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Checker JS: Understanding Its Core Features

Checker JS: Understanding Its Core Features
Nimrod Kramer
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Discover the core features of Checker JS for JavaScript developers. Learn about linting, compatibility checking, performance optimization, and more to improve your code quality and efficiency.

Checker JS is a comprehensive tool designed for web developers to enhance their JavaScript code quality and efficiency. It offers a range of features to identify errors, ensure compatibility across browsers and devices, and optimize performance. Here's a quick overview of what Checker JS can do for you:

  • Linting: Checks your code for small mistakes and style issues.
  • Compatibility Checking: Ensures your code works well on various browsers and devices.
  • Performance Optimization: Identifies and suggests fixes for code that could slow down your website.

By using Checker JS, developers can save time, improve code quality, and provide a better user experience on their websites. It integrates seamlessly into development environments, supports customizable rules, and provides real-time error detection. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, Checker JS offers valuable tools to make your JavaScript code better.

What is Checker JS?

Checker JS is a tool made to help web developers improve their code quality and make their work easier. It automatically checks JavaScript code for common errors, making sure the code is good to go.

Origins and History

Checker JS started in 2019 by a group of web developers who were tired of the slow process of finding and fixing errors in JavaScript code by hand. They wanted a tool that could spot mistakes before they became bigger problems.

Here’s how Checker JS grew:

  • Early 2020 - Added features to test how code works in different web browsers
  • Summer 2020 - Made Checker JS free for everyone to use and started building a community
  • Fall 2020 - Added tools to make websites run faster
  • Early 2021 - Made it possible to customize Checker JS to fit different project needs

Now, over 100,000 people use Checker JS, and it keeps getting better thanks to user suggestions.

Core Purpose

The main goal of Checker JS is to take over the repetitive and tricky parts of checking JavaScript code for errors. This includes:

  • Syntax checking - Finds small mistakes like typos or wrong code
  • Compatibility testing - Makes sure your code works well on different devices and browsers
  • Performance profiling - Looks for code that might make your website slow
  • Customizable linting - Lets you set rules for your code to follow
  • Error prioritization - Points out the most important errors to fix first

Checker JS helps developers focus on creating great websites instead of getting stuck on fixing errors.

Key Capabilities

Checker JS comes with a bunch of features to help with JavaScript development:

  • Configurable linting - You can pick from ready-made rules or create your own
  • IDE integration - Works with popular code editors like VS Code and Sublime Text
  • Code scanning - Finds issues like bugs, unused code, and security problems
  • Cross-browser testing - Shows how your site looks in different web browsers
  • DOM change monitoring - Watches for unexpected changes in your website’s layout
  • Performance profiling - Identifies code that could slow down your site
  • Actionable error reporting - Gives suggestions on how to fix the most critical issues

Checker JS keeps getting updates and has a strong community behind it, making it a reliable helper for web developers.

Core Features of Checker JS

Checker JS is like a helpful assistant for anyone working on JavaScript projects. It has several key features designed to make coding easier and to help avoid common mistakes.

Syntax and Code Quality Checking

  • Looks through your code for problems such as:
  • Confusing or messy writing
  • Style issues
  • Potential errors
  • Unused code
  • Security risks
  • You can set it up to follow a style guide you like, making sure your code looks the way you want
  • Offers smart tips for fixing any problems it finds
  • Helps you write neater and safer code

Real-time Error Detection

  • Keeps an eye on your code as you write
  • Highlights mistakes and warnings while you type
  • Stops bugs early on, saving you time later
  • Lets you focus on coding without having to stop and debug often

Compatibility Checking

  • Checks how your code will work in different situations:
    • Across major web browsers
    • On various screen sizes and ways of holding your device
    • With different versions of Node.js
  • Finds issues before your website goes live
  • Makes sure everyone who visits your site has a good experience

Integration with Development Environments

  • Easy to add to popular coding tools like:
    • Visual Studio Code
    • Sublime Text
    • And others
  • Fits smoothly into your coding process
  • Gives helpful coding advice right where you need it
  • Can be customized to match how you work

Customizable Rules

  • Comes with ready-to-use rules from:
    • Standard JS
    • Airbnb
    • Google
  • Lets you adjust, add, or turn off rules
  • You can set your own standards for how your code should look and work
  • Detailed reports help you stick to your rules

Performance Optimization

  • Points out code that might slow your site down
  • Offers tips for making things faster, like:
    • Making files smaller
    • Loading things only when needed
    • Storing information to speed up future visits
    • Splitting up your code
  • Tools to help reorganize your code for better clarity and speed
  • Helps your site run smoother and load faster

Checker JS takes care of the routine checks and testing, freeing you up to concentrate on creating great web apps. It simplifies the journey from writing code to getting it out there for people to use.

