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Bitcoin Basics for Developers

Bitcoin Basics for Developers
Nimrod Kramer
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Learn the basics of Bitcoin, including decentralization, cryptography, blockchain, mining, and consensus. Discover how to develop with Bitcoin and explore future innovations like the Lightning Network and Schnorr Signatures.

If you're curious about Bitcoin and how to develop with it, you've come to the right place. Here's a simple breakdown to get you started:

  • Bitcoin Basics: A digital currency that allows peer-to-peer transactions without the need for a central authority. It's based on blockchain technology, which is a decentralized ledger of all transactions.
  • Key Concepts for Developers:
  • Decentralization: No single entity controls Bitcoin, making it a collective effort.
  • Cryptography: Keeps transactions secure through digital signatures.
  • Blockchain: A public record of all Bitcoin transactions, adding security and transparency.
  • Mining and Consensus: The process of verifying transactions and adding them to the blockchain, rewarded with new bitcoins.
  • Developing with Bitcoin:
  • Tools like Bitcoin Core, various programming libraries, and testing environments are essential.
  • You can create applications like wallets, exchanges, and integrate Bitcoin payments into existing services.
  • Bitcoin's Network: Operates on a peer-to-peer basis, ensuring decentralization and security.
  • Future Innovations: Upcoming features like the Lightning Network and Schnorr Signatures promise to improve transaction speed and privacy.

This guide aims to offer a straightforward introduction to Bitcoin development, covering the fundamental concepts, tools, and potential applications. Whether you're building a wallet, integrating Bitcoin payments, or contributing to the core development, understanding these basics is your first step.


Bitcoin doesn't have a central boss. Instead, it works on a system where everyone helps out a bit, like a big group project. This is different from how banks work, where there's always a main office in charge. Here's why this matters:

  • Governance - Making changes to how Bitcoin works needs a lot of people to agree. This stops any one person from making all the decisions.
  • Security - Since there's no main place that controls Bitcoin, it's harder for bad guys to attack or mess with it.
  • Permissionless innovation - Anyone can make new things with Bitcoin without asking for permission. This means more cool stuff gets made faster.


Bitcoin uses a special kind of math to keep things safe and make sure only you can access your bitcoins. Here's the lowdown:

  • Private keys - Think of this like a super secret password that lets you use your bitcoins. You should keep it safe.
  • Public keys - This is like your email address for Bitcoin. You can share it with others so they can send you bitcoins.
  • Digital signatures - A way to prove you're the owner of the bitcoins without giving away your secret password.

These math tricks also help make sure no one can change or fake transactions.

The Blockchain

The blockchain is like a big book that keeps track of all Bitcoin transactions. What's cool about it:

  • Decentralized - It's kept up to date by lots of computers all over the world, not just one.
  • Immutable - Once something is written in the book, it can't be erased or changed.
  • Transparent - Everyone can see what's been written, so it's easy to check if things are correct.

When new transactions happen, they're grouped together and added to the book in order.

Mining and Consensus

Mining is how new pages get added to the Bitcoin book. It does two main things:

  • Verifying transactions - Miners check that new transactions are legit and not fake.
  • Minting new bitcoins - The first miner to finish checking gets some new bitcoins as a thank you. This keeps people interested in doing the work.

Miners use special computers to solve hard puzzles. The first one to solve it gets to add the next page to the book. This puzzle-solving is what keeps Bitcoin safe from being messed with and helps everyone agree on what the book should say.

Bitcoin Transactions

Transactions are how people send and receive Bitcoin. They're like the basic steps in using Bitcoin.

Transaction Building Blocks

Every Bitcoin transaction has a few main parts:

  • Inputs - These are like references to the Bitcoins you want to send. They include details about the past transaction and signatures to show you own them.
  • Outputs - These tell the network where to send the Bitcoins.
  • Scripts - These are small bits of code that set rules for how the Bitcoins can be spent.
  • Transaction ID - This is a unique code that identifies the transaction.

