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Python and JavaScript: Choosing Your First Language

Python and JavaScript: Choosing Your First Language
Nimrod Kramer
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Choosing between Python and JavaScript as your first programming language? Learn about the key features, pros, and cons of each language to help you make an informed decision.

Choosing between Python and JavaScript as your first programming language? Here's what you need to know:

  • Python is great for beginners, ideal for data science, AI, and backend web development. It's known for its simplicity and wide range of applications.
  • JavaScript is essential for web development, enabling interactive web pages. It's a must-learn for front-end development and also useful for backend with Node.js.
  • Learning both can be beneficial, offering a solid foundation in web development and programming basics.

Quick Comparison:

Feature Python JavaScript
Ideal For Data science, AI, backend web development Web development, interactive web pages
Ease of Learning Easier for beginners Slightly steeper learning curve
Main Use Wide range of applications including data analysis Front-end and back-end web development
Community Support Extensive Even larger, especially for web development

Ultimately, your choice should align with your interests and career goals. Python offers a gentle introduction to programming with diverse applications, while JavaScript is key for those focused on web development. Both languages are in high demand, making them valuable skills in the tech industry.

The Diversity of Programming Languages

Today, there are thousands of programming languages out there. Each one is a bit different, designed for specific types of projects. But, even with all these differences, many languages share basic ideas like variables (which are like labeled boxes to store data), loops (which help do the same thing over and over without writing it out each time), and functions (little chunks of code you can use again and again).

Some languages, like Python and Ruby, are made to be easy to read. This makes them great for beginners. Then you have languages like C and Rust that let you control computer memory very closely, which is important for certain tech jobs. For creating websites that do cool things when you click around, JavaScript is your go-to. If you're into building websites from the server side (the tech behind the scenes), you might use PHP or Ruby on Rails. For folks interested in data science or artificial intelligence, Python is super popular because it has lots of math tools and is easy to write. And for making apps that work on both iPhones and Android phones, Java, Swift, and Kotlin are the favorites.

Knowing what each language is good at can help you pick the right one to start with. If you're excited about making websites, games, apps, or working with data, there's a language for that. And remember, the basics you learn in one language will help you with others, too. So, start with what grabs your interest, and don't worry about trying out more languages later on.

The Evolution and Roles of Python and JavaScript


Python started in the late 1980s and was all about making code that's easy to read. It really took off in the 2000s, especially for data stuff and making websites work behind the scenes. Nowadays, Python is used for a ton of things like organizing data, learning from data, automating boring tasks, and much more. It's also getting big in cloud computing and finance.

JavaScript came about in 1995 to make websites more interactive - think things moving and changing without having to reload the page. At first, people didn't take it very seriously, but then web apps got more complex, and JavaScript became essential. Now, it's used not just for making websites lively but also for building web and mobile apps, and even for server-side stuff (like managing data and services on the web). With tools like React and Vue, JavaScript helps create organized and interactive web designs.

Both Python and JavaScript are super popular and useful in lots of areas. Python is great for a wide range of tasks, and JavaScript is key for web stuff. For beginners, trying both might be a good way to see what you like doing. Each has its own strengths, and learning the basics in either can be a good stepping stone to other programming languages and tech careers.

Python: A Deep Dive

Overview and Key Features

Python is a programming language that's easy to pick up for beginners because it's written in a way that's simple and straight to the point. Since it started in 1991, Python has grown a lot. It's now used for web stuff, understanding data, smart tech like AI, and science projects.

Some main points about Python include:

  • Easy to learn and read: Python's code looks a bit like English, which makes it easier to get what it's doing. This helps a lot when you're trying to find and fix mistakes.
  • Interpreted execution: Unlike some languages that need to be fully built before you can see if they work, Python lets you try things out one step at a time. This is great for making changes and seeing results quickly.
  • Dynamic typing: You don't have to tell Python what type of data (like numbers or text) you're using upfront. It figures it out as you go, making things more flexible.
  • Vast libraries and frameworks: Python has a big collection of extra tools for different jobs - from making websites with Django or Flask to handling data with NumPy and Pandas, or even doing machine learning with TensorFlow.
  • Cross-platform portability: Python works on different computers like Windows, Linux, and macOS without needing changes. This makes sharing your work easier.
  • Supports multiple programming paradigms: Python lets you write code in different styles, whether it's focusing on actions, objects, or rules. This means you can pick the best way to solve a problem.

Pros of Learning Python First


Starting with Python has its perks:

  • Its clear way of writing makes it easier to understand basic programming stuff, letting beginners focus on how to solve problems.
  • When there's a mistake, Python's clear messages help you fix it fast.
  • For those interested in understanding data or making charts, Python's tools like Pandas and Matplotlib are very handy.
  • There's a big community around Python, offering lots of help and resources for newbies.
  • Python is behind many web and AI projects, so knowing it opens doors to these areas.

Cons of Learning Python First

But, there are some downsides too:

  • Python can be slower than languages that are built all at once before running. This might matter for tasks that need lots of computing power.
  • If you're into making websites, knowing JavaScript is key because it's the main language for creating interactive web pages. Python is more for the behind-the-scenes stuff.
  • Python isn't the go-to for making apps on phones compared to other languages specifically for Android or iOS.