Setting up Checker JS

Getting Checker JS ready to use involves a few steps. Here's a simple guide to help you install and set it up:


You can install Checker JS in a few different ways, depending on what you need:


npm install checkerjs --save-dev

Use NPM to add Checker JS to your project. This lets you run it from the command line.

Browser extension Download the Checker JS extension for Chrome or Firefox. This way, you can use it directly in your browser.

IDE plugin If you use a code editor like VS Code, Atom, or Sublime Text, look for a Checker JS plugin in your IDE's store.


After installing, you'll need to set up Checker JS for your project:

Rule selection

  • Start with a common rule set like Standard JS or Airbnb.
  • You can turn rules on or off or change their settings to suit your project.

Environment settings

  • Tell Checker JS about your target browsers and Node.js version.
  • This information helps Checker JS know what to check for.

Ignore files/folders

  • Let Checker JS know if there are any files or folders it should not look at.
  • This is useful for things like test files or external code.

Output preferences

  • Decide how you want to see the errors - in the console, a file, etc.
  • Choose which errors you want to see based on their importance.


Make Checker JS a part of your coding process:

IDE plugin See errors as you code, right in your editor.

Git hooks Make Checker JS run automatically every time you commit or push code.

Command line Include a Checker JS step in your project's test script.

Continuous integration Run Checker JS scans as part of your CI/CD pipeline to catch issues early.


Make Checker JS work just right for you:

Ignore specific issues Choose to ignore certain errors if you don't plan to fix them.

Custom rules Create your own linting rules for your project if you need to.

Plugin ecosystem Add more features with plugins made for Checker JS.

With Checker JS installed and set up, you'll have a constant helper for writing better JavaScript. It simplifies testing and helps you avoid common mistakes.

Practical Examples

Checker JS is really useful when working on JavaScript projects. It helps make your code better and your websites run smoother. Let's look at some ways it can help in real-life situations:

Making It Easier to Find Bugs in Big Projects

When you're working on a big project with lots of code, finding mistakes can be like looking for a needle in a haystack. Checker JS can quickly scan all your code and point out problems, such as:

  • Variables that are there but not being used, which can slow things down
  • Functions that might break because they're not set up right
  • Security issues that could let hackers in
  • Parts of your code that might not work in all web browsers

It shows you where the biggest issues are, making it much easier to fix them.

Making Web Apps Run Faster

For websites that get a lot of visitors, it's important they load quickly and run smoothly. Checker JS looks through your JavaScript to find things that could be slowing it down, like:

  • Changes to the website that happen too often and make it slow to respond
  • Calculations that are done over and over, wasting time
  • Extra code or files that aren't even needed
  • Pictures or fonts that could be made smaller to load faster

It gives you clear advice on how to make your website faster.

Helping Teams Code the Same Way

When lots of people are working together on coding, it's important everyone does things the same way. Checker JS helps teams set rules, like:

  • How to format code with spaces and lines
  • Avoiding risky coding moves
  • Making sure everyone checks user input for safety
  • Making sure the code will work in the web browsers your visitors use

It makes these rules part of how you work every day, so everyone follows them.

Helping New Developers Get Started

New team members need to learn your team's coding style and best practices. Checker JS helps by including these guidelines right in the tools they use to code. This way, new developers can follow the rules without having to memorize everything, making it easier for them to fit in.

Keeping Code Quality High

It can be tough to keep track of code reviews, style guides, testing, and best practices. Checker JS puts all of this in one place. The whole team can see the standards, rules, and past issues. This overview helps keep the code quality strong as the team gets bigger.

Comparison with Similar Tools

Checker JS is a tool that helps make sure your JavaScript code is clean and works well. Let's see how it stacks up against other tools that do similar things.

Comparison Table

Feature Checker JS JSLint ESLint JSHint
Real-time error checking Yes No Yes No
Custom rule configuration High Low High Medium
IDE integrations Many Few Many Some
Beginner-friendliness High Low Medium Medium

Real-time error checking - Both Checker JS and ESLint can spot mistakes as you write your code. JSLint and JSHint need you to run checks separately, which can take more time.

Custom rule configuration - Checker JS lets you easily change rules to fit your project. JSLint is pretty strict and not very flexible. ESLint and JSHint offer some wiggle room but not as much as Checker JS.

IDE integrations - Checker JS and ESLint work well with most code editors. JSLint doesn't play nicely with many, and JSHint is somewhere in the middle.

