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Checker JS Tools: A Comparison

Checker JS Tools: A Comparison
Nimrod Kramer
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Explore the features, ease of use, integration capabilities, and community support of Checker JS, JSLint, ESLint, and JSHint for JavaScript code checking. Make an informed decision for your coding projects.

Choosing the right JavaScript checking tool can significantly impact your coding efficiency and code quality. This comparison explores Checker JS, JSLint, ESLint, and JSHint, focusing on their features, ease of use, integration capabilities, and community support. Whether you're working on a small project or a large-scale application, understanding the strengths and limitations of each tool can help you make an informed decision.

  • Checker JS: Offers comprehensive error checking, coding standard enforcement, and customizability, with strong integration options.
  • JSLint: Known for its straightforward error checking and simplicity, though it lacks the flexibility and integration capabilities of other tools.
  • ESLint: Stands out for its extensive configurability, wide range of plugins, and strong community support, making it ideal for projects requiring specific coding standards.
  • JSHint: Provides basic error checking and some customization, suitable for simpler projects.

Quick Comparison

Tool Flexibility Integration Community Support Ideal for
Checker JS High Strong Large Complex projects
JSLint Low Limited Smaller Simple projects
ESLint Very High Extensive Very Large Customizable coding standards
JSHint Moderate Moderate Moderate Basic projects

Choosing the right tool depends on your project's size, complexity, and specific needs. While ESLint offers the most flexibility and community support, Checker JS and JSHint provide valuable capabilities for both complex and basic projects, respectively. JSLint, although less flexible, can be the right choice for projects with simpler requirements.

Core Features

  • Error checking: Can it find mistakes, like when you've typed something wrong, or if there's a part of your code that could cause problems?

  • Coding standard enforcement: Does it help make sure your code looks the same way across your project, following common rules?

  • Security checks: Looks for risky code that could make your app easy to attack.

  • Code metrics: Gives you info on how complex your code is, if you're repeating yourself, and helps you keep things neat.

  • Type checking: Makes sure you're using the right kind of data in the right places, which helps avoid mix-ups.

Ease of Use and Setup

  • Integration: Can you easily use it with your favorite coding tools and setups?

  • Customizability: Can you tweak it to fit your project's needs?

  • Documentation: Are there easy guides and help available to get you started?

  • Performance impact: Does it slow down your computer or take a long time to do its job?

Integration Capabilities

  • Editor plugins: Can you add it to your coding editor for instant checks?

  • CI/CD integration: Fits into your automatic testing and deployment processes to catch issues without extra work.

  • Git integrations: Can it check your code as you save and commit it?

  • Framework support: Works well with the coding frameworks you use like React or Angular.

Community Support and Development

  • Community size: More users mean more help and shared solutions.

  • Development activity: Regular updates mean it keeps getting better.

  • Premium support: Can you pay for extra help if you need it?

  • Plugin ecosystem: Can you add extra features through plugins?

Performance and Efficiency

  • Speed: The faster it works, the quicker you can get back to coding.

  • Scalability: Can it handle big projects without slowing down?

  • Configurability: Can you adjust it to check exactly what you need, without wasting time?

  • Caching and incremental checks: Remembers what it checked before to make future checks faster.

Overview of JavaScript Checking Tools

1. Checker JS

Checker JS is a well-liked tool for checking your JavaScript code. It helps you find mistakes and make sure your code follows good practices.

Core Features

  • Error checking: Checker JS looks through your code for common mistakes, like typos or potential security risks. It's great at understanding modern JavaScript.
  • Coding standard enforcement: You can set it up to make sure your code matches style guides, like Airbnb or Google. It checks things like how your code is formatted and how complex it is.
  • Security checks: It points out risky things like using eval() or possible XSS attacks, making your code more secure.
  • Code metrics: It gives you info on how complex your code is, helping you find parts that might need simplifying. It also finds unused code.
  • Type checking: It's good at catching bugs through type checking. It works well with TypeScript for even better checking.

Ease of Use and Setup

  • Integration: You can add it to your coding editor and use it from the command line. You can set up config files to customize how it checks your code.
  • Customizability: You can change the rules to fit your project, and even add custom plugins for more features.
  • Documentation: There are clear guides on how to set it up, customize rules, and more.
  • Performance impact: It's pretty quick because it remembers what it has already checked and doesn't re-check unchanged code.

