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Prometheus for Developers: An Introduction

Prometheus for Developers: An Introduction
Nimrod Kramer
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Learn about Prometheus, an open-source monitoring tool for developers. Explore its key features, components, and advanced topics to enhance application monitoring and performance.

Prometheus is a powerful, open-source monitoring tool that helps developers keep an eye on their applications and infrastructure. With a focus on time-series data, it allows for detailed tracking and analysis of metrics. Here's a quick overview of what you need to know about Prometheus:

  • Free and open-source: Ideal for monitoring computer systems and software.

  • Multi-dimensional data model: Uses labels to organize and query metrics effectively.

  • PromQL: A flexible query language for detailed data retrieval.

  • Reliable: Designed for simplicity and robustness.

  • Flexible and easy to integrate: Works well with cloud-native environments as well as traditional setups.

Key Components:

Why Use Prometheus?


  • It's versatile for both modern and legacy systems.

  • Offers a powerful query language (PromQL).

  • Easy to set up and scale.

  • Integrates well with Grafana for visualizations.

Getting Started:

  • Install Prometheus from a binary or using Docker.

  • Configure Prometheus to monitor your targets.

  • Set up storage solutions for your data.

Advanced Features:

  • Support for monitoring distributed systems through federation.

  • Detailed alerting system to notify of system issues.

Prometheus stands out for its efficiency in collecting and processing metrics, making it a go-to choice for developers looking to implement a robust monitoring solution.

Understanding Prometheus


What is Prometheus?

Prometheus is a free tool that helps you keep an eye on your computer systems and apps. It's made up of a few main parts:

  • Main Prometheus server: This part collects and saves data over time, and lets you search through it using a special search language called PromQL.

  • Exporters: These are tools that gather information from different places like databases and web servers, making it readable for Prometheus.

  • Alertmanager: This tool takes care of warnings from Prometheus, helping to manage them by sending emails or messages to places like Slack.

  • Client libraries: These are used to add custom information from your app, so Prometheus can collect it too.

With all these parts working together, you can watch over your systems, set up alerts for when things go wrong, and look into your data to understand what's happening.

Why Use Prometheus?

People like using Prometheus for a few reasons:

  • Multi-dimensional data model: You can sort and understand your data in many ways using labels.

  • PromQL query language: This is a special way to ask questions about your data, similar to SQL but for Prometheus.

  • Reliability and availability: The Prometheus server is designed to be simple and not easily broken.

  • Flexibility: It's good for both modern cloud setups and older systems. You can also customize it with lots of options.

  • Easy to get started: It's straightforward to set up without needing anything extra. It's also easy to begin monitoring with it.

Prometheus vs. Other Monitoring Tools

Feature Prometheus Graphite Elastic Stack Datadog
Architecture Pull-based Push & Pull Pull Agent-based
Primary Data Model Time series Time series Logs Custom metrics
Query Language PromQL Custom DSL Kibana query Custom UI
Horizontal Scaling Supported Limited Supported Fully managed service
Open source Yes Yes Yes No

Prometheus is different because it collects data by checking on systems regularly, unlike other tools that wait for data to be sent to them or use agents to collect data. It focuses on time-based data and has its own way to ask and answer questions about that data. Compared to others, Prometheus is user-friendly, can grow with your needs, and works well for both new and old tech setups.

Getting Started with Prometheus

Installation and Setup

Here's how you can get Prometheus up and running, whether you're using Linux or Docker. It's simpler than it sounds:

  • Install from binary: First, grab the latest version of Prometheus for your operating system from the Prometheus downloads page. Unzip the file and move the Prometheus program into a spot where your computer can find and run it, like /usr/local/bin.

  • Use Docker: If you prefer Docker, you can start Prometheus with a command like this:

docker run -p 9090:9090 -v /path/to/prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml prom/prometheus

This command makes Prometheus available on port 9090 and uses your config file.

  • Configure Prometheus: Prometheus needs a file (in YAML format) that tells it what to keep an eye on and how. You can learn how to set this up by checking the Prometheus Configuration documentation.

  • Set up storage: Prometheus collects lots of data over time, so it needs a place to store it. You can use local storage or look into options like Thanos or Cortex for keeping data longer.

Basic Concepts and Terminology

Let's go over some important terms you'll come across with Prometheus:

  • Metrics - These are the numbers that tell you how your system or app is doing, like how many web requests you get or the temperature of your CPU.

  • Time series data - Imagine a list where each item has a number (like a temperature) and a time it was recorded. Prometheus keeps track of these over time.

  • Labels - These are tags you can add to your metrics to make them easier to sort and find.

  • Scrape - This is when Prometheus collects data from your apps or systems by checking them at regular times.

  • Service discovery - Instead of telling Prometheus where to look for data, it can automatically find new places to collect data from, like new servers that come online.

  • PromQL - This is a special language you can use to ask specific questions about your data in Prometheus.

Setting Up Your First Monitor

Here's a simple guide to start monitoring a Node.js app with Prometheus:

  • Run Node Exporter - This tool shares information about your system's health with Prometheus.