So, while Python is a great starting point and useful for many tech jobs, especially in data science and web development, peeking into other languages like JavaScript can give you a fuller view, especially if you're into web or mobile app making. The good thing is, starting with Python makes it easier to learn others later.

JavaScript: A Deep Dive

Overview and Key Features

JavaScript is a language that got big in the 1990s for making websites fun and interactive. It works right in your web browser, letting you do cool things like changing website parts without having to load a new page.

Here are some important bits about JavaScript:

  • Front-end and back-end capable: JavaScript is not just for making websites look good; with tools like Node.js, it can handle server tasks too.
  • Prototype-based inheritance: This is a fancy way of saying JavaScript uses a different method to share features between objects, which can be more flexible.
  • Asynchronous execution: JavaScript can do many things at once, like loading parts of a page without waiting for everything to finish. This is great but can make fixing problems tricky.
  • Huge ecosystem: There are lots of tools and frameworks, like React and Vue, that make JavaScript even more powerful. However, choosing between them can be overwhelming for beginners.

Overall, learning JavaScript is great for anyone interested in making websites do cool stuff.

Pros of Learning JavaScript First

Here's why starting with JavaScript is a good idea:

  • Everywhere in web dev: JavaScript is a must-know for anyone making websites.
  • See results fast: When you change something, you can see the effect right away, which is great for learning.
  • Do more than just websites: With Node.js, you can work on servers and more, not just web pages.
  • Lots of help available: Being so popular, there's a ton of guides and communities to help you out.
  • Skills that transfer: What you learn in JavaScript, like how to use functions and store data, helps with other languages too.

Cons of Learning JavaScript First

But, there are some challenges:

  • Handling many things at once: The way JavaScript does multiple tasks at the same time can be confusing.
  • Old habits die hard: Some outdated JavaScript ways are still around and can be puzzling.
  • Too many choices: With so many tools and frameworks, it's hard to know where to start.
  • Not great for math stuff: JavaScript doesn't have as many built-in tools for math or data science as Python.

Starting with Python might sidestep some of JavaScript's hurdles. Yet, for those looking into careers in web development, knowing JavaScript is key.

Comparative Analysis

Let's look at how Python and JavaScript stack up against each other in a simple and easy-to-understand way.

Feature Python JavaScript
Origin Made in 1991 by Guido van Rossum Made in 1995 by Brendan Eich
Typing Doesn't need you to say if something is a number or text upfront Same as Python
Paradigms Good for many styles like focusing on actions or objects Good for many styles too, especially for things that happen because of actions, like clicks
Execution Runs step by step Runs step by step
Speed A bit slow Usually faster because it gets ready faster
Use cases Great for working with data, making websites work from behind, and automating tasks Perfect for making websites fun and interactive, also for apps and games
Popularity Really liked for data work and making website back-ends Super popular for making websites look good
Learning curve Easier to start with Might take a bit more effort at first
Salary Developers earn about $120k in the US Developers earn about $135k in the US
Job demand Lots of jobs, around 30k openings in the US Even more jobs, about 130k openings in the US
Community Big group of helpful people and lots of tools Even bigger group, very important for making websites
Interoperability Plays well with others like JavaScript and Java Works really well with web stuff like HTML and CSS

In short, both Python and JavaScript are super useful and used a lot in tech. Python is great if you're into data stuff or making the back end of websites. Its simple way of writing makes it a good first language. JavaScript is a must for anyone wanting to make websites interactive and is also used in other areas like apps. Choosing depends on what you like and what you want to do. Learning either one is a smart move because they both open up lots of opportunities in the tech world.

Choosing Your Path Forward

Who Should Learn Python First

If you're just starting out and are curious about:

  • Working with data or making sense of numbers
  • Creating smart programs that can learn or predict
  • Doing science or math projects on a computer
  • Making the behind-the-scenes tech for websites
  • Writing code to do tasks automatically
  • Getting the hang of basic coding stuff like making decisions and repeating actions

Then Python is a solid choice. It's designed to be easy to read and write, so you can quickly get comfortable with coding basics. Python is also packed with special tools for handling data, science, and web stuff, making it useful for a bunch of different jobs.

Choosing Python could lead you to work in areas like analyzing data, managing tech systems, programming for finance, doing scientific research, and more.

Who Should Learn JavaScript First

If you're excited about:

  • Making websites that respond and change in cool ways
  • Building web or mobile apps
  • Getting into digital media or making online content
  • Creating animations, digital art, or games

JavaScript is your ticket. It's the main language for adding all the interactive bits to websites, making it a must-know for designing web pages that grab attention.

JavaScript is not just for looks, though. It can also handle more serious tasks like managing data on servers. Plus, it's great for people who like seeing their code come to life on screen. If you dream of making interactive web experiences or versatile apps, learning JavaScript is a smart move. It sets you up for roles in web design, mobile app development, and even full-stack (front and back end) web development.


