP to build tools that help verify and manage digital identities.

As blockchain technology keeps growing, PHP is helping developers create new and exciting decentralized solutions. Its flexibility, ease of use, and strong community support make PHP a great choice for working with these technologies.

AI and Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are changing the way we make and use PHP apps. In 2024, we're seeing more PHP developers use AI/ML to make apps that understand what users want and can do some thinking on their own.

Integrating ML Models with PHP-ML


PHP developers are starting to use libraries like PHP-ML to add machine learning to their apps. This means they can make their apps do things like guess what you might like to buy next or understand what a picture is showing without needing to be experts in AI.

PHP-ML helps with things like:

  • Figuring out what's in images and texts
  • Suggesting things you might like
  • Guessing what might happen next in data
  • Finding weird or out-of-place things
  • Understanding human language

This lets PHP developers focus on making the app look good and work well for people using it.

Building Intelligent PHP Apps

With tools like PHP-ML, PHP apps can get smarter. This includes:

  • Online stores that show you stuff you might like to buy
  • Social sites that can tag photos or keep bad content away
  • Banking apps that notice if something fishy is happening with your money
  • Job boards that help match people with the right jobs

Making apps smarter is becoming a must-have, and PHP is a good fit for adding these smart features.

PHP in the AI/ML Toolchain


Even though Python and R are the go-to for creating ML models, PHP is great for making these models useful in real life. Here's how it typically works:

  • Data preparation - Python, R
  • Model building & training - Python, R
  • Serving predictions - PHP, other languages

PHP helps bring the smart parts of an app to users, making it an important piece of the puzzle for modern apps.

As AI/ML becomes more common in 2024, PHP's role in bringing these advanced features to apps is growing. Its easy-to-understand nature, large community, and ability to work with ML makes PHP a solid choice for the future of smart apps.

JetBrains Survey Findings

Surveys from JetBrains show that a lot of developers like using PHP. Here are some key points:

  • PHP is usually among the top 5 languages used around the world. As of April 2024, it's in 4th place.
  • 83% of developers in the survey use PHP, and for 60% of them, it's their main language. This has been going up since 2017.
  • In 2023, the survey found that PHP was the second favorite language for making websites, just after JavaScript. 81% of web developers use it.
  • More and more developers are moving to the newer versions of PHP. Over half are now using PHP 7.4 or 8.0. The use of PHP 8 jumped from 7% in 2021 to over 65% in 2023.
  • Developers say they like PHP because it's easy to work with, lots of web hosts support it, it has many libraries and tools, it's fast, and there's a big community around it.

The survey shows that PHP is still a big deal for people making web apps. Companies are also using PHP more for important projects because it can handle big tasks well, keeps getting better, and works great with cloud technology. Plus, there's a huge group of people and resources out there for anyone working with PHP.


PHP Continues to Evolve and Thrive

PHP in 2024 shows us that it's still a big player in making websites and applications. It's been around for a long time and keeps getting better, even as everything around it changes fast.

Innovation Across Multiple Fronts

PHP is getting better in many ways, like making websites run faster with JIT and trying out new things like serverless computing. This means developers have more tools to make websites that really fit what's needed.

User-Centric Focus

PHP is also getting smarter by using AI and ML to make websites more interesting and easier to use. This helps in making websites that feel more personal.

Security as an Integral Priority

PHP 8 makes websites safer with better ways to handle passwords and data. This means that keeping user information safe is a big part of PHP now.

Commitment to Sustainability

PHP is also thinking about the environment by supporting green hosting. This shows it's trying to be more eco-friendly.

Strength of Community

A lot of developers still love using PHP because it's easy to start with, has a lot of support, and fits well with cloud services. The community around PHP is strong and keeps bringing new ideas.

As we move forward, PHP developers have a lot to look forward to with new challenges and chances to make cool stuff. PHP is ready for the future, offering lots of ways to build websites and apps that are secure, fast, and good for the planet.

Is PHP outdated 2024?

In 2024, W3Techs shows that 76.5% of websites still use PHP when we know what language they're built with. That's barely less than last year's 77.3%. Even though languages like JavaScript and Python are becoming more popular, PHP is still the main choice for making websites work on the server side in 2024.

PHP is keeping up with the times with new updates that make it work better and safer, and it fits well with how websites are made today. So, PHP doesn't look like it's going away any time soon.

Does PHP have a future?

Yes, PHP is still going strong in 2024 for several reasons:

  • A big part of the internet is built with PHP, which means there's a lot of PHP code out there and many people know how to use it.
  • PHP keeps getting updates that make it better, like PHP 8, which made it faster and more secure.
  • Tools like Laravel help make PHP projects easier to manage and work well with the latest web tech.
  • PHP hosting is getting better, with services like AWS making it easy to handle more visitors without a hitch.
  • The PHP community is active and helpful, sharing tools, advice, and free projects.

So, even with new languages around, PHP isn't going anywhere because it keeps improving and adapting.

What is the latest development of PHP?

As of 2024, here's what's new with PHP:

  • PHP 8 adoption: More websites and servers are moving to PHP 8 for its speed boosts and new features.
  • Integrations with new tech: PHP is being used for things like APIs, serverless computing, blockchain, showing it can keep up with the latest tech trends.
  • Security and typing: PHP 8 has made apps safer and more reliable with stricter rules on data types and better password management.
  • Cloud and containers: Using PHP on cloud services and in containers has made deploying and scaling websites simpler and more efficient.

In short, PHP is getting faster, safer, and more versatile, making it a good fit for modern web projects.

When to choose PHP?

You might want to pick PHP for your web project because:

  • It's free and open-source.
  • It works on both Linux and Windows.
  • It has strong frameworks like Laravel for faster coding.
  • It's easy for beginners to learn.
  • It can handle lots of visitors smoothly.
  • It includes security features by default.
  • It's good at showing dynamic content on web pages.
  • Hosting PHP sites can be cost-effective.

Basically, PHP is a good all-around choice for web projects because it's easy to use, does a lot of things well, and won't break the bank.

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