  • Instrument App - Add some code to your app so it can give Prometheus data to look at.

  • Configure Prometheus - Tell Prometheus where to find your app and the Node Exporter by adding them to its config file. If you're using Kubernetes, you can set it up to find new targets automatically.

  • Visualize Data - Use Grafana to make graphs and dashboards from your Prometheus data. It helps you see what's going on at a glance.

  • Set Alert Rules - You can set up rules in Prometheus that let you know when something's not right, or to keep track of certain metrics over time.

Make sure to check that your app is sharing metrics correctly, adjust how often Prometheus checks for data, and set up Grafana dashboards that make sense for what you're monitoring. It's all about making sure you have the info you need to keep things running smoothly!

Deep Dive into Prometheus Features

Metrics and Data Model

Prometheus keeps track of metrics, which are just pieces of data that tell us something, and it records them with the time they happened. There are a few main types of metrics:

  • Counters - Think of this as a score that only goes up, like counting how many times something happens.

  • Gauges - This is a number that can go up or down, like the temperature or how much memory your computer is using.

  • Histograms - These help us see how often something falls into different ranges. For example, how long requests take to complete.

  • Summaries - Kind of like histograms, but they focus on showing you the high points, like the 95th percentile of request times.

Metrics can have labels, which are like tags that help you keep track of more details, such as what part of your system the data is coming from.

Querying with PromQL

PromQL is a special way to ask questions about your data in Prometheus. It lets you:

  • Look at current data or check data over time.

  • Compare data using things like equals, more than, or less than.

  • Group and add up data with commands that let you sum, average, or count.

  • Use functions for math or to pick out specific info.

Here are some simple examples of how you might use PromQL:

How fast we're handling requests right now


Checking the slowest 5% of requests over the last hour

histogram_quantile(0.95, sum(rate(http_request_duration_seconds_bucket[1h])) by (le))

Seeing if memory use is more than 90%

node_memory_MemTotal_bytes - node_memory_MemAvailable_bytes > 0.9 * node_memory_MemTotal_bytes

### Visualization and Dashboards

While Prometheus can show you graphs, many people use a tool called Grafana to make more detailed and interactive dashboards using Prometheus data. Here's how to start:

- Get Grafana set up.
- Connect Prometheus to Grafana so it can use your data.
- Build queries in Grafana to make graphs.
- Create dashboards with different panels showing various metrics.
- You can customize these graphs and dashboards to show exactly what you need.

With Prometheus and Grafana, you can easily see how your project or system is doing through graphs and alerts, making it simpler to keep everything running smoothly.

## Advanced Topics

### Monitoring Distributed Systems

When you're keeping an eye on systems spread out over different places, things can get tricky. Here's how to manage it better:

**Federation** - This method involves having several Prometheus servers that collect data from various parts of your system. Then, one main Prometheus server brings all this data together. This way, no single server gets too bogged down.

**Remote read/write** - This lets Prometheus servers in one location send data to a server in another place. It's a good way to keep all your data in one spot without overloading any server.

**Hierarchical federation** - For really big setups, you can have layers of Prometheus servers. Some collect data, some bring it together, and others help you look through it. It's like organizing your servers into a tree to keep everything running smoothly.

No matter which method you choose, it's important to think about how to store your data, how long to keep it, and how to manage alerts without making things too complicated.

### Alerting with Prometheus

Prometheus can warn you when things aren't going right, like if your computer is working too hard or you're getting a lot of errors. Here's a quick rundown:

- Set up rules in Prometheus that look out for problems.
- When these rules find something, they tell an Alertmanager. This tool makes sure you don't get the same message too many times and sends out [alerts]( the way you want.
- You can get these alerts through email, [Slack](, [PagerDuty](, and other ways.
- You can also stop alerts when you're fixing things, so you don't get bothered by messages you don't need.
- And you can set rules to keep alerts about the same issue from popping up all at once.

Setting up your alerts right means you'll know when there's a problem without being overwhelmed.

### Prometheus in Microservices

When you're working with lots of small services, here's how to use Prometheus effectively:

- Automatically find new services with [service discovery](, so you don't have to keep updating your settings.
- Make sure each service shares its status with Prometheus.
- Use one place to check on all your services together.
- As you add more services, you might need more Prometheus servers to keep up.
- Put your data into a big storage place if you're collecting a lot.
- Set up alerts for each service and make sure they go to the right team.
- Label your data well, so you can easily find and sort through it by service, place, or whatever you need.

With a bit of planning, Prometheus can give you a clear view of how all your services are doing, making it easier to keep everything running well.

## Instrumenting Applications

### Client Libraries and Exporters

Prometheus has special tools for different programming languages like Go, Java, Python, and Ruby. These tools help you add monitoring features to your code easily. You can keep track of things like how many tasks your app completes or if there are any errors.

There are also tools called exporters for getting metrics from databases, queues, and other systems without needing to change them. For instance, the Node Exporter can tell you about your computer's health, and the MySQL Server Exporter gives you info on your database's performance. Using these tools together gives you a full picture of how both your application and its environment are doing.

