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Top 7 Clojure Static Code Analysis Tools

Top 7 Clojure Static Code Analysis Tools
Nimrod Kramer
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Discover the top 7 Clojure static code analysis tools to improve code quality. Learn about tools like Eastwood, Kibit, clj-kondo, lein-bikeshed, lein-check-namespace-decls, lein-docstring-checker, and yagni.

Looking to improve your Clojure code quality? Here's a quick rundown of the 7 best static analysis tools:

  1. Eastwood: Thorough linter, finds hard-to-spot issues
  2. Kibit: Suggests simpler code patterns
  3. clj-kondo: Fast, works with editors, catches common errors
  4. lein-bikeshed: Checks code formatting and style
  5. lein-check-namespace-decls: Ensures clean namespace declarations
  6. lein-docstring-checker: Verifies public vars have docstrings
  7. yagni: Detects unused code

Quick Comparison:

Tool Key Feature Setup Speed
Eastwood Comprehensive checks Leiningen plugin Slower on large projects
Kibit Code simplification Leiningen plugin Moderate
clj-kondo Editor integration Standalone or plugin Very fast
lein-bikeshed Style consistency Leiningen plugin Fast
lein-check-namespace-decls Namespace organization Leiningen plugin Fast
lein-docstring-checker Documentation checks Leiningen plugin Fast
yagni Dead code elimination Leiningen dependency Moderate

All tools are free and work with JVM Clojure projects. Use them in your CI pipeline to catch issues early and maintain code quality.

How We Chose These Tools

We picked the top 7 Clojure static code analysis tools based on four main factors:

  1. What they can do
  2. How easy they are to use
  3. How much support they have
  4. How they work

Here's a breakdown of what we looked at:

Factor What We Considered
Functionality - Finding errors early
- Making code easier to read
- Enforcing coding rules
- Cutting down debug time
- Keeping code quality steady
Ease of Use - Simple to set up
- Clear instructions
- Works well with different Clojure projects
Community Support - Active user group
- Regular updates
- Known to be reliable
- Good online resources
How They Work - Approach to checking code
- Ability to spot errors
- Can handle big, complex projects

We chose tools that do a good job in these areas. We wanted to make sure they're helpful for both new and experienced Clojure developers.

We also looked at specific features like:

  • Managing namespaces
  • Checking for old dependencies
  • Looking at line length and method complexity

1. Eastwood


Eastwood is a Clojure linter that checks code for issues and problems. It's named after the actor and is known for its thorough checks.

Main Features

Eastwood uses two Clojure projects: tools.analyzer and tools.analyzer.jvm. It looks at your code in the JVM and finds issues like:

  • Vars that are defined more than once
  • Docstrings in the wrong place
  • Return values that aren't used
  • Odd expressions
  • Tests that always give the same result

How to Install and Set Up

To use Eastwood in your Leiningen project:

  1. Add the Eastwood plugin to your project.clj file
  2. Run the command lein eastwood

Here's an example of how to add Eastwood to your project.clj:

(defproject myproject "0.0.1"
  :description "Eastwood Sample Project"
  :license "Eclipse Public License 1.0"
  :url ""
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.8.0"]]
  :plugins [[lein-tar "3.2.0"]
            [jonase/eastwood "0.2.4"]])

What It Does Well

Finds hard-to-spot issues
Can be set up to fit your project
Checks for many different problems

Possible Drawbacks

Drawbacks Details
False positives May flag issues that aren't real problems, especially with certain Clojure features
Speed Can be slow with big projects

Despite these small issues, Eastwood is still very helpful for Clojure developers.

2. Kibit


Kibit is a tool that checks Clojure code and suggests ways to make it better.