Integration Capabilities

  • Editor plugins: Works with VS Code, Atom, Sublime Text, and others.
  • CI/CD integration: You can easily include it in your GitHub Actions, CircleCI, Travis CI, and more.
  • Git integrations: You can set it up to check your code before you commit it.
  • Framework support: It supports React, Vue, Angular, and more, with custom settings available.

Community Support and Development

  • Community size: It has a big community, so you can find lots of help.
  • Development activity: It's regularly updated with new improvements.
  • Premium support: There's no paid support, but there's a strong community forum for help.
  • Plugin ecosystem: There are many plugins for extra features like better type checking.

Performance and Efficiency

  • Speed: It's fast because it only checks new or changed code.
  • Scalability: It can handle big projects without slowing down. You can customize the rules to avoid unnecessary checks.
  • Configurability: You can tweak it to check exactly what you need, making it faster.
  • Caching and incremental checks: This makes future checks quicker by remembering what's already been checked.

2. JSLint

JSLint is an older tool that helps you check your JavaScript code for errors.

Core Features

  • Error checking: JSLint is good at finding common mistakes, like when you forget a semicolon or use a variable you haven't defined. It's strict and aims to help you avoid errors.

  • Coding standard enforcement: It lets you set some rules about how your code should look, but it's not as flexible as other tools.

  • Security checks: It can spot some unsafe coding practices, like using eval(), but doesn't do a lot of security checks on its own. You might need to set up special rules for deeper checks.

  • Code metrics: JSLint doesn't really look at how complex your code is or track metrics. It focuses more on finding straightforward errors.

  • Type checking: It doesn't check types. For that, you'd need to use other tools alongside it.

Ease of Use and Setup

  • Integration: You can add JSLint to your editor with plugins, use it on the web, or through the command line.

  • Customizability: It lets you tweak some rules, but not as much as other tools allow.

  • Documentation: There's some basic guidance available, but it's not as detailed as what you find with other checkers.

  • Performance impact: It's quick and doesn't slow your computer down much.

Integration Capabilities

  • Editor plugins: There are plugins for different code editors.

  • CI/CD integration: It's possible to use JSLint in your continuous integration setup, but it might need more work to get it running smoothly compared to other tools.

  • Git integrations: It doesn't directly integrate with git, but some editor plugins might help with this.

  • Framework support: You can use it with JavaScript frameworks, but it doesn't have special rules for them like some other tools do.

Community Support and Development

  • Community size: Its community is not as big as the communities for newer tools.

  • Development activity: Updates come once in a while, but not as often as with other tools.

  • Premium support: There's no option to pay for extra help.

  • Plugin ecosystem: There are a few extra plugins available that can add more features.

Performance and Efficiency

  • Speed: It's very fast because it's simple.

  • Scalability: It works fine for smaller and medium-sized projects but might struggle with very large codebases.

  • Configurability: You can choose which rules to check, but there's less flexibility here than with other tools.

  • Caching and incremental checks: It doesn't remember what it's checked before, so there's no speed boost from caching.

3. ESLint

ESLint is a tool many people use to check their JavaScript code. It's great for spotting problems and making sure everyone on a team writes code that looks the same.

Core Features

  • Error checking: ESLint can find mistakes in your code, like when you've written something that could cause bugs. It's also good at catching style issues and can even work with TypeScript.

  • Coding standard enforcement: You can set it up with rules that everyone follows, making your code consistent. There are ready-to-use rules from big names like Airbnb and Google.

  • Security checks: With extra plugins, it can look for code that might make your app vulnerable to attacks.

  • Code metrics: Some plugins can tell you if your code is too complex or repetitive, helping you keep it clean and simple.

  • Type checking: If you're using TypeScript, ESLint can help catch mistakes with data types.

Ease of Use and Setup

  • Integration: It works well with most coding tools and editors. You can set rules in a config file.

  • Customizability: You have a lot of control over what rules ESLint checks for, and you can even make your own rules.

  • Documentation: There's plenty of help available to get you started and to answer your questions.

  • Performance impact: It's fast and doesn't slow down your work because it remembers what it's already checked.

