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10 Open Source Policy Templates & Examples

10 Open Source Policy Templates & Examples
Nimrod Kramer
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Explore 10 open source policy templates and examples for managing risks associated with open source software. Choose the best template for your organization's needs.

Organizations need open source policies to safely use open source software (OSS). These policies outline rules and best practices for:

  • Using OSS
  • Contributing to OSS projects
  • Creating new OSS

Open source policies help manage risks like:

Risk Description
Codebase Vulnerabilities or quality issues in OSS code
Data Leakage Sensitive data exposure through OSS usage
Dependency Risks from relying on external OSS dependencies
Legal License compliance and intellectual property issues
Operational Operational risks from using unsupported OSS
Reputational Damage to the organization's reputation

The following templates provide guidelines for open source usage, contributions, and governance:

Template Focus Key Features
Buffer Open Source Guide Collaborating with community Contributor expectations, OSPO role
Citi Guidelines Contributing to projects Contributor rules, license compliance, IP protection
eBay Open Source Website Managing projects Project management, community engagement, license compliance
GitLab Team Handbook Collaborating on projects Collaboration guidelines, contributor expectations, community engagement
Google OSPO Policies Governing projects Policy governance, license compliance, IP protection
Linux Foundation Template Approving projects Project approval, license compliance, IP protection
Microsoft Program Managing projects Project management, community engagement, license compliance
Red Hat Guidelines Participating in projects Participation guidelines, contributor expectations, community engagement
SUSE Policy Governing projects Policy governance, license compliance, IP protection
Yahoo Guide Community collaboration Contributor expectations, OSPO role

Choose the template that best aligns with your organization's open source strategy and requirements.

1. Buffer Open Source Guide

Policy Scope

Buffer's Open Source Guide outlines the company's approach to:

Key Points

  • Buffer encourages contributing to existing open source projects over creating new ones.
  • Employees can have their names attached to their contributions while Buffer retains the copyright.
  • Projects are released under appropriate open source licenses.


To implement this policy, Buffer:

1. Develops software openly whenever possible.

2. Releases code under suitable open source licenses.

3. Obtains copyright transfer when procuring code development.

This approach promotes collaboration, innovation, and community engagement while managing risks associated with open source software usage.

2. Citi Free and Open Source Software Contribution Guidelines

Policy Scope

Citi's guidelines cover:

Key Points

Guideline Details
Employee Contributions Employees are encouraged to contribute to open source projects, fostering collaboration and innovation.
Approval Required Employees must obtain approval before contributing to open source projects.
Copyright Ownership Citi retains the copyright to all employee contributions.


To implement these guidelines, Citi:

1. Has a review process for open source project contributions. 2. Ensures employees understand open source license terms and conditions. 3. Monitors and tracks employee contributions to open source projects.

This approach promotes a collaborative culture while managing risks associated with open source software usage.

3. eBay Open Source Website


What It Covers

eBay's open source website is a hub for developers to contribute to the company's open source projects. It promotes open source development and collaboration.

Key Features

The website features a collection of eBay's open source projects that are open for contributions from developers. It provides resources and guidelines to help developers get started with contributing.

How It Works

To implement its open source policy, eBay:

1. Encourages Contributions: Developers are encouraged to contribute to eBay's open source projects, fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation.

2. Provides Resources: The website offers resources and guidelines to help developers contribute to eBay's open source projects.

3. Fosters Community-Driven Development: Contributions are reviewed and approved in a timely manner, promoting a community-driven approach to open source development.

Feature Description
Project Collection A collection of eBay's open source projects open for contributions.
Getting Started Guides Resources and guidelines to help developers contribute to projects.
Contribution Review Contributions are reviewed and approved, fostering community-driven development.

4. GitLab Team Handbook


Open Source Policy Overview

GitLab's Team Handbook provides guidelines for employees on open source development, contributions, and usage. The policy covers:

  • Open-sourcing projects
  • Contributing to third-party open source projects
  • Using open source libraries

Key Guidelines

Open-Sourcing Projects

  • Considerations for licensing, publication, and approvals
  • Procedures for open-sourcing projects

Contributing to Open Source

  • Contributor license agreements
  • Merge request processes for third-party projects

Using Open Source Libraries

  • List of acceptable and unacceptable licenses
  • Email address for inquiries about license usage


To implement their open source policy, GitLab:

  1. Encourages Open Source Development

    • Provides resources and guidelines for open-sourcing projects
  2. Promotes Community Collaboration

    • Timely contribution reviews and approvals
    • Community-driven approach to open source development
  3. Offers Clear Licensing Guidelines

    • Outlines acceptable and unacceptable licenses
    • Ensures awareness of implications when using open source libraries
Guideline Details
Open-Sourcing Guidelines for licensing, publication, and approvals
Contributing Contributor agreements and merge request processes
Using Libraries List of acceptable/unacceptable licenses, inquiry email

5. Google OSPO Policies

What the Policies Cover

Google's Open Source Program Office (OSPO) policies provide guidelines for:

The policies ensure Google's open-source activities align with the company's goals and values.

