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Top 6 Open-Source API Gateway Frameworks

Top 6 Open-Source API Gateway Frameworks
Nimrod Kramer
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Explore the top 6 open-source API gateway frameworks, their features, and how to choose the best fit for your project needs.

Looking for the best open-source API gateway? Here's a quick rundown of the top 6:

  1. Kong
  2. NGINX
  3. Tyk
  4. Express Gateway
  5. KrakenD
  6. Apache APISIX

These frameworks offer key features like:

  • Request routing
  • Authentication
  • Rate limiting
  • Load balancing
  • Protocol translation

Quick Comparison:

Framework Language Key Feature Best For
Kong Lua Many plugins Large deployments
NGINX C Speed High-traffic sites
Tyk Go User-friendly dashboard Easy management
Express Gateway JavaScript Node.js compatible JS dev teams
KrakenD Go No database required Microservices
Apache APISIX Lua Cloud-native Kubernetes setups

When choosing, consider:

  • Your team's skills
  • Current tech stack
  • Specific project needs
  • Scalability requirements
  • Security features

Remember: Always test before committing to a framework.

API Gateway Basics

API gateways are the traffic cops of modern software. They're especially crucial in microservices setups. Let's break down what they do and why they matter.

Main Functions

Think of an API gateway as a bouncer at a club. It's the first point of contact for all API requests. Here's what it does:

  • Routes requests: Sends incoming calls to the right service
  • Balances load: Spreads traffic to keep things running smoothly
  • Keeps things secure: Checks IDs, controls access, and fights off bad guys

Take Netflix. They use an API gateway to handle requests from all their different apps. It's like having one door that leads to many rooms.

Microservices Magic

In the world of microservices, API gateways are the glue that holds everything together. They:

1. Make life easier for clients: One door, many services

2. Allow for behind-the-scenes changes: Swap out services without the client noticing

3. Speak multiple languages: Translate between different protocols

Martin Buhr, CEO of Tyk, puts it this way:

"A microservices API gateway is necessary for a range of reasons. The additional layer of security that it provides is one, as is the fact that implementing a gateway can reduce the complexity of your microservices architecture and management."

What to Look For

When shopping for an API gateway, keep an eye out for these features:

Feature What It Does
Routing Sends requests where they need to go
Security Keeps the bad guys out
Traffic Control Manages the flow of requests
Observability Lets you see what's happening
Transformation Translates between different formats
Scalability Handles lots of traffic without breaking a sweat

Some gateways, like Kong, can handle hundreds of thousands of API calls at once. That's like being able to serve everyone in a packed stadium simultaneously.

How to Evaluate API Gateway Frameworks

Choosing the right API gateway framework is crucial. Here's what to focus on:

Speed and Growth

API gateways need to handle heavy traffic. Look for:

  • High-volume performance
  • Ability to scale

For instance, Kong processes over 400 billion API calls daily. That's serious scalability.

User Support and Guides

Good support can make your life easier:

  • Check community responsiveness
  • Look for clear, updated docs

ABAX found that user-friendly gateways cut training time, speeding up their market moves.

Safety Measures

Security is a must. Key features include:

Feature Purpose
Access control Blocks unauthorized users
Bot detection Stops automated attacks
Threat protection Guards against cyber threats

With API attacks expected to skyrocket by 2030, solid security is non-negotiable.

Don't just read about features - test them. Axione saved hours monthly by picking a gateway that made quick, downtime-free config updates.

6 Top Open-Source API Gateway Frameworks

Let's dive into six leading open-source API gateway frameworks:



Kong's built on NGINX and uses Lua. Here's what you need to know:

  • It's fast and scalable
  • Uses plugins for extra features
  • Works well with microservices
  • BUT: Needs a database for config (adds complexity)



NGINX is a popular choice. Why?

  • It's FAST (2.6x more API calls/second than Kong for 1-KB responses)
  • Uses less CPU (40% less than Kong at 5,000 API calls/second)
  • Handles load balancing out of the box

Fun fact: Capital One uses NGINX for over 12 billion daily API calls.



Tyk's built with Golang. It offers:

  • A built-in API developer portal
  • Multiple auth methods
  • Uses Redis or MongoDB for storage

It's got fewer GitHub stars than Kong, but users love its interface.