Integration Capabilities

  • Editor plugins: You can get real-time checks in editors like VS Code and Sublime Text.

  • CI/CD integration: Adding it to your workflow with tools like GitHub Actions is straightforward.

  • Git integrations: It can check your code when you commit changes, and even fix formatting for you.

  • Framework support: There are special settings for working with frameworks like React and Angular.

Community Support and Development

  • Community size: It has a huge number of users, so finding help is easy.

  • Development activity: A lot of people contribute to making ESLint better, so it gets frequent updates.

  • Premium support: While there's no official paid support, there's a lot of community help available.

  • Plugin ecosystem: There are many extra features you can add through plugins.

Performance and Efficiency

  • Speed: It's quick because it only checks new or changed parts of your code.

  • Scalability: It can handle both small and very large projects efficiently.

  • Configurability: You can fine-tune which parts of your code it checks to make it even faster.

  • Caching and incremental checks: By remembering what it's already checked, it doesn't waste time re-checking the same code.

4. JSHint

Core Features

  • Error checking: JSHint is good at finding mistakes in your JavaScript code, like when you forget to define variables, miss semicolons, or make syntax errors.

  • Coding standard enforcement: It lets you set up rules for how your code should look and act. It includes some common guidelines right out of the box.

  • Security checks: JSHint can point out some dangerous coding habits, such as using eval(), but it's not the go-to for deep security analysis.

  • Code metrics: JSHint gives you a basic idea of code complexity by highlighting simple issues like unused variables.

  • Type checking: It offers some basic checks for data types, but for more in-depth analysis, you'll need to use TypeScript.

Ease of Use and Setup

  • Integration: JSHint fits into most coding environments with plugins and can be run from the command line or within build systems.

  • Customizability: You can adjust its rules, but it's not as flexible as some other tools.

  • Documentation: It has straightforward documentation that covers the essentials, though it's not as detailed as other tools.

  • Performance impact: It's quick and doesn't make your computer lag.

Integration Capabilities

  • Editor plugins: You can find plugins for popular editors like VS Code, Sublime, and Atom.

  • CI/CD integration: Adding it to continuous integration systems like Travis CI is possible but requires a bit more effort.

  • Git integrations: There's no direct support for git, but plugins for some editors might help.

  • Framework support: It applies general JavaScript rules that work with various frameworks, without special settings for any.

Community Support and Development

  • Community size: It has a fairly active community, though not as large as ESLint's.

  • Development activity: It gets updates, but not as often as the more popular tools.

  • Premium support: There are no options for paid support; you'll need to look to forums and the existing documentation for help.

  • Plugin ecosystem: There are some plugins available that extend its features.

Performance and Efficiency

  • Speed: JSHint is fast because it's simple and doesn't do too much at once.

  • Scalability: It's fine for smaller projects but might slow down with very large codebases.

  • Configurability: You can tweak its settings to control what it checks for, helping manage its speed and thoroughness.

  • Caching and incremental checks: It doesn't remember what it's already checked, so it starts fresh each time.

Feature Comparison

Checker JS, JSLint, ESLint, and JSHint are tools that help you find mistakes and keep your JavaScript code clean and consistent. They all do a bit of the same thing but in different ways, especially when it comes to how flexible they are, how well they work with other tools, and how fast they do their job.

Tool Error Checking Standards Enforcement Security Checks Code Metrics Type Checking
Checker JS Great at spotting common errors. Knows the latest JS. Lets you follow guides like Airbnb. Looks at formatting and complexity. Warns about risky stuff like eval(). Helps stop XSS attacks. Tells you if your code is too complex or has unused parts. Works well with TypeScript for catching type mistakes.
JSLint Really focuses on the basics like missing semicolons or undefined variables. Not much room to change rules. Mainly about avoiding errors. Points out some unsafe practices like eval(). Basic security help. Doesn't track how complex or clean your code is. Doesn't check types.
ESLint Finds errors and style issues. Compatible with TS. Very customizable with rules from big names or your own. Can check for security risks with extra plugins. Some plugins measure complexity and repetition. Good at catching TS type errors.
JSHint Catches common issues like missing definitions or syntax errors. Some default rules. Somewhat customizable. Looks out for things like eval(). Not the best for deep security checks. Points out simple issues like unused variables. Basic type checks. Better with TS.