### Custom Metrics

You can also make your own metrics in your app to watch over things that are important for your business. For example, in a Node.js app, you can use a library called `prom-client` to count how many orders your app processes:

const client = require('prom-client');

const processedOrdersCounter = new client.Counter({
  name: 'orders_processed_total',
  help: 'Total number of orders processed'

function processOrder() {
  // Logic to process order; // Increase counter

You can show this counter on a webpage that Prometheus checks to understand how your app is doing. This way, you can keep an eye on important things like how many orders you're handling or if errors are happening. When adding these features, it's best to focus on the most helpful metrics and not to track too much at once, which could slow down your app.


Prometheus Ecosystem

Additional Tools

Prometheus isn't just by itself; it has a bunch of extra tools that make it even better:

  • Thanos - This is a tool that helps you keep Prometheus data for a long time. It works with cloud storage like S3 and lets you look at data from more than one Prometheus at the same time.

  • Cortex - Made for when you need Prometheus to handle lots of data and users at once. It keeps Prometheus running smoothly by spreading out the work and keeping data safe.

  • Alertmanager - This tool takes care of the alerts Prometheus sends out. It can group them, stop duplicates, and send notifications through email, PagerDuty, and other ways.

  • Grafana - A tool for making graphs and dashboards from your Prometheus data. It's easy to use and lets you create detailed visuals of your data.

  • PromQL - This is the language you use to ask Prometheus about your data. It can handle different kinds of metrics and lets you dig deep into what your data is saying.

  • Amtool - A handy tool for seeing what's going on with your alerts from Alertmanager. It shows you the history of your alerts and what's happening with them.


Since Prometheus is open for anyone to help improve, here's how you can contribute:

  • Issues - If you find a bug or have an idea to make Prometheus better, you can tell the developers on Prometheus GitHub Issues.

  • Documentation - Help make the Prometheus Docs better by adding new information or updating what's already there. Just send in a pull request.

  • Exporters & Client Libraries - If you know how to get metrics from new systems or write code in languages Prometheus doesn't support yet, you can create exporters or client libraries.

  • Prometheus Server - If you're good with code, you can help fix bugs or add new features to Prometheus. Just check out the development guide and send your code for review.

Everyone is welcome to help make Prometheus better, whether it's through coding, writing, or sharing ideas.


Prometheus is a tool that helps you keep an eye on your computer systems, apps, and services. It's free, open-source, and used by lots of people to help see what's happening inside their technology. Here's a simple breakdown of what makes Prometheus helpful:

  • Prometheus collects data from your systems regularly and keeps it in a format that's easy to work with. This helps avoid problems that come with other ways of collecting data.

  • It organizes data with labels like counters (things that only increase), gauges (things that can go up or down), and others, making it easier to understand different aspects of your data.

  • PromQL is a special language for asking questions about your data, letting you dig into details or see big trends over time.

  • Works well with Grafana, a tool for making charts and dashboards, so you can see what your data looks like visually.

  • Can handle lots of data by connecting multiple Prometheus servers together or by storing data in a way that doesn't slow things down.

  • Alertmanager deals with warnings by organizing them, making sure you're not overwhelmed with messages, and sending them where they need to go.

Prometheus isn't just for keeping an eye on things; it's a whole system that includes ways to collect data, understand it, and get alerted when something's not right. It's great for cloud setups but also fits into older, traditional tech environments. I recommend giving Prometheus a try to see how it can help with your projects.


Here are some easy-to-follow resources if you want to dive deeper into Prometheus:

Prometheus Documentation


  • Prometheus: Up & Running - Written by Brian Brazil, this book takes you through the basics, shows you how to use Prometheus with Kubernetes, and touches on more advanced stuff.

  • Prometheus in Action - Benjamin Staffin's book is full of real-life examples on how to monitor your setups and applications using Prometheus.

Blogs & Tutorials


These resources are great for learning more about Prometheus, whether you're just starting out or looking to get deeper into how it all works.

What is Prometheus in software development?

Prometheus is a tool that developers use to keep an eye on how their computer programs and systems are doing. It helps them collect information about their projects, like how fast they're running or if there are any problems. It's like having a dashboard that shows you everything you need to know about your project's health.

What are the 4 types of Prometheus metrics?

The four main kinds of data Prometheus looks at are:

  • Counters - These are like tally marks that keep going up and can't go down.

  • Gauges - These can go up or down, like a thermometer.

  • Histograms - These group things into buckets so you can see how many fall into different ranges.

  • Summaries - These are like histograms but focus more on showing you the extremes, like the slowest times.

When not to use Prometheus?

Prometheus might not be the best pick if you need to track very detailed data for billing or if you're dealing with lots of different pieces of data that change a lot. It's great for checking on how things are running but not for keeping track of every tiny detail over a long time.

What is Prometheus and why is it used?

Prometheus is a tool for watching over computer systems and programs. It collects data over time, which helps people running these systems spot problems early or understand how well things are working. It's used a lot because it's good at gathering this data and making it easy to see what's going on through charts and alerts.

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