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Make a Web Browser: Beginner's Guide

Make a Web Browser: Beginner's Guide
Nimrod Kramer
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Learn how to create your own web browser with this beginner's guide. Understand web browsers, choose a rendering engine, build the basic structure, implement core functions, add web features, and test your browser.

Creating your own web browser is an exciting journey into web development, ideal for beginners. This guide simplifies the process into key steps and essential knowledge:

  • Understand Web Browsers: Learn what web browsers do, their history, and how they work.
  • Prerequisites: Familiarize yourself with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Choose a Rendering Engine: Decide between engines like Blink, Gecko, and WebKit.
  • Setup Development Environment: Install necessary tools like a text editor and debugging software.
  • Build the Basic Structure: Start coding your browser with a simple interface for navigation and displaying web pages.
  • Implement Core Functions: Add functionality for URL loading, navigation controls, and leveraging a rendering engine.
  • Add Basic Web Features: Introduce bookmarks and tabbed browsing to enhance user experience.
  • Test Your Browser: Ensure functionality across devices and fix any issues.
  • Distribution and Next Steps: Share your browser and consider future improvements.

This guide is designed to make the process accessible, breaking down complex concepts into manageable tasks. Start with the basics and gradually add more features as you become more comfortable with web development.

What Do Web Browsers Do?

Web browsers are programs that help you see websites on the internet. Here's what they do:

  • Retrieving Files: When you type a web address or click a link, the browser asks a server for the website's files. This includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, pictures, and more.

  • Interpreting Code: The browser reads the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code from the website and figures out how the page should look and work.

  • Rendering Content: The browser puts together the page on your screen using the code it read. This includes all the text, images, and how the page is laid out. The page can change as you click around or interact with it.

Browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge all do these things, but they try to be faster, easier to use, and have more features than their competitors.

Brief History of Web Browsers

The first web browser was made in 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee, who also came up with the idea for the web. The first browser that got really popular was called Mosaic in 1993. It could show pictures and had bookmarks.

In 1995, Microsoft made Internet Explorer, which came with Windows. It was the most used browser until Firefox came out in 2004. Firefox was better because it was faster, safer, and let users do more.

After Firefox, other browsers like Safari and Chrome came out. They worked well on phones and added new features.

Now, Google Chrome is the most used browser, but Firefox, Safari, and Edge are also popular and keep adding new things to stay competitive.


Programming Languages

To make a basic web browser, you'll need to know a few key programming languages:

  • HTML: This is the main language for creating web pages. It helps you put together the basic parts of a page, like titles, paragraphs, and images.

  • CSS: This language makes web pages look good. It lets you change colors, fonts, and how things are arranged on the page.

  • JavaScript: This one makes websites do things. For example, it can show messages, check if what you typed in a form makes sense, or make menus that open and close when you click.

You might also hear about C++, which can help with more complex tasks. But to start, focusing on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is enough.

Tools and Software

Here are some basic tools you'll need:

  • Text Editor: A simple program where you can write and edit your code. Some popular ones are VS Code, Sublime Text, and Atom.
  • Web Browser Engine: This is the heart of your browser. It's what takes the code from a website and shows it on your screen. Some well-known engines include Chromium, Gecko, and WebKit.
  • UI Library: These are like building blocks for your browser's look, including windows and buttons. GTK+ and Qt are two examples.
  • Debugging Tools: These help you find and fix mistakes in your code. They're usually included in text editors and web browsers.
  • Version Control: It's like a save feature for your code that also lets you go back to older versions. Git and GitHub are popular choices.

With these languages and tools, you're ready to start working on your own web browser. Next, we'll look at planning out your project step by step.

Choosing a Rendering Engine

This part talks about rendering engines like Blink, Gecko, and WebKit. We'll compare them to help you pick one for your browser.

Overview of Rendering Engines

Rendering engines are the brains behind web browsers. They take the code from websites (like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) and turn it into the web pages you see and interact with.

Here are some you might have heard of:

  • Blink - Chrome, Opera, and the newer Edge use this. It came from WebKit.
  • Gecko - Firefox uses this one. It's made by Mozilla.
  • WebKit - Safari's engine, made by Apple.

All these engines work to turn website code into pages fast and accurately. They compete on how quick they are, how well they work with different web stuff, and what extra things they can do.