Beginner-friendliness - Checker JS is made to be easy for newbies, with clear error messages and fixes. ESLint and JSHint can be a bit much for beginners, and JSLint is even harder to get into.

Checker JS shines by mixing ease of use, flexibility, support for code editors, and being friendly to beginners, making coding in JavaScript smoother.

Capability Comparison

All these tools check your code for mistakes and help you write better JavaScript. They all have their strengths:

  • Basic checking - They all can find errors and issues in your code.
  • Making your own rules - Checker JS and ESLint let you tweak rules a lot. JSHint is a bit flexible, but JSLint is pretty set in its ways.
  • Smart suggestions - Checker JS, ESLint, and JSHint can suggest fixes. JSLint just points out problems.
  • Testing for different browsers - Checker JS and ESLint help make sure your code works on various browsers. JSHint does a bit, but JSLint doesn't do this at all.
  • Looking at performance - Checker JS also checks if your code could be slowing down your site, which the others don't focus on much.
  • User-friendly - Checker JS tries to make things as easy as possible with clear feedback and a simple interface. The others can be a bit overwhelming.

Checker JS keeps up with the big players but goes the extra mile in making things customizable, smart, and user-friendly.

Usability Comparison

  • Learning curve - Checker JS is the easiest to get the hang of. JSLint can be tough with not much help available. ESLint and JSHint are in the middle.
  • Setting things up - Checker JS is the simplest to set up how you like. ESLint gives you control but takes more work to get there.
  • Reports - Checker JS gives you easy-to-understand reports with colors and clear explanations. The others tend to dump a lot of technical info on you.
  • Help with fixes - Checker JS not only finds problems but also gives you tips and sometimes even fixes them for you. The other tools mostly just point out issues.
  • Keeping it simple - Checker JS tries to make your life easier by figuring out a lot of stuff for you and keeping explanations simple. The others can make you work harder to get everything just right.

Checker JS aims to make checking your JavaScript code as painless as possible, from learning how to use it to getting helpful feedback.

Customization Comparison

  • Making rules your own - Checker JS and ESLint let you really dig in and customize rules. JSHint is somewhat flexible, but JSLint doesn't let you change much.
  • Setting up for different browsers - Checker JS makes it easy to make sure your code works everywhere. ESLint is also good at this, but JSHint and JSLint are more limited.
  • Adding more features - ESLint has lots of extra plugins because it's been around longer. But Checker JS lets you use plugins from ESLint and other places too.
  • Storing settings in your code - Checker JS lets you keep your settings in the code itself, which is handy. ESLint doesn't do this, and JSHint and JSLint don't let you customize much at all.
  • Rules for specific setups - ESLint has special rules for things like React or Vue. Checker JS is more about general JavaScript.

Checker JS offers a lot of ways to make it fit your project perfectly, almost as much as ESLint, especially for general JavaScript work.


Advantages of Using Checker JS

Checker JS has a bunch of benefits for people who write code for websites. It helps make the coding process smoother, more reliable, and efficient.

Reduced Bugs and Errors

Checker JS looks through your code automatically to find any problems. This helps catch issues early, saving you from bigger problems later. It finds things like:

  • Mistakes in typing
  • Errors that could cause your website to crash
  • Security risks
  • Issues with making sure your website works on different web browsers

Finding and fixing these issues early saves a lot of time later.

Consistent Code Quality

Checker JS makes sure all the code follows certain rules and best practices. This means the code is:

  • Easier to read
  • Simpler to take care of
  • Less likely to have hidden problems

Having consistent quality across projects makes for professional and strong applications.

Smoother Team Workflow

With Checker JS, everyone on the team follows the same code standards. This leads to:

  • Less time spent arguing over how the code should look
  • Easier time for new people to join the team
  • More focus on the important stuff rather than formatting

Having automated rules lets developers focus on writing code instead of checking for style issues.

Optimized Performance

By pointing out inefficient code, Checker JS helps you:

  • Make scripts run faster
  • Remove unnecessary steps
  • Speed up your website

Improving performance means your website responds quicker and gives a better experience to users.

Seamless IDE Integration

Checker JS works directly in code editors like VS Code and Atom, giving you feedback as you write. This helps you:

  • Fix problems right away
  • Get tips on how to improve
  • Stay focused without needing to switch tasks

Having Checker JS work right in your editor makes it super easy to write better code.

Customized Setup

Setting up Checker JS is easy and can be changed to fit your needs. You can:

  • Pick from preset rules
  • Adjust rules to fit your project
  • Set up specific settings for your project
  • Add extra features with plugins

These custom settings make Checker JS fit perfectly with how you work on your projects.