Customization and Configuration

Checker JS lets you really tweak it to fit your project. You can change its rules a lot, add new features with plugins, and find help in its guides.

JSLint is simpler, focusing mainly on catching errors with less room to adjust it to your liking.

ESLint is the champ for making it fit your project perfectly, with tons of rules and plugins. JSHint also lets you make some changes, but not as many as ESLint.

Integration and Editor Support

Checker JS, ESLint, and JSHint fit nicely into most coding tools and editors like VS Code, making it easy to spot and fix errors right away.

JSLint can be a bit trickier to get working everywhere as smoothly as the others.

ESLint is especially good at integrating with editors for quick checks and fixes.

Framework and Library Support

Checker JS, ESLint, and JSHint all work well with popular JavaScript frameworks like React and Angular. ESLint is the best at adjusting its checks for different frameworks.

JSLint sticks to basic JavaScript, which means it doesn't have special settings for frameworks but still works.

Performance and Speed

Checker JS and ESLint are fast because they remember what they've checked before and only look at new or changed code. JSHint and JSLint start from scratch each time, which can be slower for big projects.

Checker JS and ESLint can handle big and small projects well because they're good at focusing on what needs to be checked.

Long Term Support

Checker JS and ESLint have lots of people working on making them better and a big community for help. JSLint and JSHint aren't updated as often and have smaller communities.

In short, Checker JS and ESLint offer the most, with lots of ways to make them work just right for you. JSHint is a solid basic choice. JSLint is more limited but can still be useful for keeping your code in check.

Ease of Use and Integration

When it comes to getting started and making these tools work with your projects, Checker JS, ESLint, and JSHint are pretty straightforward. JSLint might need a bit more work. Let's break it down:

Setup and Configuration

  • Checker JS - Easy to install and set up. You can make it do what you want by writing some rules in a JSON file. It has good instructions to help you.

  • JSLint - Installing it is easy, but you can't do as much with it as you can with the others. To set it up your way, you need to learn how JSLint wants you to write rules. It tells you the basics but not much more.

  • ESLint - This one's a breeze to get going. You can write your rules in JavaScript, YAML, or JSON, which gives you a lot of choices. The guides are really thorough, covering everything from starting out to tweaking it to your needs.

  • JSHint - Installing it is pretty easy. You set your rules in a JSON file. The guides give you just enough to get started.

Customization and Integration

  • Checker JS - You can really make this tool your own with plugins and shared settings. It fits nicely into most coding environments, build tools, and processes for checking your code before it goes live.
  • JSLint - It's not very flexible, and there aren't many add-ons. It works okay with coding programs but hooking it up to check your code automatically can be tough.
  • ESLint - You can do a lot with this tool, thanks to all its add-ons, presets, and shared settings. It works well with coding programs and is easy to add to your code-checking processes.
  • JSHint - It lets you tweak some settings. There are add-ons for coding programs, but setting it up with your code-checking processes might take some extra steps.

Ease of Use

  • Checker JS - It's friendly for users. Setting it up and using commands is straightforward. It gives you clear errors.

  • JSLint - It's strict, so you might need to change how you write code. Setting it up can be less clear, and figuring out what errors mean can be tricky.

  • ESLint - It's ready to use right away and lets you adjust settings easily. It gives you clear errors that tell you what to fix.

  • JSHint - It's not too hard to use. The setup and commands are simple, and it tells you what's wrong in a way that's easy to understand.

In short, Checker JS and ESLint are easy to get started with and make fit into your projects, and they're user-friendly. JSHint is simpler but not as flexible. JSLint is easy to start with but doesn't let you do as much.

Performance and Efficiency

When it comes to how fast and efficiently Checker JS, ESLint, JSHint, and JSLint work, they each have their own way of doing things. Here's a simple breakdown of how they stack up.

Execution Speed

  • Checker JS - It's quick because it remembers what parts of your code haven't changed and doesn't waste time rechecking them. You can also set it to only look at specific issues, making it even faster.

  • JSLint - It's speedy because it keeps things simple, but it doesn't have the fancy feature of skipping over code that hasn't changed. Its strict rules might slow you down a bit.

  • ESLint - Thanks to its ability to remember what it's already checked and focus on new or changed code, it's pretty fast. You can adjust its settings to make it run just right for your project.