Comparison of Key Features

Let's look at how Blink, Gecko, and WebKit stack up on some important points:

Feature Blink Gecko WebKit
Platform Support Works on lots of devices Works on lots of devices Mainly Apple devices and Linux
Speed Really fast Fast Fast
Following web rules Very good Very good Very good
Making it your own Lots of options with Chromium Lots of options with Firefox Not so much
How much computer power it uses Needs more Needs less Needs less
Tools for developers Really good Really good Okay

Blink is super fast and lets you change a lot because it's what Chrome and others are built on. Gecko, used by Firefox, doesn't use as much of your computer's memory and has great tools for people making websites. WebKit, which Safari uses, also doesn't need a lot of power.

When picking a rendering engine, think about what devices you want your browser to work on, how fast it needs to be, how much you want to change it, and what help and advice you can get.

Setting Up Your Development Environment

Before you dive into making your web browser, you need to get your computer ready with the right tools. Here's how to do it in simple steps:

Install a Text Editor

First things first, you need a place to write your code. Here are some easy-to-use options:

  • Visual Studio Code - This one's popular and has lots of helpful features for coding.
  • Atom - Created by GitHub, it lets you customize a lot and add extra features.
  • Sublime Text - It's quick and straightforward but asks you to buy it after trying for free.

Adding things like code highlighting and auto-completion can make coding easier, so look for those extensions.

Choose and Set Up a Rendering Engine

A rendering engine is what turns your code into the actual web pages people see. For beginners, the Blink engine (like in Chrome) is a good place to start. You'll need to download some files and set things up by following instructions specific to Blink.

Install Debugging and Testing Tools

Debugging tools help you find and fix errors. Your text editor might have some, but also check out:

  • Valgrind - It finds problems like memory leaks.
  • Selenium - This tool automates web browsers for testing your pages.

Testing often helps you catch problems early.

Use Version Control

Version control is like a save feature that keeps track of all your changes. If something goes wrong, you can go back to a version that worked.

GitHub is a handy place to store your code online safely. It uses Git, a system for tracking changes.

With these steps, your computer is ready for you to start making your web browser. Remember to start simple, test as you go, and use tools like version control and debugging to help you along the way.

Building the Basic Structure

Creating a New Project

To kick off your web browser project, make a new folder on your computer to keep all your code files organized. Open Visual Studio Code, click on "Open Folder," and select your newly made folder.

Now, let's set up the basic files you'll need:

  • index.html - This file will contain the main HTML code, which is like the skeleton of your browser's look.
  • script.js - Here, you'll write JavaScript code, which will make your browser do things.

In Visual Studio Code, adding some helpful extensions like Live Server can make testing your code easier.

Start with this simple HTML in your index.html:

<!DOCTYPE html>

We'll add more details to the head and body sections as we go along.

Designing the User Interface

Now, let's make a straightforward user interface for our browser that includes:

  • A place to type web addresses (URL bar)
  • Buttons to go back, go forward, and refresh the page
  • Tabs to keep several pages open at once

Start with the URL bar by adding a text field in the body section:

<input type="text" id="url">

Next, add some buttons for navigating:

<button id="back">Back</button>
<button id="forward">Forward</button>
<button id="refresh">Refresh</button>

We'll later use JavaScript to make these buttons work with the browser.

Lastly, create spaces for showing open tabs and the content of web pages. Using more HTML elements like <div> and <iframe> can help you organize these sections.

As you build, test your interface with Live Server to see your changes in real-time.

Implementing Core Functions

To make our web browser work like a real one, we need to get the Back, Forward, and Refresh buttons to do their jobs. Here's a simple way to do this using JavaScript:

First, we need to find our buttons in the code:

const backBtn = document.getElementById('back');
const forwardBtn = document.getElementById('forward');
const refreshBtn = document.getElementById('refresh');

Then, we make them listen for clicks:

backBtn.addEventListener('click', goBack);
forwardBtn.addEventListener('click', goForward);
refreshBtn.addEventListener('click', refreshPage);

Now, let's write what each button should do:

function goBack() {
  // Instructions to go back a page

function goForward() {
  // Instructions to go forward a page

function refreshPage() {
  // Instructions to reload the current page

We can use special browser tools, called the history API, to move back and forward through pages. For refreshing, we just reload the current page.