When someone wants to send Bitcoins, they use inputs to show which Bitcoins they're sending. The network checks the codes and rules to make sure everything's legit.

Digital Signatures

Digital signatures are a big deal for keeping Bitcoin safe. They let someone prove they own the Bitcoins they're sending without giving away their secret key.

These signatures are made with a special kind of cryptography. Everyone has a pair of keys: a private one for signing things, and a public one that others use to check the signature.

This setup means only the person with the private key can sign off on transactions, but anyone can check if the signature is right.


Bitcoin has its own simple programming language for setting rules on transactions. These rules can say things like who can spend the Bitcoins and when.

Some common rules include:

  • Pay to public key hash (P2PKH) - You need the right public key and signature.
  • Multi-signature (Multisig) - Requires more than one key to agree.
  • Timelocks - Can't spend until a certain time or block.

Unspent Transaction Outputs

Bitcoin keeps track of who owns what with something called "Unspent Transaction Outputs" or UTXOs.

Every time Bitcoins are sent, the transaction creates new UTXOs that the receiver owns. The network keeps a list of all UTXOs, which helps quickly check if a transaction is valid and prevents people from spending the same Bitcoins twice.

This list of UTXOs is like a big ledger that shows who owns what Bitcoins right now.

Bitcoin Development Tools

For folks who want to build stuff with Bitcoin, there are some key tools and spaces to know about. Let's dive into the basics:

Bitcoin Core

Think of Bitcoin Core as the main tool for Bitcoin. It includes:

  • The code that lets computers in the Bitcoin network talk to each other and agree on transactions and who owns what.
  • A Bitcoin wallet.
  • Tools for making your own Bitcoin apps.

It's made with open source code, meaning anyone can check it out and suggest changes. If you're building something with Bitcoin, you can use Bitcoin Core's building blocks.

Libraries and APIs

Most of the time, developers will use special libraries or APIs (think of them as toolboxes) in the programming language they're most comfortable with:

These toolboxes help with managing keys, putting together transactions, and talking to the Bitcoin network.

Testing Environments

Before using real Bitcoin, developers test their apps in safe, pretend Bitcoin worlds called:

  • Testnet - A fake Bitcoin world where coins have no real value, great for testing.
  • Regtest mode - A private test space you can control, making it easy to try things out. Part of Bitcoin Core.
  • Simnet mode - Like regtest, but it acts more like the real Bitcoin world. Also part of Bitcoin Core.

These testing grounds are super important for trying new things and fixing bugs without the risk of losing real money.

To wrap it up, Bitcoin Core is like the foundation, libraries and APIs are the tools, and test environments are the playgrounds for testing your Bitcoin projects. With these essentials, developers are all set to create cool and secure Bitcoin apps.

Building Bitcoin Applications

Bitcoin isn't just for sending and receiving money. It's a platform that lets developers build all kinds of apps, like wallets, exchanges, and even simple smart contracts. Let's break down some of the things you can build with Bitcoin.

Bitcoin Wallets

A Bitcoin wallet is where you keep your bitcoins safe. You can build different types of wallets:

  • Desktop wallets - These are programs you download to your computer. They're secure but only work on that computer. Examples include Bitcoin Core and Electrum.
  • Mobile wallets - Apps on your phone that let you pay with Bitcoin anywhere. You'll use Bitcoin libraries to make these.
  • Web wallets - Easy to access through a web browser, but you have to trust the provider. BitGo is an example of a secure web wallet.

When making wallets, think about keeping them safe, easy to use, and make sure they follow the rules.


Bitcoin exchanges let people trade Bitcoin for other currencies or coins. Important parts include:

  • Custody - Keeping users' money safe, often in offline wallets.
  • Trading engine - The system that matches buyers and sellers.
  • Liquidity - Making sure there's enough Bitcoin to trade.
  • KYC/AML - Checking who's using your exchange to follow the law.
  • UI/UX - Making the exchange easy and pleasant to use.