  • JSHint - Without the ability to skip unchanged code, it has to check everything every time, which isn't great for big projects. However, it's still quick for smaller ones.


  • Checker JS - It does a good job handling big projects because you can tailor its checks to your needs and it won't recheck unchanged code.

  • JSLint - It's not the best choice for large projects because you can't adjust it much, and its one-size-fits-all approach might slow you down.

  • ESLint - It's great for any size project because you can customize it a lot and it only rechecks new or changed code.

  • JSHint - It struggles with larger projects because it checks everything every time, which can slow things down.

Configurability vs Overhead

  • Checker JS - You can make it do exactly what you want without making it heavy or slow. It's very flexible.

  • JSLint - It's lightweight but not very flexible. You might find it either does too much or not enough because you can't fine-tune it.

  • ESLint - It lets you adjust a lot of settings, but that flexibility comes with a bit more complexity. Still, it strikes a good balance.

  • JSHint - It's simple to use right away, but not being able to customize it much could make it less efficient on big projects.

In short, Checker JS stands out for being fast and flexible, especially for big projects. ESLint is also good for projects of all sizes, offering lots of customization. JSLint is quick and simple but less flexible. JSHint is speedy for small projects but not as good when things get bigger.


Community Support and Development

Checker JS, ESLint, and JSHint are all backed by strong communities and get regular updates. JSLint, while still supported, doesn't see as much action these days.

Community Size and Support

  • Checker JS has a big group of users worldwide. People often help each other out in forums and add to the tool's guides. There's also a bunch of shared setups available, making it easier for everyone to use similar standards.

  • JSLint's community is on the smaller side since it's one of the older tools out there. You can still find some help in forums, but there's not a lot of new activity.

  • ESLint stands out with the largest community. There's a wealth of information out there, with lots of users ready to lend a hand.

  • JSHint has a good-sized community too. People are pretty active in sharing tips and support through forums.

Documentation and Guides

  • Checker JS has clear instructions on how to get started, customize it, add plugins, and fix problems.

  • JSLint's guides cover the basics well enough, but they don't go into much detail or offer many examples from real projects.

  • ESLint offers really detailed guides, including step-by-step tutorials, tips for different situations, guides for moving from other tools, and a lot of technical details.

  • JSHint's guides are good for getting set up and understanding the basics. However, they don't offer much more advanced help.

Development Activity

  • Checker JS is regularly updated with new features, thanks to a lively open-source community.

  • JSLint doesn't get updated much these days. It's still stable, but it doesn't add new features very often.

  • ESLint is constantly being improved, with lots of people and even companies contributing new ideas and features.

  • JSHint gets steady updates, but it's not as fast-paced or community-driven as ESLint.

Overall, Checker JS and ESLint are at the top when it comes to community support, detailed guides, and getting new updates. JSHint is not far behind. JSLint, though still useful, isn't keeping up with the others in terms of new information and updates.

Pros and Cons

When we look at Checker JS, JSLint, ESLint, and JSHint, each tool has things it's good at and areas where it could be better. Here's a simple breakdown of the good and not-so-good points of each tool:

Tool Pros Cons
Checker JS - Good at finding errors and keeping code tidy
- Easy to start with
- You can customize it a lot
- Runs fast without slowing things down
- Sometimes updates can mess with the extra features you add
JSLint - Quick and doesn't use much computer power
- Good at spotting simple mistakes
- Can't change it much to fit your needs
- Hard to make it work with other tools
- Not many people to ask for help
ESLint - You can make it do exactly what you need
- Lots of extra features
- Great for working with web frameworks
- Lots of people use it, so it's easy to find help
- Setting it up can be tricky
- Might make your code editor slow
JSHint - Simple to use
- Quick and light
- Not as flexible
- Not the best for big projects
- Fewer people to ask for help than other tools

Checker JS is really good because it's flexible, easy to use, and quick. The main downside is that sometimes when it updates, the extra stuff you've added might not work right.

JSLint is fast and good for catching simple errors, but it's not very flexible and doesn't work well with newer ways of coding.

ESLint lets you do a lot of custom stuff and is great if you're using frameworks. But, it might be a bit hard to set up and can slow down your editor.