URL Loading

To let people visit a website by typing its address, we do this:

Find the place to type the address:

const urlInput = document.getElementById('url');

Make it do something when we hit enter:

urlInput.form.addEventListener('submit', loadPage);

And here's how we load the website:

function loadPage(e) {
  let url = urlInput.value;
  // Instructions to show the website

By doing this, we've added the key features needed for our browser to go to websites and navigate through pages!

Leveraging a Rendering Engine

Using a rendering engine is key when you want to make a web browser. This engine turns all the website code into the web pages that you can interact with. Let's go through how to add an engine like Blink to your browser project, step by step.

Choosing Your Engine

Earlier, we looked at engines like Blink, Gecko, and WebKit. For those just starting out, Blink is a great choice because it's what Chrome uses and it has lots of helpful guides. Gecko and WebKit are also good options. Pick the one that best matches what you need in terms of speed, what devices it works on, and how much you can customize it.

Downloading Required Files

Each rendering engine needs some specific files to work. If you're going with Blink, you can download files that are ready to use. These files help your browser understand and show website code.

Setting Up Build Tools

You'll need some developer tools to get the rendering engine ready for your project. This might include tools like Make, Ninja, or Visual Studio. Each engine has its own setup guide, so follow the one for your engine. Getting these tools ready might take a bit of effort.

Integrating with Your Code

Now, you need to connect your browser's user interface and functions to the rendering engine. If you're using Blink, you can use its C++ code to do things like open web pages. You might need to use special tools to make the C++ code work with your JavaScript code.

// Example JavaScript code

let blink = new BlinkWrapper();

function loadPage(url) {

This example shows how you might load web pages.

Testing and Debugging

Make sure to test your browser to find any problems early on. Use debugging tools and test on different websites and devices. This way, you can make sure your browser works well for real users.

By following these steps, you can add a rendering engine to your browser project. This will let your browser show web pages. Remember, you might need to adjust some things depending on your engine and how you're making your browser.


Adding Basic Web Features


To make it easy for users to keep track of their favorite web pages, you can add a bookmark feature. Here's a simple way to do it:

Save Bookmarks

  • Include a "Save Bookmark" button that keeps the current page's web address, title, and other details.
  • Keep the bookmark info in the browser's storage or a simple file.

Show Saved Bookmarks

  • Have a side area or menu that lists all saved bookmarks.
  • Show each bookmark's name, web address, and when it was saved.
  • Give an option to remove bookmarks if needed.

Open Bookmarks

  • Make each bookmark a clickable link.
  • Clicking a bookmark should open that webpage in the current window.

Organize Bookmarks

  • Let users create folders to sort their bookmarks.
  • Allow sorting of bookmarks, like arranging them in order.

Sync Bookmarks

  • Offer a way to keep bookmarks the same across different devices.
  • Use an online service to update bookmarks wherever you use your browser.

Starting with these steps gives you a basic way to manage bookmarks. You can always add more features later.

Tabbed Browsing

Here's how to set up a system for opening multiple web pages at once:

Tab Bar

  • Create a section at the top for tabs that show the title of open web pages.
  • Highlight the tab you're currently looking at to make it stand out.

Open Tabs

  • Open links in a new tab when clicked.
  • Add an option to open links in a new tab with a right-click menu.

Switch Tabs

  • Click on a tab to view that web page.
  • Change the look of the active tab to show it's in use.

Close Tabs

  • Put a small close button on each tab to let users close it easily.
  • Allow closing the current tab with the middle mouse button.

Manage Tabs

  • Keep the number of open tabs under control.
  • Reopen web pages in existing tabs instead of always starting new ones.

With these steps, you'll have a simple way to use multiple tabs. Later on, you can add more advanced features like organizing tabs into groups, showing previews, and syncing tabs across devices.