Express Gateway

Express Gateway

Based on Express.js, this one's great if you're into Node.js:

  • Familiar Node.js environment
  • Quick to set up
  • Lightweight design



KrakenD's a bit different:

  • No database needed (it's stateless)
  • High performance
  • Comes with KrakenDesigner (a visual tool)

It's popular for Backend for Frontend (BFF) in mobile and web apps.



The new kid on the block:

  • Built for the cloud
  • Supports multiple protocols
  • Works as a Kubernetes ingress controller

Here's a quick comparison:

Framework Language Standout Feature Ideal Use Case
Kong Lua Tons of plugins Big deployments
NGINX C Speed High-traffic sites
Tyk Golang Easy-to-use dashboard Simple management
Express Gateway JavaScript Node.js friendly JS dev teams
KrakenD Go No database needed Microservices
Apache APISIX Lua Made for the cloud Kubernetes setups

Choosing an API gateway? Think about what you need, what your team knows, and what you're already using. And don't forget to test before you commit!

Framework Comparison

Let's compare six open-source API gateway frameworks:

Speed Tests

Performance matters. Here's how they stack up:

Framework Requests/Second Latency (95th percentile)
API7 (Apache APISIX) 167,019 2.16 ms
Kong 137,850 3.82 ms
NGINX Plus 30,000 13 ms
Tyk N/A N/A
Express Gateway N/A N/A
KrakenD N/A N/A

API7 tops the charts. Kong's not far behind. NGINX Plus? Steady, even under pressure.

Feature Comparison

What can these frameworks do?

Feature API7 Kong Tyk NGINX Plus Express Gateway KrakenD
GraphQL Support Yes Limited Strong No No No
Kafka Support Yes Limited Limited No No Yes
gRPC Support Yes Limited Not specified Yes No Yes
WebSocket Support Yes Minimal Partial Yes No No
Developer Portal Yes Enterprise only Enterprise only No No No

Tyk shines with GraphQL. API7 and KrakenD? They're protocol powerhouses.

User Support

Community can make or break your API gateway experience:

  • Kong: 300,000+ monthly instances, 15 million+ Docker downloads. It's BIG.
  • Tyk: 4.8 stars on Gartner (77 reviews). Users love it.
  • API7: The new kid on the block, but gaining steam fast.
  • NGINX Plus: Handles 10% of global internet traffic. That's no joke.
  • Express Gateway and KrakenD: Smaller crowds, but dedicated fans.

Choosing a framework? Consider your team's skills, your tech stack, and your needs. And ALWAYS test before you commit.


Picking the Best Framework

What to Think About

When choosing an API gateway framework, look at:

  1. Your current tech setup
  2. Your team's skills
  3. Your project's specific needs

For example, if your team knows Lua, Kong might work well. If you use Spring Framework, Spring Cloud Gateway could be a good fit.

How to Decide

Use this checklist:

Factor Questions
Deployment Self-hosted or SaaS?
Installation Easy to set up?
Features Meets core needs?
Customization Can you extend it?
Upgrades Easy to update?
Community Good support?
Performance Handles your traffic?
Security Has needed safeguards?
Scalability Grows with you?
Cost Fits your budget?

Pro tip: Test your top picks. It'll show you how they really work.

There's no perfect solution for everyone. Pick what fits YOUR needs and long-term plans.

If speed is key, API7 or Kong might be best. Need GraphQL? Tyk could be your go-to.

Don't forget about monitoring. Choose a framework with tools to track API use and performance. It'll help you fix issues fast and keep things running smooth.

Setting Up and Improving API Gateways

Setup and Settings

When setting up an API gateway, focus on these key areas:

1. HTTPS Communication

Use HTTPS. It's non-negotiable. It keeps your data safe from prying eyes and sneaky attacks.

2. Authentication and Authorization

Go for token-based auth with short-lived tokens. OAuth 2.0 is great for big apps. Use RBAC to keep users in check.

3. Request Validation

Validate ALL inputs. Use allowlists. Reject everything else. No exceptions.

4. Rate Limiting

Prevent DoS attacks and keep things fair. Here's how:

Method What it does
Fixed Window Caps requests in a set time
Sliding Window Smooths out traffic spikes
Token Bucket Allows short traffic bursts

5. Monitoring and Logging

Set up real-time monitoring. Get alerts for weird stuff. It's your early warning system.