JSHint is great if you're just starting out and don't need anything too complex. It's fast but doesn't handle big projects well and doesn't offer as much flexibility as Checker JS and ESLint.

In short, Checker JS is a solid choice for most coding projects because it's balanced. ESLint is best if you need a lot of custom settings. JSHint is easier for smaller, simpler projects, and JSLint is a bit behind the times compared to the others.

Making the Right Choice

Choosing the right tool to check your JavaScript code depends on a few important things:

Aligning Features with Project Scope

  • Smaller projects - JSHint is good if you're not doing anything too complex.
  • Larger projects - Checker JS and ESLint are better for bigger tasks because they let you do more tweaking.
  • Basic error checking - JSLint and JSHint are great for catching simple errors.
  • Advanced analysis - Checker JS and ESLint go deeper, checking for coding standards, security issues, and how well your code performs.
  • TypeScript usage - Checker JS and ESLint work well if you're using TypeScript.

Team Collaboration Needs

  • Consistency enforcement - ESLint helps make sure everyone on the team codes the same way. Checker JS does this too.
  • Custom rule creation - ESLint lets you make your own rules for your project.
  • Shared configuration - ESLint has lots of presets you can start with. Checker JS lets you share settings too.

Coding Environment and Tools

  • Editor integration - Checker JS, ESLint, JSHint all work well with code editors.
  • Build/CI integration - Checker JS and ESLint easily fit into your coding process.
  • Framework usage - ESLint is the best for specific settings for different coding frameworks. Checker JS is also good for this.

Support and Documentation

  • Community resources - ESLint has the most support, with Checker JS and JSHint also having active communities.
  • Customization help - ESLint has really detailed guides. Checker JS also offers good help.

Individual Preferences

Aside from what your project needs, what you prefer also matters:

  • Simplicity - Go with JSHint if you want something straightforward.
  • Control and flexibility - Choose ESLint if you like to adjust every little detail.
  • Performance - Checker JS is a good middle ground for customization and speed.

Think about what's important for your project, your team, the tools you use, and what you like. Checker JS and ESLint are top choices in many areas, but JSHint or JSLint might be all you need for simpler tasks.


Picking the right tool to check your JavaScript code is a big deal. It can really change how well your code works, how fast you can make it, and how well your team can work together. We looked at four popular options - Checker JS, JSLint, ESLint, and JSHint - and talked about what they do best, how they fit into your coding setup, how fast they are, and more.

Checker JS is a really good choice for most projects. It's easy to use, doesn't slow down your computer, works well with the latest coding tools, and lots of people use and support it. If you're working on something big and complicated, ESLint might be better because it lets you change a lot of settings and has lots of help and instructions.

If you need something simpler, JSLint and JSHint might be enough. JSLint is all about finding basic mistakes, and JSHint gives you a little more control but still keeps things simple. Both are quick and easy to use but don't have the fancy features of Checker JS and ESLint.

When choosing, think about what your project needs, how your team works, what tools you use, if you need a lot of help, and what you like. Matching these things with what each tool does best will help you pick the right one.

Using a JavaScript checking tool can help a lot by finding mistakes early, making it easier for teams to work together, and making your code better. With what we've shared here, developers can find the best tool to start seeing these benefits.

How to compare 2 js files?

To compare two JavaScript files, you can:

  • Use a tool that shows differences, like the built-in feature in VS Code, or an online service that highlights what's changed.
  • Try a specialized tool for comparing code, such as Code Compare, which can also connect with version control systems to help you manage changes.
  • Look through each file yourself, checking line by line for differences. This method is more time-consuming and less efficient.

What is the code compare tool?

Code Compare is a tool designed to help you see and merge differences between code versions. It's useful for developers working with version control systems like Git. It comes as both a standalone application and a plugin for Visual Studio.

Where should you develop and test your JavaScript code?

For writing and testing JavaScript, websites like CodePen and JSFiddle are great. They let you enter your code and run it to see how it works right away. This is a quick way to test small bits of code or experiments.

What is the difference between ESLint and other linters?

ESLint is more flexible than many other tools because it lets you set up your own rules. This is helpful for using modern JavaScript features and for projects with specific needs. Other tools, like JSLint, have strict rules that don't offer much room for customization, making them better for ensuring code consistency in larger projects.

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