Testing Your Browser

Testing your browser is super important before you share it with others. It helps you spot and fix problems, making sure everything works smoothly for anyone who uses it. Here's a guide on how to test your browser effectively:

Functionality Testing

  • Make sure all the buttons and features do what they're supposed to do:
    • Navigation buttons let you move back and forth between pages easily
    • Bookmarks let you save and open web pages without trouble
    • Tabs let you open, switch, and close different pages
  • Try typing in website addresses and clicking on links to see if pages load correctly
  • See how fast your browser loads pages and make sure:
    • Pictures and videos show up right
    • Text and links look the way they should
    • The page layout looks good and matches the website's design

Cross-Browser Testing

  • Try your browser on different ones like Firefox, Edge, and Safari
  • Make sure your browser works the same way on all of them
  • Compare how web pages look on different browsers
  • Fix any differences to make sure everyone gets the same experience

Responsiveness Testing

  • Test your browser on devices with different screen sizes, like phones, tablets, and computers
  • Make sure web pages adjust so they're easy to read and use on smaller screens
  • Check that buttons and links are easy to tap on touch screens

Accessibility Testing

  • Use tools for people with disabilities, like screen readers, to test your browser
  • Make sure you can use the browser with just a keyboard
  • Check that text is easy to read against its background

Security Testing

  • Look for security risks like XSS and code injection
  • Test if password-protected sites are safe
  • Make sure your browser keeps sensitive information secure

Performance Testing

  • See how your browser does with lots of tabs and windows open
  • Make sure it doesn't use too much memory over time
  • Find and fix any slow spots in loading pages

Testing a lot and early on helps you catch and fix small problems before they get big. This makes your browser better and keeps users happy.

Distribution and Next Steps

After you've made your own web browser and checked it works well, you might want to let other people try it. Here's how to get your browser to others and keep making it better:

Packaging Your Browser

To share your browser, you need to put together all the files it needs:

  • Create setup programs for different operating systems like Windows, Mac, and Linux
  • Include everything like the engine (Blink, Gecko, etc.), JavaScript, CSS, and images
  • Decide on the browser's settings and defaults beforehand
  • Use unique icons and logos to make your browser stand out

You might also want to make:

  • Guides that show how to install your browser
  • "Read me" files that tell users what's included and how to report problems

Looking at how big browsers do this can be really helpful.

Sharing and Promoting Your Browser

Now that it's ready, let people know about your browser:

  • Put it up for download on your website or GitHub
  • Talk about it on forums and social media
  • Create videos that show off what your browser can do and how to set it up
  • Pay attention to what users say to make your browser even better

If you expect a lot of people to download your browser, consider using services like AWS or Azure.

Continuing Your Learning Journey

Building a web browser is a big achievement. Use this experience to keep learning:

  • Look at open-source browsers to learn more about how they work
  • Try adding more complex features like extensions
  • Dive into topics like making your browser faster, more accessible, and safer
  • Think about learning more programming languages used in browsers
  • Resources from places like Mozilla and Google's Chromium project can be really useful

There's a lot more to discover in the world of web browsers!

Potential Advanced Features

When your browser is running smoothly, think about adding more features:

  • Synchronization - Let users access their bookmarks, history, and open tabs on any device
  • Extensions - Make a way for developers to create add-ons that add new features to your browser
  • Settings Sync - Keep user settings the same across different devices
  • Tab Management - Make it easier to handle lots of open tabs
  • History Search - Help users find websites they've visited before
  • Web Developer Tools - Add features for people who make websites to test and fix their pages

There are many more things you could add to make your browser even better!


Building your own web browser is a great way to dive into how the internet works. By going through this guide, you've learned the basics of web browsers, including how to make one.

We talked about the essential parts like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, which are the building blocks for websites. We also discussed tools for coding and key parts of a browser like the user interface and the engine that makes websites show up on your screen.

You've managed to create a simple browser that can show websites, move between pages, and keep track of your favorite sites. Testing your browser in different situations is key to finding and fixing problems.

Creating a browser with all the fancy features takes more effort, but starting with something basic is a great way to begin learning. Look at popular browsers like Firefox and Chrome to see how they deal with more complex issues like speed, security, adding extra features, and giving users more control.

Joining forces with other developers on browser projects can help you learn faster. As you keep learning and facing new challenges, you'll become better at web development. Your browser will improve in exciting ways with each new version you make. Starting with this simple project is the first step toward making browsers that provide great experiences for users everywhere.


What are the main differences between browser rendering engines like Blink, Gecko, and WebKit?