Look at Binance or Coinbase to see how they do it.

Payments Integration

Adding Bitcoin payments to your app or website can attract more users. You might:

  • Payment buttons - Let users pay with Bitcoin with a simple click.
  • Invoices - Create Bitcoin invoices for quick payments.
  • eCommerce plugins - Add Bitcoin as a payment option on online stores.

OpenNode and Btcpay Server are tools that help with Bitcoin payments.

Smart Contracts

Bitcoin can do some basic smart contracts with its Script language. This lets you:

  • Multisig - Require more than one person to say "yes" before spending bitcoins. Good for shared accounts.
  • Timelocks - Lock bitcoins until a certain time.
  • Atomic swaps - Trade different cryptocurrencies directly, without a middleman.

Learning Script lets you do more with Bitcoin, like setting up special rules for how bitcoins can be spent.


Bitcoin's P2P Network

Bitcoin runs on a system where everyone's computer can talk directly to each other, without needing a boss or a main office. This setup is called a peer-to-peer (P2P) network. Let's break down how it works:

Node Types

In the Bitcoin world, there are different kinds of computers (nodes) doing different jobs:

  • Full nodes have the entire history book of Bitcoin transactions and check if everything's correct.
  • Lightweight nodes have just a part of the history and ask full nodes for help in checking things.
  • Mining nodes gather new transactions, put them into blocks, and add them to the history book using a special puzzle-solving process.

Network Discovery

When a new node starts up, it finds other nodes to connect with in a few ways:

  • Nodes share IP addresses of other nodes they know about.
  • Special servers (DNS seeds) give new nodes a list of peers to start with.
  • Nodes like to connect with others that are always on.

Message Propagation

Nodes share transaction and block data with each other using a method that spreads the information quickly:

  • They use special messages to say, 'Hey, I've got new data' or 'Can you send me that data?'
  • Transactions zip across the network in seconds.
  • Blocks reach most nodes in about 40 seconds.

To keep things tidy and avoid spam, nodes don't tell everything to everyone at once.

Consensus Rules

All nodes agree to follow certain rules to make sure they're all on the same page:

  • They ignore anything that doesn't fit the rules, like fake blocks.
  • These rules help prevent bad actors from messing with Bitcoin.
  • Miners always work on adding to the longest chain of blocks that follow the rules.

This peer-to-peer setup and the rules they follow let Bitcoin work as a global system without needing a central control. If you're building things with Bitcoin, it's important to know how these parts work together.

Future Innovations

Bitcoin is like a growing tree, and there are plenty of new branches developing that could make it even better for sending and receiving money without a middleman. Here are some of the big ideas on the horizon.

Lightning Network

Think of the Lightning Network as a fast lane for Bitcoin payments. It's a separate layer on top of Bitcoin that lets people:

  • Start a mini-account with someone else and put some bitcoins in it. This way, they can send bitcoins back and forth instantly without waiting for the whole Bitcoin network to confirm the transactions.
  • Connect their mini-accounts with others, creating a network that lets payments zip across to anyone connected, with very small fees for using the network.
  • When they're done, they settle up on the Bitcoin blockchain, recording the final balance.

This could make buying a coffee with Bitcoin as easy as using cash, and it opens up new ways for machines to pay each other tiny amounts.

Schnorr Signatures

Schnorr signatures are a fancy way to sign Bitcoin transactions that's coming soon. They're great because:

  • They can combine many signatures into one, which makes transactions take up less space and cost less in fees.
  • They make it harder for people to track who's doing what, which is good for privacy.
  • They make the rules for transactions simpler, which could lead to new and more complex ways of using Bitcoin.

Other cryptocurrencies use Schnorr signatures, but adding them to Bitcoin needs to be done carefully to keep everything running smoothly.