Main Features

Kibit looks for code patterns that could be written in a simpler way. It can suggest:

  • Using when instead of if
  • Easier ways to check for nil
  • Simpler ways to write expressions

How to Install and Set Up

To use Kibit in your Leiningen project:

  1. Add this to your project.clj file:
(defproject myproject "0.0.1"
  :description "Kibit Sample Project"
  :license "Eclipse Public License 1.0"
  :url ""
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.8.0"]]
  :plugins [[lein-tar "3.2.0"]
            [jonase/kibit "0.1.5"]])
  1. Run lein kibit to check your project
  2. To check a single file, use lein kibit path/to/some/file.clj

What It Does Well

Makes code easier to read
Suggests better ways to write code
Helps write more Clojure-like code

Possible Drawbacks

Drawbacks Details
Struggles with complex code May not work well with threading macros
Limited suggestions Might not catch every possible improvement

Despite these small issues, Kibit is a helpful tool for Clojure developers.

3. clj-kondo


Main Features

clj-kondo is a tool that checks Clojure code for errors and style issues. It can:

  • Find mistakes in code structure
  • Spot unused parts of code
  • Suggest better ways to write code
  • Work with common Clojure add-ons

How to Install and Set Up

You can add clj-kondo to your project in two ways:

  1. Use a script (for Linux and MacOS)
  2. Use ASDF plugin

Both methods are quick and easy to use.

What It Does Well

Good Points Details
Works with editors Can check code as you type
Helps write better Clojure Gives tips on how to improve your code
Works fast Can handle big projects without slowing down

Possible Drawbacks

Drawbacks Details
May need setup Might take time to set up for some projects
Can miss some issues May not catch all problems in complex code

Even with these small issues, clj-kondo is a useful tool for Clojure coders. It helps them write better, easier-to-maintain code.

4. lein-bikeshed


Main Features

lein-bikeshed is a Leiningen plugin that checks Clojure code quality. It looks at:

  • Line length
  • Trailing whitespace
  • Blank lines at file ends
  • Redefined var roots
  • Missing docstrings
  • Argument names that clash with clojure.core functions

How to Install and Set Up

To use lein-bikeshed:

  1. Add this to your ~/.lein/profiles.clj file:
{:user {:plugins [[lein-bikeshed "0.5.2"]]}}
  1. Run lein bikeshed in your project folder.

What It Does Well

Keeps code style consistent
Finds common formatting issues
Easy to use with Leiningen

Possible Drawbacks

Drawbacks Details
Limited scope May miss some code quality issues
Extra setup Might need more config for full output
CI integration Output may not work well with CI tools

lein-bikeshed helps keep your Clojure code clean and consistent. It's a simple tool that can catch common formatting problems, but it may not find all code quality issues.


5. lein-check-namespace-decls


Main Features

lein-check-namespace-decls is a tool that checks namespace declarations in Clojure code. It looks for:

  • Proper sorting of declarations
  • Use of :require instead of :use
  • Removal of unused namespaces

This tool helps keep code organized and easy to read.

How to Install and Set Up

To use lein-check-namespace-decls:

  1. Add this to your project.clj file:
:plugins [[lein-check-namespace-decls "0.2.0"]]
  1. Run lein check-namespace-decls in your project folder.

What It Does Well

Ensures proper sorting of namespace declarations
Removes unused namespaces
Helps keep code clean and easy to maintain

Possible Drawbacks

Drawbacks Details
Limited scope May not catch all code quality issues
Focus on namespaces Doesn't check other aspects of code quality

lein-check-namespace-decls is a useful tool for keeping Clojure code organized. While it focuses only on namespace declarations, it can help make code easier to read and maintain.

6. lein-docstring-checker


lein-docstring-checker is a tool that checks if your Clojure code has good comments. It helps keep your code easy to understand.

Main Features

This tool looks for comments called docstrings on public vars. These comments explain what your code does. Having good comments makes it easier for others to use and fix your code.

How to Install and Set Up

To use lein-docstring-checker in your Leiningen project:

  1. Add this to your project.clj file:
:plugins [[lein-docstring-checker "0.2.0"]]
  1. Run lein docstring-checker in your project folder.

What It Does Well

Good Points Details
Makes code easier to understand Checks if public vars have comments
Helps keep code neat Well-commented code is easier to use and fix
Keeps comments consistent Makes sure all public vars have comments

Possible Issues

Issues Details
Takes time to write comments You need to add comments for all public vars
Only checks comments Doesn't look at other parts of code quality

lein-docstring-checker is a simple tool that helps you write better comments in your Clojure code. While it only looks at one part of your code, it can make your project easier for others to use and understand.