Key Guidelines

Guideline Details
Open-Sourcing Code Detailed guidelines for open-sourcing code
Contributing Guidelines for contributing to open-source projects
Using Libraries Acceptable and unacceptable licenses for open-source libraries
Inclusive Language Using inclusive language in open-source projects and communities
Code of Conduct Code of conduct for open-source projects and communities
Security Security policy for open-source projects and libraries


1. Resources and Guidelines

Google provides resources and guidelines for employees to:

  • Open-source code
  • Contribute to open-source projects
  • Use open-source libraries

2. Community Collaboration

Google encourages community collaboration and participation in open-source projects and communities.

3. Review and Approval

Google reviews and approves open-source projects to ensure they align with the company's goals and values.


6. Linux Foundation Open Source Approval Form Template

Linux Foundation

What It Covers

The Linux Foundation Open Source Approval Form Template helps companies establish a process for reviewing and approving the use of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) in their products.

Key Details

The template requires the following information for FOSS usage requests:

Information Description
FOSS Component The open source software being requested
Product Usage The product and context where it will be used
Licensing The licensing terms and conditions
Risks and Mitigation Potential risks and strategies to address them

How to Use It

To implement this template, companies should:

1. Establish a Review Process

  • Set up an Open Source Review Board (OSRB) to evaluate FOSS requests
  • Define a clear process for submitting and reviewing requests

2. Provide Training and Resources

  • Train developers and reviewers on using the template
  • Offer resources on FOSS compliance and risk management

3. Document and Track Approvals

  • Maintain records of all approved FOSS components
  • Track usage to ensure compliance with licensing terms

7. Microsoft Open Source Program

What It Covers

The Microsoft Open Source Program provides guidelines for using and contributing to open source software within the company. It aims to:

  • Allow employees to contribute to open source projects
  • Protect Microsoft's intellectual property
  • Ensure compliance with open source licenses

Key Features

Feature Description
Registration & Approval All open source components must be registered and approved before use.
Distribution Requirements Employees must comply with requirements like generating NOTICE files and providing source code when distributing open source components.
Contribution Guidelines Guidelines for contributing to open source projects, including contribution policy, small changes, and larger changes.
Compliance Ensures all open source components comply with relevant licenses and regulations.

Implementation Guidelines

1. Establish a Clear Policy

Develop a clear policy for using and contributing to open source software within the company.

2. Provide Training and Resources

Offer training and resources to employees on:

  • Open source compliance
  • Risk management
  • Contribution guidelines

3. Establish a Review Process

Set up a review process for open source requests, including:

  • A clear process for submitting requests
  • A process for reviewing requests

4. Document and Track Approvals

  • Maintain records of all approved open source components
  • Track usage to ensure compliance with licensing terms

8. Red Hat Open Source Participation Guidelines

Red Hat

What the Guidelines Cover

The Red Hat Open Source Participation Guidelines outline the company's approach to contributing to and participating in open source projects. The guidelines cover:

  • Contributing changes and improvements to open source projects before including them in Red Hat products ("upstream first")
  • Contributing to existing open source projects, including those led by competitors
  • Considering existing open source alternatives before starting new projects

Key Points

Guideline Details
Upstream First Red Hat aims to contribute changes and improvements to open source projects before including them in their products.
Contributing to Existing Projects Red Hat associates are free to participate in and contribute to existing open source projects, even those led by competitors.
Starting New Projects Associates are encouraged to consider existing open source alternatives before starting new projects.


1. Understand the Guidelines

Familiarize yourself with the Red Hat Open Source Participation Guidelines to ensure compliance with the company's open source policies.

2. Participate Actively

Encourage active participation in open source projects, including:

  • Contributing code
  • Reporting bugs
  • Engaging with the community

3. Respect Upstream Projects

Ensure that contributions to upstream projects follow the project's guidelines and governance model.

4. Document Contributions

Maintain records of contributions made to open source projects, including:

  • Code changes
  • Bug reports
  • Community engagement

9. SUSE Open Source Policy


What It Covers

The SUSE Open Source Policy provides guidelines for:

  • Managing open source software code
  • Using the Open Build Service
  • Conducting legal reviews

Key Points

Guideline Details
Source Code Management Keep a copy of the source code for all redistributed software. Create a bill of materials. Follow the "Upstream First" approach.
Open Build Service Use the Open Build Service to reduce maintenance effort and leverage the community ("Factory First" approach).
Legal Reviews Conduct legal reviews of distributed code to ensure compliance with open source licenses and identify any legal issues.


To follow the SUSE Open Source Policy, contributors should:

1. Study Project Guidelines

  • Understand the contribution guidelines for the specific project.
  • Familiarize yourself with the project structure, upstream, and related processes.

2. Contribute to Upstream Projects

  • Follow the guidelines for contributing to open source projects for all individual upstream projects.