Taproot & Tapscript

Taproot and Tapscript are updates that are going to make Bitcoin's smart contracts smarter. Taproot works with Schnorr signatures to make things more private and efficient, and Tapscript makes the rules for transactions more flexible.

With these updates, Bitcoin will be able to handle more complicated agreements in a way that keeps everyone's details private. Developers should get to know these changes to make the most of the new options they'll have.

Bitcoin is open source, which means a worldwide team of developers is always working on making it better. Keeping up with these innovations is a good way to understand where Bitcoin is headed and what it might be capable of in the future.


Bitcoin gives developers a chance to create new and exciting apps that could change how we use money. By learning how Bitcoin works, developers can use its features to make systems that are open, safe, and don't need permission from big companies.

Here are some key points:

  • Bitcoin works on a system where everyone helps out a bit, called a peer-to-peer network. This means there's no big boss in charge, which opens up new ways to manage things, keep them safe, and come up with new ideas.
  • Special math tricks like digital signatures and public-key cryptography are key to making sure Bitcoin transactions are safe and can be trusted.
  • The blockchain is like a public notebook that shows all transactions. It keeps things honest while still letting people stay private with special codes instead of their real names.
  • You can use Bitcoin's programming language to set up more complex deals, like accounts that need more than one person to agree before spending money or payments that can only happen at a certain time.
  • New updates are working on making Bitcoin handle lots of transactions quickly and cheaply, which could mean paying for small things instantly without extra costs.

Bitcoin is like digital cash that doesn't need a middleman, which means new ways to handle money directly between people. Its code is open for anyone to see and improve, so it'll keep getting better over time.

By understanding the tech behind Bitcoin and how it can change the economy, developers can create apps that don't rely on traditional banks and offer more freedom. The future is still up for grabs, but Bitcoin provides the basic tools to build a more open and easy-to-use financial system.

What do Bitcoin developers do?

Bitcoin developers work on creating and improving the tools and systems that use Bitcoin. They work on a variety of projects like:

  • Bitcoin wallets - Programs to keep your bitcoin safe and manage transactions.
  • Exchanges - Websites where you can buy, sell, or trade bitcoin.
  • Payment services - Systems that let businesses accept bitcoin as payment.
  • Mining software - Software that helps mine new bitcoin.
  • Programming libraries - Tools for developers to build Bitcoin-related apps.
  • Block explorers - Websites that let you look up information on the blockchain.

Some developers also help improve the Bitcoin Core software, which is the main program that keeps the Bitcoin network running. This involves coding and making sure the system works well.

How do you explain Bitcoin to a beginner?

Bitcoin is like internet money that lets you send or receive payments directly to and from other people, without needing a bank. Here's what you need to know:

  • Bitcoin is kept track of on a digital list called the blockchain, which is looked after by many computers around the world.
  • Special security methods make sure the list is safe and that people can't spend their bitcoin more than once.
  • Mining is a process where new bitcoin transactions are added to the blockchain, and new bitcoins are created. It involves solving tricky problems.
  • You store bitcoins in a digital wallet. Each wallet has a special address for getting bitcoins and a private key for sending them.
  • The Bitcoin network is run by people using Bitcoin software, without any central control.

What programming language is Bitcoin written in?

The main Bitcoin software, called Bitcoin Core, is written in C++. This language is good for making sure the system runs fast and efficiently. Other Bitcoin tools and apps might be made using easier languages like JavaScript, Python, Java, or C#.

How do Bitcoin Core developers get paid?

Most people who work on Bitcoin Core do it because they want to, not for money. But there are ways they can get support:

  • Bitcoin businesses or groups might give them money.
  • Some get grants from non-profits or industry groups.
  • Others might work for companies that use Bitcoin and get paid for it.
  • A few make money by helping organizations with Bitcoin Core.
  • Developers who make popular tools might ask for donations.

There's no set way to pay developers, but there's enough support out there for some to work on it full-time, along with many who help out when they can.

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