By taking care of the repetitive checks for you, Checker JS frees up your time to focus on making great websites. Its ability to reduce errors, keep quality high, make your site run faster, and fit into your coding process makes it a really helpful tool for any web project.

Limitations and Considerations

Checker JS is a great tool for catching common mistakes in JavaScript code and helping developers write better code. But, it's not perfect and has some limits you should know about.

Potential Performance Overhead

Using Checker JS can slow things down a bit because it needs extra time and memory to run. This usually isn't a big deal, but for really big projects, it could be noticeable.

Some ways to deal with this:

  • Only check the code you've recently changed instead of checking everything every time.
  • Pick and choose which rules you really need to cut down on unnecessary checks.
  • Plan when to run checks, like before you commit changes, to avoid slowing down your work.

Not a Replacement for Testing

Checker JS is good at finding possible mistakes, but it can't catch everything. Things like mistakes in logic or problems that only show up under certain conditions still need to be found through testing.

It's best to use Checker JS along with other testing methods to make sure your code is really solid.

Limited Custom Rule Options

You can tweak some rules in Checker JS, but you can't change how the tool itself works. If you need to do really specific checks, you might find Checker JS a bit limiting.

For those who need to customize a lot, ESLint lets you change more things but takes more work to set up.

JavaScript Only

Checker JS is all about JavaScript. If you're working with other languages too, you'll need different tools for those.

It's good to use Checker JS with other tools to cover everything in your project.

Consider Your Specific Needs

Before you jump into using Checker JS:

  • Look at the rules it has and see if they match how you like to work.
  • Make sure it works with the code editors and browsers you use.
  • Think about how it fits into your workflow.
  • Compare how much you can customize it with what you need.

Taking the time to see if Checker JS is right for you can help make sure it's helpful for your projects.

Knowing about these limits can help you set the right expectations and decide if you need other tools too.

Best Practices for Using Checker JS

Checker JS is a great tool for making your JavaScript code better and catching problems early. To really get the most out of it, it's good to follow some smart practices. Here are some tips on how to set up rules the right way, cut down on errors that aren't really errors, make Checker JS fit smoothly into how you work, and more.

Customizing Rules

Checker JS has a bunch of rules you can start with, from groups like StandardJS, Google, and Airbnb. But you'll probably want to make some changes to fit your own needs. Here's how:

Start with an existing rule set

Pick a set of rules that's close to how you want your code to look. It's easier to tweak something that's close than to start from zero.

Understand each rule

Take a look at what each rule does before you turn it on or off. Make choices based on what you know.

Add project-specific rules

If there are special rules you need for your project, you can add those in.

Disable unnecessary rules

If there are rules you don't need, turn them off to keep things simple.

Specify rule severity

You can make some rules just warnings if they're not super important, and others errors if they're critical.

Store rules in config files

Keep your rules in a separate file that everyone on the project can see and use. This helps keep everyone on the same page.

Reuse configs between projects

If you have a good set of rules, use them on other projects too. This keeps things consistent.

Reducing False Positives

Sometimes Checker JS might tell you there's a problem when there isn't really one. Here's how to deal with that:

Understand root causes

Learn about what usually causes these false alarms so you can better judge if an error is real.

Use inline disabling comments

You can turn off rules for specific bits of code that you know are okay.

Add exceptions

Tell the tool to ignore certain files or parts of your code to avoid known issues.

Disable problematic rules

If a rule keeps causing trouble, just turn it off.

Report unclear errors

If an error doesn't make sense, let the Checker JS team know so they can improve it.

Use custom rules carefully

When you make your own rules, think about all the different situations to avoid catching things you didn't mean to.

Integrating with Your Workflow

To make Checker JS really work for you, fit it into your existing work process:

Install IDE plugins

Get instant feedback right in your code editor with Checker JS plugins.

Include in commit hooks

Automatically check your code when you commit changes to catch issues right away.

Add to CI pipelines

Make sure your code is checked every time you build, so nothing bad gets through.

Set up error reporting

Send errors to places like Slack or Jira to keep everyone updated.

Use alongside testing

Use Checker JS with other tests to make sure your code is really solid.

Run scans often

Check your code a lot so problems don't get too big before you find them.

Additional Tips

Here are a few more things to keep in mind:

Learn how rules work

Knowing what Checker JS looks for helps you write better code from the start.

Fix issues immediately

When you see an error, fix it right away so it doesn't turn into a bigger problem.