3. Conduct Legal Reviews

  • Review the code being distributed to ensure compliance with open source licenses.
  • Identify and address any legal issues.

10. Yahoo Open Source Guide

What It Covers

The Yahoo Open Source Guide provides a framework for managing open source projects within the company. It covers:

  • Collaborating with the open source community
  • Expectations for contributors
  • The role of the Open Source Program Office (OSPO)

Key Features

Feature Description
Community Collaboration Encourages working with the open source community to solve shared problems
Contributor Expectations Outlines expectations for contributors, including following the Code of Conduct and open source principles
OSPO Role Defines the OSPO's role in governing, managing, and supporting open source projects

Implementation Guidelines

To effectively implement the Yahoo Open Source Guide:

  1. Collaborate with the Community: Encourage open communication and collaboration with the open source community to drive innovation and solve shared problems.

  2. Set Clear Contributor Expectations: Ensure contributors understand the expectations and guidelines for participating in open source projects, including following the Code of Conduct.

  3. Utilize the OSPO: Use the OSPO to provide governance, management, and support for open source projects, ensuring compliance with open source licenses and company policies.

Policy Feature Comparison

When choosing an open source policy template, consider the key features and guidelines of each option. Here's a comparison:

Template Policy Focus Key Features Implementation Guidelines
Buffer Open Source Guide Collaborating with open source community Community collaboration, contributor expectations, Open Source Program Office (OSPO) role Collaborate with community, set contributor expectations, utilize OSPO
Citi Guidelines Contributing to open source projects Contributor guidelines, license compliance, intellectual property protection Follow contributor guidelines, comply with licenses, protect intellectual property
eBay Open Source Website Managing open source projects Project management, community engagement, license compliance Manage projects, engage community, comply with licenses
GitLab Team Handbook Collaborating on open source projects Collaboration guidelines, contributor expectations, community engagement Collaborate effectively, set contributor expectations, engage community
Google OSPO Policies Governing open source projects Policy governance, license compliance, intellectual property protection Govern policies, comply with licenses, protect intellectual property
Linux Foundation Template Approving open source projects Project approval, license compliance, intellectual property protection Approve projects, comply with licenses, protect intellectual property
Microsoft Program Managing open source projects Project management, community engagement, license compliance Manage projects, engage community, comply with licenses
Red Hat Guidelines Participating in open source projects Participation guidelines, contributor expectations, community engagement Participate effectively, set contributor expectations, engage community
SUSE Policy Governing open source projects Policy governance, license compliance, intellectual property protection Govern policies, comply with licenses, protect intellectual property
Yahoo Guide Collaborating with open source community Community collaboration, contributor expectations, OSPO role Collaborate with community, set contributor expectations, utilize OSPO

This table provides an overview of each template's key features and implementation guidelines. Compare these to choose the best fit for your organization's open source policy needs.

Choosing the Right Open Source Policy

Selecting the right open source policy template is crucial for your organization. With the various options available, you need to consider your specific needs, goals, and requirements. Each template has unique features, guidelines, and implementation strategies, so evaluate them carefully.

Here are some key factors to consider:

  • Type of Open Source Projects: Will your organization contribute to existing projects, create new ones, or manage internal projects?
  • Community Engagement: How much collaboration and interaction with the open source community is needed?
  • License Compliance and IP Protection: Do you require strict adherence to licensing terms and safeguarding of intellectual property?
  • Open Source Program Office (OSPO) Role: What role will the OSPO play in governing open source projects?

Comparing Policy Templates

To help you choose, here's a comparison of the key features and implementation guidelines for each template:

Template Focus Key Features Implementation Guidelines
Buffer Open Source Guide Community collaboration Contributor expectations, OSPO role Collaborate with community, set contributor rules, utilize OSPO
Citi Guidelines Contributing to projects Contributor guidelines, license compliance, IP protection Follow contributor rules, comply with licenses, protect IP
eBay Open Source Website Managing projects Project management, community engagement, license compliance Manage projects, engage community, comply with licenses
GitLab Team Handbook Collaborating on projects Collaboration guidelines, contributor expectations, community engagement Collaborate effectively, set contributor rules, engage community
Google OSPO Policies Governing projects Policy governance, license compliance, IP protection Govern policies, comply with licenses, protect IP
Linux Foundation Template Approving projects Project approval, license compliance, IP protection Approve projects, comply with licenses, protect IP
Microsoft Program Managing projects Project management, community engagement, license compliance Manage projects, engage community, comply with licenses
Red Hat Guidelines Participating in projects Participation guidelines, contributor expectations, community engagement Participate effectively, set contributor rules, engage community
SUSE Policy Governing projects Policy governance, license compliance, IP protection Govern policies, comply with licenses, protect IP
Yahoo Guide Community collaboration Contributor expectations, OSPO role Collaborate with community, set contributor rules, utilize OSPO

Review this table to identify the template that best aligns with your organization's open source strategy and requirements.

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