7. yagni


yagni is a tool that finds unused code in Clojure projects. It helps keep code clean by spotting functions and variables that aren't being used.

Main Features

yagni looks for:

  • Unused functions
  • Unused variables
  • Code that never runs

This tool is helpful for big projects where unused code can build up over time.

How to Install and Set Up

To use yagni in your Clojure project:

  1. Add this to your project.clj file:
:dependencies [[yagni "0.1.0"]]
  1. Run lein yagni in your project folder to check your code.

What It Does Well

Good Points Details
Cleans up code Gets rid of unused code, making projects easier to manage
Makes code run faster Less code means faster programs
Keeps code tidy Helps keep your code clean and organized

Possible Problems

Some issues with yagni:

Problems Details
Reader Conditionals yagni might have trouble with reader conditionals, leading to false alarms
Spec Usage yagni may not work well with Spec, a Clojure tool for checking data

Even with these small issues, yagni is a good tool for finding unused code and making Clojure projects better.

Tool Comparison Table

When picking a tool to check your Clojure code, it's good to know what each one does, where it works, and if it costs money. Here's a simple table that shows this information for the 7 tools we talked about:

Tool What it does Where it works Cost
Eastwood Checks code hard, can be set up JVM, Leiningen Free
Kibit Helps write better Clojure code JVM, Leiningen Free
clj-kondo Finds unused parts, wrong function use JVM, Docker Free
lein-bikeshed Checks how code looks JVM, Leiningen Free
lein-check-namespace-decls Makes sure namespaces are clean JVM, Leiningen Free
lein-docstring-checker Checks for comments on public vars JVM, Leiningen Free
yagni Finds code that's not used JVM, Leiningen Free

This table gives you a quick look at what each tool can do. It can help you choose the right one for your Clojure project.

Using These Tools in Your Workflow

Adding these tools to your daily work can help you write better Clojure code. One good way to do this is by using them in your Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline.

CI pipelines help check your code automatically. They can find problems early, which saves time later. Here's how you can set up a CI pipeline for your Clojure project:

  1. Use Github Packages for storing your code parts
  2. Use to put your project together

Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Make a settings.xml file in your ~/.m2 folder. Put this in it:

<settings xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

2. Set up your CI pipeline to use the code checking tools. For example, you could use Eastwood to look for problems.

3. After checking, the CI pipeline can put your code parts in Github Packages.

Using these tools in your CI pipeline helps keep your code clean. It also helps developers write better code because they get quick feedback.

Here's a table showing how these tools can fit into your work:

Step Tool What it does
1 Github Packages Stores code parts
2 Puts project together
3 Eastwood (or other tool) Checks code for problems
4 CI Pipeline Runs all checks and stores code

What Developers Say

Clojure developers want better tools to keep their code clean and easy to read. Here's what they're saying:

Needs and Challenges

Need Challenge
Tools that work outside the code editor Finding tools that support both Clojure and Clojurescript
Ways to check code quality Getting tools to work well with Clojure's unique structure
Help for new learners Teaching good coding habits to student developers

Developers like:

  • Live linting with clj-kondo
  • Editors that follow the Clojure Style guide

These tools help catch errors early and make code look neat.

Room for Improvement

Current Issue Potential Solution
Tools struggle with Clojure code Community could help improve existing tools
Inconsistent results from tools Develop new tools that understand Clojure better

Key Takeaways

  1. Good tools help write better code
  2. Developers want tools that work well with Clojure
  3. There's still work to do to make Clojure tools better


We've looked at 7 tools that help check Clojure code. Each tool has its own good points:

Tool What it's good at
Eastwood Finds many types of errors
Kibit Suggests better ways to write code
clj-kondo Checks code as you type
lein-bikeshed Makes sure code looks neat
lein-check-namespace-decls Keeps namespaces tidy
lein-docstring-checker Checks for helpful comments
yagni Finds unused code

When picking a tool, think about what your project needs and what your team likes. Using these tools can help you:

  • Find mistakes early
  • Make code easier to read
  • Save time when writing code

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