6. Performance Tuning

Make your gateway sing:

  • Set trace levels to FATAL
  • Turn off real-time and traffic monitoring
  • Ditch transaction logging
  • Match database pooling to client numbers
  • Use HTTP keep-alive

Keeping Things Safe

Boost your API gateway security:

1. Web Application Firewall (WAF)

It's your shield against common threats. Use it.

2. API-led Connectivity

Separate gateways for different uses. Keep internal stuff internal.

3. Manage Old APIs

Track all APIs. Dump the unused ones. Update the oldies.

4. Serverless Functions

Run code snippets in safe spaces. Less exposure, less risk.

5. Smart Scaling

Split traffic between gateways. Beef up memory for more requests per second.

6. Cache Responses

Use LocalResponseCache filter. It'll speed up those GET requests.

What's Next for API Gateways

API gateways are evolving to fit cloud and serverless setups. This shift is making developers rethink API management.

Here's what's changing:

1. Multiple Gateways

Companies now use several gateways from different providers. This means we need better ways to monitor and control API traffic across these gateways.

2. Easier to Use

As more non-tech folks work with APIs, gateways are getting simpler. Self-service features are becoming the norm.

3. AI and Machine Learning

These are now crucial for API security. They help spot and stop attacks in real-time, which is key as API breaches become more common.

4. Cloud-Native Design

New gateways work better with cloud setups. They're fully declarative and fit well with GitOps practices.

5. Speed Boost

Some gateways, like those based on OpenResty, use Lua scripts for speed and flexibility. Kong, built on OpenResty, offers fast routing and security features.

6. Reactive Programming

Gateways like Spring Cloud Gateway use reactive models. This helps handle lots of connections at once, which is great for busy APIs.

Real-world impacts:

Trend Example Impact
High-Performance Gateways Apache APISIX Handles over 1 trillion API calls daily
AI-Driven Security Not specified Helps block high-volume cyberattacks
Cloud-Native Design Not specified Allows for quick config changes without full reloads

When choosing an API gateway:

  • Check how well it works with cloud systems
  • Look at its security features, especially AI-based ones
  • See if it's easy for your team to use and change
  • Make sure it can grow with your needs

Staying on top of these trends will help you build better, safer, and more scalable API systems.


Picking the right API gateway framework is crucial. Open-source options give you the power and flexibility to manage APIs in today's complex digital world.

Why does it matter? Let's break it down:

  • Security: API attacks are skyrocketing. A good gateway is your shield. (API cyberattacks might jump 1,000% by 2030!)
  • Performance: Handle massive traffic. Apache APISIX? It processes over 1 trillion API calls daily.
  • Cost: Save your team time. Less manual work = more efficiency.

When choosing a gateway, think about:

Factor Why It Matters
Scalability Can it grow with you?
Security How well does it protect?
Cloud-ready Works in all environments?
User-friendly Easy to tweak and manage?

Here's a wild stat: The API management market could grow sixfold by 2030. APIs are taking over the digital world.

So, what's next?

  1. Figure out what YOU need. How complex are your APIs? How much traffic do you expect?
  2. Look at the numbers. How does each gateway perform? How secure is it?
  3. Will it play nice with your current setup?

Choose wisely. Your API gateway is the backbone of your digital strategy.


Which of the following is an open source API gateway?

Tyk is an open-source API gateway. Here's the scoop:

  • It's 100% open-source. Not open-core, not freemium. The real deal.
  • You can mix and match with third-party stuff or build your own plugins.
  • Tweak it to fit your company like a glove.

Adam DuVander, a dev communicator, puts it this way:

"Tyk is a modular, open-source API gateway. It's flexible and open-source, so you can integrate third-party middleware or deploy customized plugins, adapting your Tyk implementation for your company's needs."

Tyk's got some cool features:

Feature What it does
Speed Handles millions of requests/second
Plays nice Works with old stuff, GraphQL, and REST
Keeps things safe Lots of auth options, rate limiting
Keeps an eye out Built-in analytics and monitoring

You can run it yourself or let them handle it. They've got a free tier with 250 API calls and 2.5GB throughput monthly. Need more? Paid plans go up to 1B calls and 10TB throughput per month.

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