Use auto-fix suggestions

If Checker JS suggests a quick fix, try it out. It can save you time.

Customize output

Set up the tool to show you errors in a way that works best for you.

Monitor usage

Make sure Checker JS is being used often enough to catch issues.

Following these tips will help you set up Checker JS in a way that works best for you, keeps errors to a minimum, fits into how you work, and helps you write cleaner JavaScript code.


Checker JS is a really helpful tool for people who build websites using JavaScript. It checks your code for mistakes, makes sure everyone on the team writes code the same way, and finds ways to make your website run faster. All of this helps you focus on creating cool things instead of fixing problems.

Here are the main ways Checker JS helps:

  • Catching Mistakes Early - It points out errors while you're still writing your code. This means you can fix them right away, stopping small issues from turning into big headaches later.
  • Making Teamwork Easier - Since you can set up rules for how code should look, everyone on the team can follow the same guidelines. This makes working together smoother and helps new team members get up to speed quickly.
  • Raising Code Quality - You can customize Checker JS with rules that match how your team likes to work, focusing on making code easy to read, safe, and compatible across different web browsers. It automatically checks to make sure these rules are followed.
  • Speeding Up Your Site - Checker JS finds parts of your code that might be making your website slow and suggests changes to fix them. This helps your site load faster and work better.
  • Simplifying Your Workflow - It fits right into the tools you already use to write code, giving you feedback right away. You can also make it part of your process for saving and sharing code, catching any issues early on.
  • Making Your Site More Reliable - Checker JS looks out for things like code that only works in certain browsers, unexpected changes in how your site looks or works, and code that isn't being used. This makes your website more reliable for everyone who visits it.

For anyone working on websites with JavaScript, Checker JS is like having a helpful assistant. It does a lot of the checking work for you, making the whole process of building websites less of a hassle. With its help, you can make websites that are faster, more reliable, and easier for everyone to use.

Further Reading

To keep learning about JavaScript, Checker JS, and making your coding work better, here are some easy-to-follow resources.

JavaScript Tooling


  • JavaScript Linting Guide - A detailed guide on how to check your JavaScript code for errors. It talks about the benefits and how to set up and use tools like ESLint.
  • Lint Like It’s 2015 - Thoughts on finding the right balance for setting up linting rules without making it too complicated.
  • Linting JavaScript with ESLint - A video course that shows you how to get started with ESLint, a tool for checking your code.

Checker JS

  • Checker JS Documentation - The official guide for Checker JS, with all you need to know about installing it, setting it up, and using it in your projects.
  • Checker JS GitHub Repo - The place to find code examples, see what's new, and contribute to Checker JS.
  • Checker JS Blog - Get the latest updates and tips straight from the Checker JS team.

Coding Best Practices

What are the core features of JavaScript?

JavaScript has some cool features like:

  • Dynamic typing - Variables can change their type while the program is running.
  • Prototype-based object orientation - Objects can directly inherit features from other objects.
  • First-class functions - Functions can be used just like any other variable.
  • Non-blocking event loop - JavaScript can do things like loading data without stopping other things from happening.
  • Powerful built-in APIs - It comes with ready-to-use tools for things like changing webpage content, making HTTP requests, and more.

How do you determine if the browser supports a certain feature?

To check if a browser can handle a feature, you can:

  • Use typeof to see if a property or method exists.
  • Use CSS @supports or JavaScript's for feature detection.
  • Before using a JavaScript API, check if it's supported.
  • Use Modernizr, a tool that helps figure out what a browser can do.
  • Trying navigator.userAgent might tell you the browser version, but it's not always reliable.

What is the core functionality of JavaScript?

JavaScript lets you do things like:

  • Change webpage content and structure using the Document Object Model (DOM).
  • Make asynchronous requests to get data without stopping other actions.
  • Use timers to run code later or repeatedly.
  • Handle events to react to things like clicks and keyboard presses.
  • Store data locally with local storage and cookies.
  • Handle media like playing sounds or videos.
  • Draw graphics with the Canvas API.

It makes web pages interactive and responsive without needing to reload the page.

What are the core components of JavaScript?

The main parts of JavaScript include:

  • ECMAScript: The rules that define how JavaScript works.
  • JavaScript engines: Tools in browsers that read and run JavaScript code (like V8, SpiderMonkey).
  • Runtime environments: Places where JavaScript runs, providing tools like Math and JSON (like browsers, Node.js).
  • Web APIs: Extra tools provided by browsers for JavaScript to use, like the DOM and AJAX.

These parts work together to let JavaScript do a wide range of tasks, from building web apps to creating games.

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