The big differences between these engines are:

  • Platform Support: Blink and Gecko work on lots of devices, but WebKit is mostly for Apple stuff and Linux.
  • Speed: They all try to show web pages fast, but Blink is usually the quickest.
  • Standards Compliance: They're all good at following web rules for HTML and CSS.
  • Customization: You can change a lot in Blink because it's used in Chrome. Gecko, used in Firefox, is also pretty flexible. WebKit doesn't let you change as much.
  • Resource Usage: Gecko and WebKit don't need as much power from your computer as Blink does.

In short - Blink is the speed champ, Gecko is light on resources, and WebKit sticks to Apple gadgets.

What UI/UX design considerations should I keep in mind when building a web browser?

When designing a web browser, think about:

  • Putting buttons and controls where they're easy to reach
  • Using icons that people recognize for things like refresh or go back
  • Making sure the browser window can change size
  • Following the design rules of the system it's running on
  • Working well with both mouse and touch inputs
  • Making text easy to read with themes and size options
  • Using smooth animations for changing pages
  • Having quick ways to do common tasks
  • Supporting tabs to switch between tasks
  • Showing when pages are loading

A clean, easy-to-use interface makes for a better experience.

What are some good resources to continue learning more advanced web browser development topics?

For more advanced stuff, check out:

  • Mozilla's Browser Workshop - Learn about security, CSS, and more
  • Google's Chromium Dev Guide - Info on how Chrome works
  • Web Platform Podcast - Talks with experts
  • Browser Rendering Optimization - Get into how web pages show up
  • Progressive Web Apps Training - Make web apps that work well everywhere
  • Frontend Masters Browser Courses - Video lessons on making websites faster and safer
  • r/browserdev - A place to talk with other developers

Getting involved in open-source projects is also a great way to learn.

What are some key factors to consider when choosing what browser engine to use for my own web browser project?

Think about:

  • Your Target Platforms - Where do you want your browser to run?
  • Performance Needs - How fast does it need to be and how much computer power can it use?
  • Customization Options - Can you tweak the engine to fit your needs?
  • Available Documentation & Support - Is there help when you need it?
  • Prior Knowledge - Is it something you already know how to work with?
  • Legal Obligations - Are there any rules about using the engine?

Looking at these points will help you pick the right engine for your browser.

How to build a web application from scratch with no experience?

Starting from zero, here's how you can build a web app:

  • Think of an idea and see if people would want it.
  • List down what your app should do.
  • Plan how users will use your app.
  • Sketch rough designs and layouts.
  • Pick colors and design elements.
  • Set up a database for storing information.
  • Use tools like React for the front-end (what users see).
  • Make the back-end (server-side) with Node.js or PHP.
  • Connect the front and back-ends with code.
  • Test your app on different devices and browsers.
  • Put your app on the internet.
  • Tell people about your app to get users.

Start with the main features and add more as you learn.

How do I start web development for beginners?

For beginners in web development:

  • Learn the basics: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Get to know how to make websites look good on any device.
  • Explore tools like React and Bootstrap.
  • Practice by tweaking templates or building small websites.
  • Learn how to track changes with Git and GitHub.
  • Try learning some server-side languages like PHP.
  • Start with the basics, then move to more complex stuff.
  • Build a few websites for practice.
  • Keep learning through courses, blogs, and podcasts.

Take small steps and focus on learning the essentials first.

How to create a website an easy step by step guide for beginners?

To make a simple website, follow these steps:

  1. Pick a website builder like Wix or Squarespace.
  2. Choose a starting design.
  3. Add your own images, text, and branding.
  4. Create the main pages of your site.
  5. Fill pages with your content.
  6. Get a domain name and connect it.
  7. Check how it looks on phones and fix any issues.
  8. Add SEO basics to help people find your site.
  9. Make your site live.
  10. Spread the word about your new site.

Start with the basics and you can always add more features later.

How can I create my own web browser?

To make a basic web browser:

  • Pick a core engine like Blink or Gecko.
  • Design a simple interface with buttons for navigating.
  • Make it load and show web pages.
  • Add features for going back and forward between pages.
  • Include a way to save and visit bookmarks.
  • Test it on different browsers to ensure it works well.
  • Gather all the necessary files for your browser.
  • Share it with others and ask for their feedback.

Begin with displaying web pages and then slowly add more functions like tabs and settings. Look at how other browsers are built for ideas.

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