The Final Verdict

JavaScript as the Optimal First Language for Web Development

If you're really into making websites, starting with JavaScript might be your best bet. Here's a simple breakdown of why that is:

Immediate Practical Application

  • JavaScript is a must for making websites interactive. If you learn it first, you can start building cool stuff right away.
  • Seeing your code change a website in real-time is super rewarding and helps you learn quicker.
  • With JavaScript, you can try out code directly in your web browser, which is pretty handy for testing things fast.

Front-End Focus

  • Websites are all about how they look and feel. Knowing JavaScript helps you nail that part.
  • JavaScript is great because it can do both the look (front-end) and the behind-the-scenes stuff (back-end). It's like getting two for the price of one.
  • Python is awesome for the behind-the-scenes, but when you're just starting, it's cool to see your work in action on the front-end.

Booming Job Prospects

  • There are tons of jobs for JavaScript developers, over 130,000 in the US alone. That means learning it could really help you get a job later.
  • Starting with something that's in high demand, like JavaScript, can make it easier to find work.
  • Since JavaScript is everywhere in web development, it's a solid first language to learn if you want to get into this field.

Supports Multiple Platforms

  • JavaScript works on all kinds of devices and operating systems. This makes it easier to share your work and learn a lot quickly.
  • Python might need some extra steps to set up, which can be a bit of a hassle when you're just starting.

High Community Support

  • JavaScript is super popular, so there are loads of resources and people to help you out as you're learning.
  • Beginners need all the help they can get, and JavaScript's big community is perfect for that.
  • Python also has lots of support, but not as much if you're focusing on making websites look good.

In the end, while Python is great for working with data and back-end programming, JavaScript gets you straight into making websites look awesome. It's got a huge community to help you and lots of job opportunities. But remember, it's also good to try out both languages to see what you like best.

Starting your coding journey is super exciting! Here are some awesome places to start if you're looking to learn Python or JavaScript.

Helpful Tutorials and Courses

Developer Communities to Join

  • Python Discord Server - A place to chat with over 65,000 people who love Python.
  • Women Who Code - A worldwide community that supports women in tech.
  • - A community where programmers share ideas and help each other.
  • Hashnode - A space for developers to post articles, have discussions, and more.

Helpful Content

These resources are great for beginners who want to start learning Python or JavaScript. They offer easy-to-follow tutorials, supportive communities, and short, helpful articles, making it easier for new coders to grow in their coding journey.


Choosing between Python and JavaScript as your first programming language can seem tricky because they both have amazing strengths.

Python stands out for its simplicity and huge range of uses - from organizing data to powering websites behind the scenes or even building smart programs. Its focus on understandable code helps beginners grasp key concepts like variables, functions, and logic. Python opens doors to data science, AI, automation, and back-end web development.

JavaScript shines when it comes to making websites interactive and responsive. Its ability to update pages instantly lets you see your coding skills pay off right away. JavaScript is the backbone of front-end web development and also powers versatile web applications. Learning it sets you up for roles in fields like interface design, full-stack programming, and mobile app creation.

Ideally, gain familiarity with both over time to become a well-rounded developer. Here's why:

  • Python and JavaScript are two of the most in-demand programming languages, with tons of job opportunities. Knowing them expands your options later.
  • Each language has unique strengths - Python for computation and automation, JavaScript for website interactivity. Together they allow you to do more.
  • Concepts like functions and variables transfer between languages. Learning one boosts understanding of others.
  • Front-end JavaScript and back-end Python complement each other perfectly in web development.
  • Mixing Python and JavaScript skills lets you create versatile web apps with both user-friendly interfaces and complex back-end logic.

So don't limit yourself - learn the basics of both languages. Python and JavaScript empower you to follow your interests wherever they lead. Whether you aspire to crunch data, make captivating websites, pursue AI, or automate tasks, these languages provide the tools to turn ideas into reality. The skills you gain will fuel creativity while exposing you to new passions in our tech-driven world.

Should I learn JavaScript or Python as my first language?

If you're new to making websites, starting with JavaScript might be a good idea since it's used for the visual parts of a website. Python is better if you're more interested in the behind-the-scenes work or dealing with data.

Both languages are useful, so think about what you want to create or the job you want. If you're leaning towards web design or front-end web development, JavaScript could be more helpful to start with.

Can I choose JavaScript as my first language?

Yes, JavaScript is a solid choice for your first programming language because:

  • It lets you make websites interactive.
  • You see the results of your coding quickly, which helps you learn.
  • There are lots of resources and a big community to support you.

Learning JavaScript means you're picking up a skill that's essential for web development.

Is it OK to learn JavaScript and Python together?

Definitely! Learning both JavaScript and Python at the same time can be a good move.

Understanding the basics in both can help you see similarities and differences, making it easier to grasp programming concepts.

Also, these two languages work well together in web development. Knowing both means you can handle both the front-end and back-end, making you more versatile.

Can I choose Python as my first language?

Python is a great choice for beginners because it's designed to be easy to read and learn. It's like starting with a language that's closer to English.

Python is also:

  • Friendly for beginners with a simple setup.
  • Useful for many different projects.
  • Supported by lots of learning materials.
  • Great for data tasks and automating things.

Starting with Python can make it easier to pick up programming basics and prepare you for learning more languages later.

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